Hybrid agency in the age of big data: towards a Foucaultian problematisation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: What is the philosophical problem that best characterises the present historical moment in which we find ourselves? How does it affect the ways in which we understand the problem of what we are? As I discuss in this thesis, one of the important problems that we face today, situated in an increasingly digitised world, is that of how we are to understand ourselves and our capacities for agency (or freedom) and ethics while paying close attention to the issue of the relationship between the ‘human’ and ‘technology’. As such, I set out in this thesis to problematise these issues in terms of the notion of the ‘subject’ for today’s digitally mediated world, departing from the assumption that the idea of the subject is thrown into question on account of contemporary big data practices. I will do so in line with the ethical philosophical practice that Michel Foucault has in mind with the notion of the ‘critical ontology of ourselves’ (1997). I argue and show in this thesis that Foucault’s framework of the constituted subject, and the related understandings of agency (or freedom) and ethics, can be of great help to us for understanding ourselves as agents or subjects in the contemporary world of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Foucault’s framework is especially relevant in the sense that he understands the subject as formed at the level of our everyday social practices, in a complex network of power and knowledge relations, and by what he calls objectifying practices and processes of subjectivation (Foucault, 1984). I also merge the hybridity approach to human- technology relations (Dorrestijn, 2012; Verbeek, 2015) with Foucault’s understanding of ‘technology’ and ‘technique’ (technē) as part of this thesis’ attempt at developing a critically informed answer to the question of ‘what we are’ in the context of what will be discussed as the ‘problem of the present’ (Foucault, 1982: 785). As we will see, the hybridity approach coheres rather well, and it can be shown to be congruent in many ways, with the relevant Foucaultian insights that I discuss about the socio-technological constitution of subjects. Ultimately, I attempt to provide an answer to the question of how a Foucaultian-hybridity perspective enables us to arrive at an understanding of ethics that is relevant to the notion of the subject considered in the context I elaborate as the age of big data. In short, the answer I provide entails an ethics or ēthos regarding our modes of hybridised being in the contemporary world of Big Data. I construe this hybrid ethics in terms of an ēthos of balance, inspired by Aristotelian virtue ethics, which is articulated and discussed in terms of the late-Foucaultian (and ancient Greco-Roman) idea of the care of the self and an aesthetics of existence.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons lewe in ‘n tydperk van ‘Big Data’ en kunsmatige intelligensie wat nuwe algoritmiese metodes en tegnieke vir die ordering van ons handeling, gedrag, en ons daaglikse praktyke meebring, soos ek sal bespreek in dié tesis. In hierdie verband stel ek die volgende twee belangrike vrae: wat is die filosofiese probleem wat die huidige historiese oomblik waarin ons lewe beste raakvat? Verder, hoe beïnvloed dit die manier waarop ons die vraag problematiseer met betrekking tot ‘wat ons is’ in die kontemporêre wêreld? In die tesis stel ek voor dat een van die belangrikste probleme of vrae waarmee ons vandag te doen het verband hou met hoe ons onsself verstaan, en dan ook terselfdetyd rondom die kwessies van ons agentskap, of vryheid, en ons etiek. Nóg ‘n belangrike probleem wat aangespreek moet word, het te make met hoe die mens haarself sien in terme van die mens-tegnologie verhouding. Ek argumenteer in dié tesis dat die raamwerk van die Franse filosoof, Michel Foucault, met betrekking tot die konsep van die ‘gekonstitueerde subjek’ wat gevorm en saamgestel word deur ons alledaagse sosiale interaksies, praktyke, tegnieke, tegnologieë, en magsverhoudings, ons kan help om hierdie probleme houkeuring aan te pak. Ek sal vervolgens die sogenoemde ‘hibriditeit’ konsepsie van die mens-tegnologie verhouding kombineer met Foucault se insigte om uiteindelik ‘n tipe van ‘n oplossing voor te stel met betrekking tot die probleem van wat ons is en die probleem van die hede. Uiteindelik probeer ek die volgende vraag beantwoord: hoe kan só ‘n gekombineerde (Foucaultiaanse-hibriditeit) perspektief ons in staat stel om ‘n konsepsie van etiese praktyke en vorms van bestaan voor te stel? My antwoord behels (kortliks) ‘n sekere etiek (ēthos) wat te doen het met ons gehibridiseerde wyses van bestaan in die tyd van ‘Big Data’. Ek bespreek dit in terme van ‘n etiek of ēthos van balans tussen ons aktiewe en passiewe vorme van hibriditeit, waar ek inspirasie put uit Aristoteles se opvatting van deugde-etiek, wat geartikuleer en bespreek word in terme van die laat-Foucaultse (en antieke Griekse) etiese konsep van die sorg van die self en ‘n estetika van bestaan.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
UCTD, Big data, Ethics, Philosophy, Modern -- Ethics, Foucault, Michel, Self (Philosophy)