Developing boredom as a pedagogical tool for fostering creativity in higher education: a pedagogical metaphor

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The vast body of knowledge on creativity and its development amongst higher education students underpins the critical role that creativity plays within the unpredictable and uncertain future of the 21st century. Despite the plethora of ways in which the literature suggests that creativity can be fostered, the notion of boredom as possible contributor to creativity is notably limited. Boredom appears to have largely been vilified within the context of higher education, with very few links made between the possibilities that boredom may hold for fostering creativity within the higher education context. This study employed concept analyses of the concepts of boredom and creativity in order to seek a potential nexus, if any, in operationalizing boredom within the higher education context towards fostering creativity amongst students. This thesis will review the concept analysis of each concept conducted, introduce a pedagogical metaphor to demonstrate the findings of the study, and conclude with limitations of the study and recommendations for future research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die versameling van kennis tans beskikbaar oor kreatiwiteit en die ontwikkeling van kreatiwiteit onder hoër onderwys studente is beduidend van die kritiese rol wat aan kreatiwiteit toegeskryf word in die konteks van die 21ste eeu en die onvoorspelbaarheid en onsekerheid wat dit meebring. Alhoewel ‘n groot verskeidenheid van strategieë in die literatuur aangebied word waarvolgens kreatiwiteit ontwikkel word, word die moontlike bydrae wat verveling daartoe kan maak, selde genoem. Dit is noemenswaarding dat verveling binne die konteks van hoër onderwys dikwels afgeraai word en dat moontlike verbande tussen verveling en kreatiwiteit nie dikwels oorweeg word nie. Hierdie studie het van konsep analise gebruik gemaak om die konsepte van verveling en kreatiwiteit onderskeidelik te ondersoek, ten einde ‘n moontlike verband, indien enige, tussen die gebruik van verveling ten einde kreatiwiteit aan te spoor onder tersiêre studente, vas te stel. Hierdie tesis sal die konsep analise van elke konsep bespreek, ‘n pedagogiese metafoor bekendstel om die bevindinge van die studie te illustreer, en sekere beperkinge en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing maak.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
College students -- Psychological aspects, Boredom, Creativity, Creative thinking, Higher education -- Psychological aspects, UCTD