Postharvest insect pest disinfestation in export Proteaceae cut flowers - the potential of new disinfestation strategies

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Proteaceae family are associated with a wide range of insect pests which feed both externally and internally. International agricultural trade of fresh plant material increases the risk of introducing invasive, polyphagous insects into new areas. The risk of introducing invasive insect species puts pressure on producers, as production costs increase with each required control program, and decreases the total value of the crop, due to damage and quarantine restrictions. Therefore, preharvest and postharvest control measures are required to prevent the introduction of regulatory pests on traded commodities. The feasibility of the Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment System (CATTS) was assessed as a potential alternative disinfestation technique on export quality Protea magnifica (‘Barbi’), Leucospermum lineare x cordifolium (‘Succession’), Leucospermum patersonii x cordifolium (‘High Gold’) and Leucadendron salignum (‘Goldstrike’) cut flower stems. CATTS target temperature was reached by using 35°C/hr ramp rate from 23°C to 40°C with a 15 min soaking period at the target temperature. The atmospheric composition for CATTS treatments was 1% O2 and 15% CO2 in N2, with relative humidity maintained at 80%. CATTS-treated stems underwent vase life studies after treatment, or following freight simulation periods, namely storage at 2°C under normal atmosphere for 3 days or 21 days to simulate air and sea freight, respectively. Additionally, the potential of pretreatment pulsing and/or hydrating to prevent CATTS-induced leaf blackening was investigated. Pretreatment pulsing treatments were conducted by holding the flower stems in 10 ml/L Prof 3 (Chrysal Professional 3 vase and foam solution) for 1 hour, while the hydrating solution contained 5 ml/L Prof 2 (Chrysal Professional 2 transport and display solution). Protea ‘Barbi’ marketability was significantly reduced by CATTS treatment. Phytotoxic damage on this cultivar manifested as premature leaf blackening and wilting and intense discoloration of the inflorescence. Pulsing effectively inhibited the resultant phytotoxic damage when Protea ‘Barbi’ stems were evaluated immediately post CATTS treatment and after air freight simulation however, had no significant impact when the stems were evaluated post sea freight simulation. Similarly, hydrating was effective in preventing phytotoxic damage during immediate evaluation however, had no significant impact when the stems were subjected to freight simulation. Leucadendron ‘Goldstrike’ withstood treatments and maintained marketable quality following treatment and air freight simulations. However, subjecting CATTS-treated Leucadendron ‘Goldstrike’ stems to simulated sea-freight storage resulted in severe phytotoxic damage. Post sea freight, neither pulsing nor hydrating during CATTS treatment had a positive impact on the foliage quality post storage. Leucospermum cultivars, ‘Succession’ and ‘High Gold’ withstood CATTS treatments and maintained good quality. Pulsing and/or hydration of Leucospermum cultivars, ‘Succession’ and ‘High Gold’, prior to CATTS treatment, reduced the vase life of the cultivars by causing premature style reflexion. CATTS treatments were ineffective in controlling mixed thrips and insects from the Coleoptera family, which were incidentally included in the treatments. Post CATTS treatment morphological analysis of the mixed thrips identified four different species of thrips on Leucospermum ‘High Gold’ as the western flower thrips, (Frankliniella occidentalis), common blossom thrips (Frankliniella schultzei), onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) and predatory thrips (Aeolothrips species). Leucospermum ‘Jelena’ only displayed the western flower thrips, of those that could be identified morphologically and many immature thrips, which could not be identified easily on a morphological basis. To assess a potential technique to improve the quality of CATTS-treated Protea ‘Barbi’ and Protea ‘Sylvia’, stems were dipped in a 2% thiabendazole solution and then CATTS treated at a target