Towards the concept of praise in the Hebrew bible

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the semantics of three verbs that refer to the concept "praise" in the Hebrew Bible, namely, הלל, ידה, ברך. These three verbs are considered the most typical verbs used in Biblical Hebrew to express the act of praising God. The problem that this study seeks to address is the following: what are the conceptual differences between these three verbs? The extant literature treats these verbs as (near-)synonyms: Lexicographical descriptions on the one hand, however, obscure the semantic overlap of the verbal set by assigning similar glosses to all three verbs e.g., ‘to praise’, ‘to glorify’, ‘to thank’. Theological reference works, on the other hand, do not convincingly present the similarities and contrasts of the three verbs so as to assess the extent of their near-synonymy. More broadly, previous scholarship has not attempted to investigate, in a systematic manner, the concept ‘to praise’ holistically (i.e., the different verbal lexemes that are used to express this concept). This study adopts insights from cognitive linguistics (CL), which could be regarded as a refinement of historical-philological semantics, to address the question of near-synonymy of this verbal set. These insights enable us to establish the more and less prototypical senses of each of the three verbs, as well as determining the extent of their overlap in meaning. Ultimately, although this study only investigates three verbs of praise, it represents a step towards more nuanced understanding of the concept of praise in Biblical Hebrew.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die betekenis van drie werkwoorde in die Hebreeuse Bybel wat na die konsep ‘om te prys’ verwys, naamlik הלל, ידה, ברך. Dié drie werkwoorde word beskou as die mees tipiese werkwoorde wat gebruik word om die aksie om God te prys uit te druk. Die bestaande literatuur bestempel die drie werkwoorde as naby-sinonieme. Aan die een kant, dra leksikografiese beskrywings by tot die onduidelikheid aangaande die omvang van die werkwoorde se semantiese oorvleueling deur identiese of soortgelyke glosse daarvoor te bied, bv. ‘prys’, ‘loof’ en ‘dank’. Aan die ander kant bied teologiese woordeboeke nie ’n oortuigende beskrywing van die ooreenkomste en verskille van die drie werkwoorde om uiteindelik die omvang van hulle oorvleueling as naby-sinonieme aan te toon nie. Wanneer die aandag wat reeds aan die konsep ‘om te prys’ geskenk was van naderby beskou word, is dit duidelik dat daar tot dusvêr geen poging aangewend was om hierdie konsep holisties te ondersoek nie (d.w.s. die verskillende werkwoorde wat gebruik word om hierdie konsep uit te druk). Hierdie studie werk met insigte van kognitiewe taalkunde – ’n perspektief van taal wat beskou kan word as ’n verfyning van histories-filologies semantiek – om die vraag na die drie werkwoorde se naby-sinonomie aan te spreek. Hierdie insigte laat ons toe om die meer en minder tipiese betekenisonderskeidings vas stel stel asook om die omvang van hulle oorvleueling te bepaal. Alhoewel hierdie studie tot slegs drie werkwoorde van prys beperk is, verteenwoordig dit ‘n tree nader aan die betere verstaan van die konsep ‘om te prys’ in Bybelse Hebreeus.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Cognitive linguistics, Hebrew language -- Semantics, Hebrew language -- Lexicology, Hebrew language -- Verb, Bible -- Old Testament -- Language, style, Worship in the Bible, UCTD