Development and validation of a fixed wing UAV design model

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Drone applications are becoming more popular, especially for industries re- lated to security and delivery. The most widely used drones in the industry are quadcopter drones; however, they are often insufficient, especially regard-ing flight duration for specialised applications. A potential alternative is the use of fixed-wing drones, which can fly for longer duration’s and have already been utilised successfully in applications such as anti-poaching and medical supply delivery; therefore, the research in this project focused on developing a high-level design model for fixed-wing applications. The model receives user input regarding flight duration and payload weight, and the output includes the drone dimensions and the battery capacity required. The model was for- mulated based on theoretical approaches combined with data from popular motor and propeller manufacturers. The model predictions were validated against data collected from actual flight tests, and the results indicate that the required battery capacity can be predicted to within an accuracy of 5%. Three model applications are presented: a Monte Carlo analysis, a design application, and a performance prediction of an existing drone.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die gebruike van hommeltuie raak meer populêr veral in die sekuriteit en pro- duk aflewering industrieë. Standaard hommeltuie is egter nie altyd daartoe in staat wanneer dit kom by gespesialiseerde gebruike nie, veral nie wat vlugtyd aanbetref nie. ’n Potensiële alternatief is die gebruik van vaste vlerk hom- meltuie wat vir langer kan vlieg en reeds suksesvol benut is in gebruike soos teen-stropery en mediese toerusting aflewring. Die navorsing in die projek was daarom uitgespan om ’n hoë vlak ontwerps model te ontwikkel vir vaste vlerk toepassings. Inset word gegee rakende vlugtyd en die gewig van ’n vrag. Die model lewer dan terugvoer op die lugraam se dimensies en die battery kapasi- teit wat benodig word. Die model maak gebruik van ’n teoretiese benadering om die aandrwying wat benodig is te bepaal asook data van gewilde motor en propeller vervaardigers om die werksverigting van die aandryfstelsel te bepaal. Die model was gevalideer teen data wat verkry is vanaf toets vlugte en die re- sultate toon dat die model se voorspelling vir die benodigde battery kapasiteit binne ongeveer 5% is. Drie model toepassings word dan gegee: ’n Monte Carlo analise, ’n ontwerps toepassing en ’n voorspelling op ’n bestaande model se vermoëns.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Drone applications, Quadcopter drones, Drone aircraft, Aerodynamics, UCTD