Diagnosis of hospital malnutrition in the adult population

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Taylor & Francis
It is well known that malnutrition is associated with increased morbidity (increased complications1-3 and longer length of ICU and hospital stay1-4) as well as increased mortality.1-6 Early identification and appropriate management of malnutrition on the other hand is associated with improved outcomes.7 Nutritional status screening and assessment therefore should be performed on all patients on admission to hospital.8,9 Those identified as malnourished or at-risk of developing malnutrition should be referred for specialised nutrition support in an attempt to correctly manage and improve nutritional status.
CITATION: Blaauw, R. 2017. Diagnosis of hospital malnutrition in the adult population. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(1):8-10
Hospital patients -- Nutrition, Malnutrition -- Incidence
Blaauw, R. 2017. Diagnosis of hospital malnutrition in the adult population. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(1):8-10.