temperature of 40°C. Thiabendazole (TBZ) dipping significantly reduced the incidence of leaf blackening in Protea ‘Barbi’ stems which were assessed immediately posttreatment, as well as post freight simulation. However, TBZ did not inhibit the foliage discoloration and leaf blackening on Protea ‘Sylvia’ stored at low temperatures (2°C) for prolonged duration (21 days). Lastly, the potential use of ethyl formate (EF) fumigation to control insects on Serruria florida (‘Blushing Brides’) was assessed. The treatments used were: 10.00 g/m³ for 2 hours, 18.53 g/m³ for 1.75 hours, 20.00 g/m³ for 1 hour and 20.00 g/m³ for 2 hours. Additionally, the impact of pre- fumigation pulsing with 10 ml/L Prof 3 and/or 4 ml/L Chrysal Viva dipping was investigated. The study found that prolonged fumigations were not suitable for ‘Blushing Brides’. The phytotoxic damage manifested as discoloration and browning of the foliage. The phytotoxic damage was more evident on mature florets which had already opened during fumigation. Pulsing and dipping florets and foliage did not prevent phytotoxic damage induced by EF fumigation. Effective insect control (100% mortality) was achieved during fumigation at EF concentration of 18. 53 g/m³ for 1.75 h and 20.00 g/m³ for 1 and 2 h treatment time. The current study proved that CATTS technology can potentially be established as a viable disinfestation method for Leucospermum cultivars ‘Succession’ and ‘High Gold’, and Leucadendron ‘Goldstrike’. CATTS treatments for Protea ‘Barbi’ stems are the least promising. However, the use of thiabendazole as a pre-CATTS treatment, reduces CATTS induced phytotoxic damage and Protea leaf blackening. With further research, treatment protocols can be developed for export fynbos cut flowers with minimal quality loss. More research, which will incorporate a diverse range of Proteaceae cut flowers and methods for ensuring and improving marketable flower quality after treatment and storage, are still required.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Proteaceae-familie word geassosieer met 'n wye reeks insekplae wat beide uitwendig en inwendig voed. Internasionale landbouhandel van vars plantmateriaal verhoog die risiko om indringer, polifagotiese insekte na nuwe gebiede in te voer. Die risiko van indringer-insekspesies plaas druk op produsente, aangesien produksiekoste met elke vereiste beheerprogram styg, en die totale waarde van die oes verlaag, as gevolg van skade en kwarantynbeperkings. Daarom word voor- en na-oes beheermaatreëls vereis om die bekendstelling van regulatoriese plae op verhandelde kommoditeite te voorkom. Die uitvoerbaarheid van die Beheerde Atmosfeer Temperatuur Behandeling Sisteem (CATTS) is beoordeel as 'n potensiële alternatiewe ontsmettingstegniek op uitvoerkwaliteit Protea magnifica ('Barbi'), Leucospermum lineare x cordifolium ('Opvolging'), Leucospermum patersonii x cordifolium ('High Gold') ) en Leucadendron salignum ('Goldstrike') gesnyde blomstingels. CATTS- teikentemperatuur is bereik deur 35°C/uur verhogingsskaal van 23°C tot 40°C te gebruik met 'n 15 min deurweekperiode by die teikentemperatuur. Die atmosferiese samestelling vir CATTS- behandelings was 1% O2 en 15% CO2 in N2, met relatiewe humiditeit gehandhaaf op 80%. CATTS- behandelde stingels het vaaslewestudies ondergaan na behandeling, of na vragsimulasieperiodes, naamlik berging by 2°C onder normale atmosfeer vir 3 dae of 21 dae om lug- en seevrag onderskeidelik te simuleer. Boonop is die potensiaal van voorbehandeling pulsering en/of hidrering om CATTS- geïnduseerde blaarverswarting te voorkom, ondersoek. Voorbehandeling polsbehandelings is uitgevoer deur die blomstingels vir 1 uur in 10 ml/L Prof 3 (Chrysal Professional 3 vaas en skuimoplossing) te hou, terwyl die hidrerende oplossing 5 ml/L Prof 2 (Chrysal Professional 2 vervoer- en vertoonoplossing) bevat het. Protea 'Barbi' bemarkbaarheid is aansienlik verminder deur CATTS behandeling. Fitotoksiese skade op hierdie kultivar het gemanifesteer as voortydige blaarverswarting en verwelking en intense verkleuring van die bloeiwyse. Pulsering het die gevolglike fitotoksiese skade effektief geïnhibeer toe Protea 'Barbi'-stingels onmiddellik na CATTS-behandeling geëvalueer is en na lugvrag-simulasie