A Front-line supervisor effectiveness model for engineering team-based organisations

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While there has been a significant focus on management research, the role of front-line supervisors has often been neglected. Studies tend to focus on senior management or treat management as a homogenous group. The problem with this limited focus on senior management is that the front- line supervisors make an essential contribution to the success of an organisation and form an important link in the chain of management command. In the context of engineering organisations, the complexity of the processes followed and the products that are manufactured or services that are delivered often require the use of work teams and the effectiveness of these work teams determines how successful the organisation is. Such a context requires a high level of technical interdependence which necessitates team-based systems. These team-based systems improve effectiveness in engineering organisations because they allow work teams to address problems systematically over an entire process. The increasing introduction of team-based systems in the engineering world has posed a challenge for the management of such organisations to provide work teams with an organisational environment that supports their needs. The literature covering the management and supervisory outcomes of these work teams is limited and is primarily based on case studies in manufacturing plants, and the available studies often do not differentiate the type of teams in question. Therefore, this study identifies an opportunity to make a unique contribution in the field of Engineering Management by conducting research focused on front-line supervisory personnel and developing an effectiveness model that conceptualises the front-line supervisor effectiveness in an engineering team-based environment. Although the front-line supervisor role has been somewhat explored in literature, studies attempting to empirically examine the exact responsibilities that constitute the role and the determinants that lead to supervisor effectiveness in the engineering team-based organisations are scarce. Furthermore, literature shows an evolution in the front-line supervisor role which suggests an ongoing need for theoretical and empirical development to understand the role of the front-line supervisor and its effectiveness determinants. Based on the evolution of the front-line supervisor role and the sparsity of literature that addresses this role in the context of engineering team-based organisations, this study develops a model that identifies, describes, and quantifies the determinants of front-line supervisor effectiveness in engineering team-based organisations. The research takes pragmatism as its main philosophical worldview and utilises the systematic literature review approach and semi-structured interviews to identify five front-line supervisor effectiveness determinants and associated interrelationships to construct an effectiveness model specific to engineering team-based organisations. The structural equation modelling techniques are used to empirically evaluate the resultant model. The model aims to provide insight into the determinants of front-line supervisor effectiveness in engineering team-based organisations and can be useful for refocusing the front-line supervisors' development initiatives, improving front-line effectiveness and for candidate selection for front-line supervisor roles.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel daar aansienlike klem op bestuursnavorsing geplaas word, word die rol van eerstelyntoesighouers dikwels afgeskeep. Studies neig om senior bestuur te beklemtoon of om bestuur as 'n homogene groep te beskou. Die probleem met hierdie beperkte fokus op senior bestuur is dat eerstelyntoesighouers 'n wesenlike bydrae tot 'n organisasie se sukses lewer en 'n belangrike skakel in die bestuursordeketting uitmaak. In die konteks van ingenieursorganisasies vereis die kompleksiteit van die prosesse wat gevolg word en die produkte wat vervaardig word, of die dienste wat gelewer word, dikwels die gebruik van werkspanne en dit is die doeltreffendheid van hierdie werkspanne wat bepaal hoe suksesvol die organisasie is. So 'n konteks vereis 'n hoé vlak van tegniese interafhanklikheid, wat spangebaseerde stelsels noodsaak. Hierdie spangebaseerde stelsels verbeter die effektiwiteit in ingenieursorganisasies omdat dit werkspanne in staat stel om probleme stelselmatig oor die hele prosesverloop aan te roer. Die toenemende invoer van spangebaseerde stelsels in die ingenieurswéreld stel 'n uitdaging aan die bestuur van sodanige organisasies om 'n organisatoriese omgewing te skep wat aan werkspanne se behoeftes voldoen. Die literatuur oor die bestuurs- en toesighoudende uitkomste van hierdie werkspanne is beperk en is hoofsaaklik op gevallestudies in vervaardigingsaanlegte gebaseer, terwyl die beskikbare studies gewoonlik nie tussen die tipe spanne onderskei nie. Hierdie studie identifiseer gevolglik 'n geleentheid om 'n unieke bydrae tot die gebied van Ingenieursbestuur te lewer deur navorsing te onderneem wat fokus op eerstelyn- toesighoudende personeel, asook die ontwikkeling van 'n effektiwiteitsmodel wat die doeltreffendheid van die eerstelyntoesighouer in 'n ingenieurspan-gebaseerde omgewing konseptualiseer. Alhoewel die rol van eerstelyntoesighouers al tot 'n mate in die literatuur ondersoek is, is daar 'n skaarste aan studies wat poog om die presiese verantwoordelikhede verbonde aan die rol, asook die determinante wat die effektiwiteit van toesighouers in ingenieurspan-gebaseerde organisasies verseker, empiries te ondersoek. Verder toon die literatuur 'n evolusie in die eerstelyntoesighouersrol, en dit beteken 'n voortdurende behoefte aan teoretiese en empiriese ontwikkelings om die rol van die eerstelyntoesighouer en die betrokke effektiwiteitsdeterminante te verstaan. Gesien die evolusie van die eerstelyntoesighouersrol en die skaarsheid van literatuur wat dié rol in die konteks van ingenieurspan-gebaseerde organisasies aanpak, wil hierdie studie 'n model ontwikkel vir die identifisering, beskrywing en kwantifisering van die determinante wat eerstelyntoesighouer-effektiwiteit in ingenieurspan-gebaseerde organisasies bepaal. Die navorsing neem pragmatisme as die belangrikste filosofiese wéreldbeskouing en gebruik die gesistematiseerde literatuuroorsig-benadering, asook semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude om vyf determinante vir eerstelyntoesighouer-effektiwiteit en die verwante onderlinge verhoudings te identifiseer, ten einde 'n effektiwiteitsmodel te ontwerp wat spesifiek vir ingenieurspan-gebaseerde organisasies bedoel is. Die modelleringstegnieke vir strukturele vergelyking word gebruik om die resulterende model empiries te evalueer. Die model wil insig bied in die determinante van eerstelyntoesighouer-effektiwiteit in ingenieurspan-gebaseerde organisasies en kan benut word om ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe vir
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Teams in the workplace -- Management, UCTD, Supervisors, Industrial, Engineering personnel -- Management