Tuneable VHF and UHF notch filters for protection against jamming

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A novel narrow-band helical resonator stop-band filter, with PIN-diode based switched frequency states, is presented for the first time. The use of PIN- diodes offers a very low-loss discrete tuning solution, as the ’on’-resistance of typical PIN-diodes can be orders of magnitude lower than that of varactor diodes. Furthermore, PIN-didoes are very well suited to high-power applications. The filter makes use of PIN-diodes to effectively change the length of the helical resonator, and in addition to the favourable characteristics of the PIN- diodes, thereby also implements inductive tuning, which naturally results in a very constant stop-band width. The development of the filter is performed in two stages - one a fixed frequency notch filter, and the next a5-state switched- frequency filter. To compare, a varactor-tuned LC notch filter is also designed, manufactured, and tested. A first p roof-of-concept prototype of the switched helical resonator filter yielded excellent results, with a centre frequency range of 180-450 MHz, notch depths of better than 30 dB over 10 MHz notch band- width, -3 dB notch bandwidths of 35 MHz, very low pass-band insertion loss of better than 1 dB, and much better power handling than the LC counterpart.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Nuwe nouband heliese resoneerder stopbandfilter, met PIN-diode geskakelde frewkensie toestande, word vir die eerste keer voorgestel. Die gebruik van PIN- diodes maak ’n baie lae-verlies, diskrete frekwensieverstelling moontlik, as ge- volg van die lae ’aan’-weerstand van PIN-diodes, wat tipies grootte-ordes laer kan wees as die van varaktor-diodes. PIN-diodes is ook baie geskik vir hoö- drywing toepassings. Die filter maak gebruik van PIN-diodes om effektief die lengte van ’n heliese resoneerder te verstel, en skep sodoende ’n induktiewe fre- kwensieverstelling. Hierdie aspek, bykomend tot die voordele van PIN-diodes, is baie voordelig vir die skep van amper konstante bandwydte stopbande. Die ontwikkeling van die filter is in twee stappe -een ’ n vaste frekwensie heliese resoneerder stopbandfilter, en d ie volgende ’ n 5 -toestand g eskakelde frekwen- sie filter. Asvergelyking, word ’ n varaktor-verstelbare L C-filter ook ontwerp en getoets. ’n Eerste prototipe van die geskakelde heliese resoneerder filter toon uitstekende werkverrigting, met ’n senterfrekwensieverstelling van 180- 450 MHz, stopband verswakking van groter as 30 dB oor 10 MHz stopband- wydtes, -3 dB stopbandwydtes van 35 MHz, baie lae deurlaatband insetverlies van 1 dB, en beduidend beter drywingshantering as die LC-filter.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Frequency stability, UCTD, UHF radio, VHF radio, Tuning -- Electronic equipment, Radio frequency interference -- Protection