het dit egter geen noemenswaardige impak gehad wanneer die stamme na seevrag-simulasie geëvalueer is nie. Net so was hidrering effektief in die voorkoming van fitotoksiese skade tydens onmiddellike evaluering, maar het geen noemenswaardige impak gehad wanneer die stamme aan vrag-simulasie onderwerp is nie. Leucadendron 'Goldstrike' het behandelings deurstaan en bemarkbare kwaliteit gehandhaaf na behandeling en lugvrag-simulasies. Die onderwerping van CATTS-behandelde Leucadendron ‘Goldstrike’-stingels aan gesimuleerde seevragberging het egter ernstige fitotoksiese skade tot gevolg gehad. Na seevrag, het nie polsing of hidrasie tydens CATTS behandeling 'n positiewe impak op die loof kwaliteit na berging gehad nie. Leucospermum kultivars, ‘Succession’ en ‘High Gold’ het CATTS-behandelings deurstaan en goeie kwaliteit gehandhaaf. Pulsering en/of hidrasie van Leucospermum kultivars, ‘Succession’ en ‘High Gold’, voor CATTS-behandeling, het die vaaslewe van die kultivars verminder deur voortydige stylrefleksie te veroorsaak. CATTS-behandelings was ondoeltreffend in die beheer van gemengde blaaspootjies en insekte van die Coleoptera-familie, wat terloops by die behandelings ingesluit is. Post-CATTS-behandeling morfologiese ontleding van die gemengde blaaspootjies het vier verskillende spesies blaaspootjies op Leucospermum 'High Gold' geïdentifiseer as die westelike blomblaaspootjies, (Frankliniella occidentalis), gewone blomblaaspootjies (Frankliniella schultzei), uie blaaspootjies (Thrips tabaci) en roofblaaspootjies (Aeolothrips spesies). Leucospermum ‘Jelena’ het slegs die westelike blomblaaspootjies vertoon, van dié wat morfologies geïdentifiseer kon word en baie onvolwasse blaaspootjies, wat nie maklik op 'n morfologiese basis uitgeken kon word nie. Om 'n potensiële tegniek te bepaal om die kwaliteit van CATTS-behandelde Protea 'Barbi' en Protea 'Sylvia' te verbeter, is stingels in 'n 2% tiabendasooloplossing (TBZ) gedoop en dan CATTS behandel teen 'n teikentemperatuur van 40°C. Tiabendasool-dip het die voorkoms van blaarverswarting in Protea 'Barbi'-stingels aansienlik verminder wat onmiddellik na-behandeling, sowel as na-vrag- simulasie beoordeel is. TBZ het egter nie die blareverkleuring en blaarverkleuring op Protea ‘Sylvia’ wat by lae temperature (2°C) gestoor is vir 'n lang tydperk (21 dae) belemmer nie. Laastens is die potensiële gebruik van etielformaat (EF) beroking om insekte op Serruria florida ('Blushing Brides' ook bekend as Bergbruidjies) te beheer, geassesseer. Die behandelings wat gebruik is was: 10.00 g/m³ vir 2 uur, 18.53 g/m³ vir 1.75 uur, 20.00 g/m³ vir 1 uur en 20.00 g/m³ vir 2 uur. Daarbenewens is die impak van preberokingspulsering met 10 ml/L Prof 3 en/of 4 ml/L Chrysal Viva- dip ondersoek. Die studie het bevind dat langdurige berokings nie geskik was vir Bergbruidjies nie. Die fitotoksiese skade het gemanifesteer as verkleuring en verbruining van die blare. Die fitotoksiese skade was duideliker op volwasse blomme wat reeds tydens beroking oopgemaak het. Polsende en doop blommetjies en blare het nie fitotoksiese skade wat deur EF beroking veroorsaak is, verhoed nie. Effektiewe insekbeheer (100% mortaliteit) is bereik tydens beroking by EF konsentrasie van 18.53 g/m³ vir 1.75 uur en 20.00 g/m³ vir 1 en 2 uur behandelingstyd. Die huidige studie het bewys dat CATTS-tegnologie moontlik gevestig kan word as 'n lewensvatbare ontsmettingsmetode vir Leucospermum kultivars 'Succession' en 'High Gold', en Leucadendron 'Goldstrike'. CATTS-behandelings vir Protea ‘Barbi’-stingels is die minste belowend. Die gebruik van tiabendasool as 'n pre-CATTS-behandeling verminder egter CATTS-geïnduseerde fitotoksisiteit en Protea-blaarverswarting. Met verdere navorsing kan behandelingsprotokolle ontwikkel word vir uitvoer fynbos snyblomme met minimale kwaliteit verlies. Meer navorsing, wat 'n diverse reeks Proteaceae-snyblomme sal insluit en metodes om bemarkbare blomkwaliteit na behandeling en berging te verseker en te verbeter, is steeds nodig.
Thesis (MScConsEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Proteaceae -- Diseases and pests -- Control, Cut flowers -- Postharvest technology, Phytosanitory, Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment System, Thiabendazole, UCTD