Towards a Model for Digital Scholarly Editions in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the development of a platform for housing the new Michael Mosoeu Moerane Scholarly Edition. It explains how and why both the platform and this edition could provide a model for the further development of digital scholarly editions in South Africa. It lays bare the various steps, both technological and intellectual, that were involved in the journey towards this model, especially the tools that were used and adaptations that were made as changes to content occurred. This narrative is situated within the framework of digital online models that already exist, such as the Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa Critical Edition and the Digital Mozart Edition. The thesis describes the Michael Mosoeu Moerane Scholarly Edition as it currently stands on the web-based platform, african-composersedition., from a content, user and administrator perspective. Lastly, it evaluates the model, the way it was constructed, and the reasoning behind this, in order to assess how it differs from similar editions elsewhere and what is, or is not, extendable in the South African context.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die ontwikkeling van 'n platform vir die nuwe Michael Mosoeu MoeraneVakkundige Edisie. Dit verduidelik hoe en waarom beide die platform en hierdie edisie 'n model kan bied vir die verdere ontwikkeling van digitale vakkundige edisiesin Suid-Afrika. Deurgaans word die intellektueel en tegnologiese stappe wat gelei het tot die ontwikkeling van die bestaande platform bespreek, veral die programmeringsinstrumente wat gebruik is en aanpassings wat aangebring is in die verloop van die ontwerp. Hierdie tesis is geleë binne die raamwerk van digitale modelle wat reeds aanlyn bestaan, soos die Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa Kritiese Edisiegeskep en die Digital Mozart Edition. Die tesis beskryf die Michael Mosoeu Moerane Vakkundige Edisiesoos dit tans op die webgebaseerde platform, staan, vanuit 'n inhouds-, gebruikers- en administratiewe perspektief. Laastens evalueer dit die model, die manier waarop dit gekonstrueer is en die onderliggende denke hiervoor, om te bepaal hoe die model verskil van soortgelyke edisies elders en watter elemente toepaslik is in die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Digital Scholarly Edition