Perspectives on human identity and the doctrine of God : a critical theological reflection on identity in a market economy

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Identity remains one of the most important concepts in society today. When it comes to the shaping of modern identity, the market economy is arguably the most formative. Theologically, identity is a concept relevant to every Christian and engages the core of Christian doctrine. There are differences between the definitions of identity in Christianity and the market economy and it is contended that theology falls short in articulating and engaging with these differences. Weak critical engagement is ascribed here to a blindness to the doctrines of the market economy. The argument is that theology is too influenced by individualism to see the challenges. Furthermore, sustaining this weakness in theological engagement is an inadequate link between identity and the doctrine of God. The goal of this study is to articulate the threat that others are missing and argue for a reprioritisation of theology in the market economy. The dominant genres of ethics and evangelism are overused. Worse, they are the outcome of uncritical assimilation of an individualistic perspective. This dissertation has required broad research across two diverse fields. These are the contemporary writings of faith and work, and the systematic theology of identity. The engagement of these fields is through two primary conversation partners, Colin Gunton and Tim Keller. Keller is engaged as a representative of faith and work. His works are examined in the light of Gunton’s theology of identity, as well as social criticism coming from contemporary commentators. Where Keller is weak which, unfortunately, is often – his views are supported by views of other leading scholars of faith and work. Gunton is a leading scholar in the trinitarian movement. His critical analysis of individualism has been explored alongside his constructive application of perichoresis in rethinking modern identity. Rather than emerging from an emancipation of theistic worldviews, Gunton sees individualism as the manifestation of a theological construction rooted in Augustine. He advocates a relational ontology, wanting to correct Barth’s perceived foundationalism and muted pneumatology, moving from an analogia entis to an analogia relationis. Gunton sees the crisis though the complexity, keeping firmly rooted in the doctrine of atonement. He is appreciated for his insight into the formation of individualism and his departure from classical theology. While Gunton’s theological conclusions are challenged as over-reaching, his use of perichoresis has a role to play in repositioning identity as the first theological priority. Of the emphases from Gunton, this dissertation argues that mediation as a concept needs to play a central role with its expression in worship, vulnerability, and trust.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Identiteit bly een van die belangrikste konsepte in ons samelewing. Wanneer dit kom by die formasie van moderne identiteit kan ʼn argument gemaak word dat die markekonomie die grootste invloed het. Teologies is identiteit ʼn konsep wat relevant is vir elke Christen en raak aan die kern van Christelike dogmatiek. In terme van Christenskap en die markekonomie is daar verskille in die definisies van identiteit. Dit word geargumenteer dat teologie tekort skiet in die artikulasie en gesprekvoering met hierdie verskille. Die swak kritiese analise en omgang met hierdie kwessie word toegeskryf aan ʼn blindheid vir die doktrines van die markekonomie. Die argument is dat teologie te veel beïnvloed is deur individualisme om hierdie uitdagings te sien. Hierdie swakpunt in teologiese gesprekke word verder onderhou deur n onvoldoende verhouding tussen identiteit en die Godsleer. Die doel van hierdie studie is om dit wat ander miskyk te artikuleer en om te argumenteer vir ʼn herprioritisering van teologie in die markekonomie. Die dominante genres van etiek en evangelisasie is oorgebruik. Nog erger is hierdie konsepte die uitkoms van onkritiese assimilasie vanaf ʼn individualistiese perspektief. Hierdie proefskrif het breë navorsing oor twee diverse studievelde verlang, naamlik die kontemporêre skryfstukke van geloof en dade, en die sistematiese teologie van identiteit. Die primêre gespreksgenote in hierdie studie is Colin Gunton en Tim Keller. Keller de werk word ondersoek as verteenwoordiger van werk en dade deur die lens van Gunton se teologie van identiteit sowel as sosiale kritiek gelewer deur kontemporêre skrywers. Waar Keller se swakpunte uitkom, wat ongelukkig gereeld gebeur, word sy standpunte ondersteun deur ander leidende akademici wat werk op die veld van geloof en dade. Gunton is toonaangewende akademikus in die trinitariese beweging. Sy kritiese analise van individualisme is parallel ondersoek met sy konstruktiewe toepassing van perichoresis in die heroorweging van moderne identiteit. Eerder as om te beweeg vanaf ʼn verwydering van teïstiese wêreldbeskouing, sien Gunton individualisme as ʼn manifestasie van ʼn teologiese konstruk wat wortels het in Augustinus. Hy argumenteer vir ʼn ontologie gebaseer in verhoudings en wil Barth se verstaan van foundationalism en versagte pneumatologie korrigeer waar hy weg beweeg van ʼn analogia entis na ʼn analogia relationis. Gunton sien die krisis deur hierdie kompleksiteit en bly sterk gegrond in die dogmatiek van versoening. Hy word waardeer vir sy insig in die formasie van individualisme en sy vertrek vanaf klassieke teologie. Terwyl Gunton se teologiese gevolgtrekkings gekritiseer word as verregaande, het sy gebruik van perichoresis ʼn rol om te speel in die herposisionering van identiteit as die eerste teologiese prioriteit. Van die beklemtonings van Gunton, argumenteer hierdie proefskrif dat mediasie as konsep 'n sentrale rol moet plaas met die uitdrukking daarvan in aanbidding, kwesbaarheid en vertroue.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Identity, Theology, Doctrinal, Economy, Gunton, Colin E., Keller, Timothy, UCTD