Being harmed and harming: government responsibility for inadequate healthcare

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the importance of the concept of harm in formal and applied ethics, the concept itself has received comparatively little attention. This dissertation aims to develop a concept of harm that can carry the weight of the moral arguments that rely on it. It is generally considered wrong to harm others, and as a good thing to act in a way that avoids, prevents, or lessens harm to them. Yet we are often hard-pressed to say what it is for a thing to be harmed, or to cause harm. Traditionally, there are non-comparative accounts of harm whose generalised view is that harms are at the same time intrinsic bads, and comparative accounts which commonly view harms as events that leave us worse off than we historically were before their occurrence or than we would have counterfactually been had the events not occurred. On the one hand, both of these accounts are inconsistent with some of our moral intuitions about harm; on the other, they do accept – but fail to show why – it is impossible to think of harms that are not bad for their victims in some respect. In this dissertation, I defend the concept of harm as prudential disvalue, which coherently holds that harms are bad for their victims from their own perspective. In order to avoid being radically subjective and including trivial things under the definition of harm, I adopt the “appealing-life view”, arguing that harms are things that detract from the appealworthiness of being in someone’s position. I then apply this revised concept of harm to a real-world example. I show why the lack of access to adequate healthcare services in Tanzania is a harm, in what respects the Tanzanian government is responsible for this harm, and why this harm is not justified, which renders the government morally blameworthy. In the domain of formal moral theory, the dissertation contributes to the scholarly literature on the problem of harm. In the field of applied ethics, the dissertation helps us to understand not only the nature of hardships endured by people within an inadequately-resourced and -managed healthcare system, but also the responsibility for the harm suffered as a result of these institutional failures.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van die belangrikheid van die begrip “skade” (“harm”) in die formele en toegepaste etiek het die begrip self nog betreklik min aandag geniet. Hierdie proefskrif het ten doel om ‘n begrip van skade te ontwikkel wat die gewig kan dra van die morele argumente wat daarop steun. Dit word oor die algemeen as verkeerd beskou om ander skade aan te doen, en as ‘n goeie ding om op 'n manier op te tree wat skade aan ander vermy, voorkom of verminder. Tog vind ons dit in baie gevalle moeilik om te sê wat presies dit inhou vir iets of iemand om óf benadeel te word óf om skade te veroorsaak. Die standaard-opvattings van skade behels nie-vergelykende teorieë waarvolgens skade intrinsiek sleg is, sowel as vergelykende teorieë waarvolgens skade gedefinieer word as enige gebeurtenis wat ons slegter daaraan toe laat as wat ons voorheen was of as wat ons sou gewees het as die gebeurtenis nie plaasgevind het nie. Aan die een kant strook die genoemde teorieë nie met sommige van ons morele intuïsies oor skade nie; aan die ander kant aanvaar hierdie teorieë – maar verduidelik nie waarom dit so is nie – dat dit onmoontlik is om skade te bedink wat nie in een of ander opsig sleg is vir die slagoffers daarvan nie. In hierdie proefskrif verdedig ek ‘n opvatting van skade as ‘n omsigtige anti-waarde (“prudential disvalue”), wat inhou dat skade sleg is vanuit slagoffers se eie perspektief. Ten einde te verhoed dat hierdie definisie van skade in radikale subjektiwisme verval of onbenullighede insluit, ontwikkel ek ‘n “aantreklike-lewe opvatting” (“appealing-life view”) van skade, waarvolgens skade enigiets is wat afbreuk doen aan die aantreklikheid daarvan om in iemand se posisie te wees. Ek pas dan hierdie hersiene begrip van skade op ‘n praktiese voorbeeld toe. Ek demonstreer naamlik waarom die gebrek aan toegang tot voldoende gesondheidsorgdienste in Tanzanië ‘n skade is, en in watter opsigte die Tanzaniese regering moreel blaamwaardig is vir sodanige skade. Op die gebied van formele morele teorie dra die proefskrif by tot die filosofiese literatuur oor die problematiek van skade. Op die gebied van toegepaste etiek help die proefskrif ons om ‘n begrip te vorm van sowel die aard van skade as die verantwoordelikheid vir die skade wat gely word as gevolg van institusionele mislukkings.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Inadequate Healthcare, UCTD, Medical errors, Government liability -- Tanzania