Wave front simulator for closed loop testing of direction finding systems

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Direction finding systems are highly complex and intricate. The direction finding antenna arrays are expensive and sometimes physically large (more than 125 m is some arrays). When these systems are developed the first stage is to prototype the relevant direction finding algorithms using software simulations. Secondly the antennas, radio frequency (RF) and digital signal processing (DSP) hardware needs to be developed. The third step in this development process is to test the complete system. In the production environment, it is also required to determine the functioning and accuracy of direction finding systems. Rapid prototyping of new direction finding algorithms also require a quick reliable test bed. The wave front simulator (WFS) fulfills these requirements, either as standalone or via a closed loop test setup to determine the accuracy of the direction finding systems, by simulating a wave front of an incident signal on an antenna array
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rigtingpeilers is hoogs kompleks en ingewikklede sisteme. Die rigtingpeilantenna-skikkings is meestal duur en groot (tot 125 m by party skikkings). Wanneer hierdie stelsels ontwikkel word is die eerste stap om die die rigtingpeil algoritmes te ontwikkel deur sagteware simulasies.Tweedens word die antennas, die radio frekwensie (RF) en syferseinverwerking ontwikkel. Derdens word die hele stelsel aanmekaar gesit en getoets. In die produksie omgewing is dit ook noodsaaklik om die werking en akkuraatheid van ‘n rigtingpeilstelsel te bepaal. Lae omdraaityd ontwikkelings van nuwe rigtingpeil-algoritmes kort ook ‘n betroubare toets medium. Die golffront-simulator voldoen aan die vereistes, as ‘n losstaande of geslote lus opstelling om die akkuraatheid van rigtingpeilstelsel te bepaal, deur ‘n golffront van ‘n inkomemde sein op ‘n antenna-skikking te simuleer.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Wave front simulator, UCTD, Antenna arrays, Prototyping, Software, Radio frequency, Signal processing -- Digital techniques