The prevalence of sanitizer resistant listeria monocytogenes in South African food processing environments

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous, Gram-positive bacteria, that can survive and proliferate within food processing environments (FPEs), form biofilms on a variety of surfaces, survive the application of the quaternary ammonium compound (QAC)-class of sanitizer and cause the human disease listeriosis. Cleaning of FPEs follows a multistep process which include the application of a detergent and mechanical action (scrubbing), facilitating the removal of soil and debris, which may help shield bacteria from the effects of the cleaning chemicals. This multistep cleaning process culminates in the application of a terminal disinfectant (sanitizer) which helps remove any surviving, free cells. If the prior steps of cleaning are not adequately carried out, sublethal exposure of the sanitizer in use may occur which may lead to a rise in resistance towards the sanitizer applied. Citizens of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) were subjected to the world’s largest outbreak of listeriosis over the 2017-2018 period. Based on previous global outbreaks of listeriosis and an association between the presence of resistance genes, conferring resistance to QAC-class of sanitizer, an investigation into the prevalence of sanitizer resistant L. monocytogenes from six (6) South African FPEs from across RSA was carried out with a sample size of 50 (N=50). The 50 isolates were obtained from presumptive positive RapidL’mono (Biorad, FR) selective media plates through visual confirmation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmation by screening for the hly gene. The isolates were then categorized into lineage types with 14 being assigned to lineage I and 36 being assigned to lineage II. The origin of the isolates were either from drains, the food processing environment or food contact surfaces. All 50 isolates were confirmed to be L. monocytogenes. Due to their presence in clinical outbreaks of listeriosis and their high prevalence of reporting in international literature, four QAC resistance genes: bcrABC, emrC, emrE and qacH were screened for in the samples using conventional PCR. Contrary to international literature, the emrE and qacH genes were not found in any of the isolates, however, a high prevalence of the bcrABC gene (68%) and emrC gene (62%) were found in the isolates which indicates a high prevalence of QAC resistance amongst the isolates. Phenotypic testing was also carried out using a modified disk diffusion method. A high prevalence of phenotypic resistance towards different generations of QACs and QAC cocktails was found as well. Although, there were differences in sanitizer susceptibilities between isolation source, benzalkonium chloride (a first generation QAC) (BAC) was found to be the least effective while a QAC-free sanitizer from Byotrol was found to be the most effective. The phenotypic tests were carried out to represent a worst-case scenario of contamination. Finally, using a novel technique to measure biofilm growth in real time, known as the CO2 Evolution Measurement System (CEMS), one isolate was used to measure the efficacies of BAC, peracetic acid (PAA) and the QAC free sanitizer from Byotrol against a L. monocytogenes biofilm’s CO2 output in real time. The isolate chosen was a lineage II and held both the bcrABC and emrC resistance genes. Resistance towards BAC was encountered 15 hours after initial treatment and no resistance was encountered when the isolate was treated with PAA and the QAC free sanitizer from Byotrol. To conclude, a high prevalence of resistance towards QAC-based sanitizers was found amongst the isolates from the six South African FPEs. Industry should therefore carefully consider their choice of sanitizers going forward and select a sanitizer that is effective against their FPE’s unique sanitizer resistance profiles.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Listeria monocytogenes is ‘n alomteenwoordige Gram-positiewe bakterie wat kan oorleef en versprei binne voedselverwerkingsomgewings (FPEs), biofilms kan vorm op ‘n verskeidenheid van oppervlaktes, die toepassing van kwaternêre ammoniumverbindings (QAC)-klas ontsmettingsmiddels kan oorleef en die menslike siektetoestand, listeriose, kan veroorsaak. Die skoonmaak van FPEs volg ‘n multistap-proses wat verskeie stappe bevat, insluitend die toepassing van ‘n skoonmaakmiddel en meganiese aksie (skrop) wat help om grond en ander stowwe, wat kan help om die bakterieë te beskerm teen die effek van skoonmaak middels, te verwyder. Hierdie multistap skoonmaakproses kulmineer in die toepassing van ‘n terminale ontsmettingsmiddel wat help om enige oorlewende, vry selle te verwyder, en indien die voorafgaande skoonmaakstappe nie voldoende uitgevoer is nie, kan subletale blootstelling aan die ontsmettingsmiddel wat gebruik word, voorkom, wat kan lei tot ‘n toename in weerstandbiedendheid teen die ontsmettingsmiddel. Burgers van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (RSA) is gedurende die periode 2017-2018 onderwerp aan die wêreld se grootste uitbreek van listeriose. Op grond van vorige globale uitbreke van listeriose en ‘n verband tussen die voorkoms van weerstandsgene wat weerstandbiedendheid teen QAC-klas ontsmettingsmiddels kan oordra, is ‘n ondersoek geloods na die voorkoms van ontsmettingsmiddel weerstandbiedende L. monocytogenes vanuit ses (6) Suid-Afrikaanse FPEs regoor die RSA met ‘n steekproefgrootte van 50 (N=50). Die 50 isolate is verkry uit vermoedelik-positiewe RapidL’mono (Biorad, FR) selektiewe media plate deur visuele bevestiging en polimerase kettingreaksie (PCR) bevestiging deur die hly geen te gebruik. Die isolate is dan in geslagslyne gekategoriseer, met 14 wat toegeken is aan geslagslyn I en 36 aan geslagslyn II. Die isolate het vanuit dreine, die voedselprosesseringsomgewing of voedselkontakoppervlaktes gekom. Daar is gevind dat al 50 isolate L. monocytogenes is. Daar is vir vier QAC weerstandsgene: bcrABC; emrC; emrE; en qacH; gekontroleer in die monsters met behulp van konvensionele PCR vanweë hul teenwoordigheid in kliniese uitbrake van listeriose en hul hoë voorkoms van rapportering in internasionale literatuur. In teenstelling met internasionale literatuur is die emrE en qacH gene nie in enige van die isolate opgespoor nie, maar ‘n hoë voorkoms van die bcrABC geen (68%) van isolate en emrC (62%) is gevind, wat ‘n hoë voorkoms van QAC-weerstandbiedendheid onder isolate aandui. Fenotipiese toetsing is ook uitgevoer deur middel van ‘n gewysigde skyfdiffusie metode. ‘n Hoë voorkoms van fenotipiese weerstand tot verskillende generasies van QACs en QAC-mengsels is ook gevind. Daar was verskille in vatbaarheid tussen isolasiebronne, maar in die algemeen is gevind dat bensalkoniumchloried (‘n eerste generasie QAC) (BAC) die minste effektief was en ‘n QAC-vrye ontsmettingsmiddel van Byotrol, die mees effektiewe ontsmettingsmiddel was. Die fenotipiese toetse is uitgevoer om die ergste geval van kontaminasie voor te stel. Uiteindelik, met behulp van ‘n nuwe masjien om biofilmgroei in reële tyd te meet, bekend as die CO2 Evolution Measurement System (CEMS), is een isolaat gebruik om die effektiwiteit van BAC, perasynsuur (PAA) en die QAC-vrye ontsmettingsmiddel van Byotrol te meet teenoor ‘n L. monocytogenes biofilm se CO2-produksie, in reële tyd. Die isolaat wat gekies is, was ‘n geslagslyn II en het beide die bcrABC en emrC weerstandsgene bevat. Weerstand teen BAC is 15 uur na die aanvanklike behandeling ondervind en geen weerstand is ondervind wanneer die isolaat met PAA en die QAC-vrye ontsmettingsmiddel van Byotrol behandel is nie. Ten slotte, ‘n hoë voorkoms van weerstandbiedendheid teen QAC-gebaseerde ontsmettingsmiddels is gevind in die isolate van die ses Suid-Afrikaanse FPEs. Die industrie moet dus in die toekoms hul keuse van ontsmettingsmiddels noukeuring oorweeg en ‘n ontsmettingsmiddel kies wat effektief is teen hul FPE se unieke ontsmettingsmiddel-weerstandige profiele.
Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Sanitizer resistance genes, Listeria monocytogenes -- Biological control, Listeria monocytogenes -- Effect of temperature on, Food -- Safety measures -- South Africa, Food processing environments, UCTD