Cellular regenerative therapy for acquired noncongenital musculoskeletal disorders

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South African Medical Association
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stem cells have an inherent capacity to facilitate regeneration; this has led to unprecedented growth in their experimental use in various clinical settings, particularly in patients with diseases with few alternative treatment options. However, their approved clinical use has to date been restricted largely to haematological diseases and epidermal transplantation to treat severe burns. After thorough searching of two databases, this review illuminates the role of stem cell therapy for treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. Research suggests that successful application of stem cells as regenerative mediators is in all likelihood dependent on the ability of endogenous tissue-resident reparative mediators to respond to paracrine signals provided by the applied stem cells. Therefore, an understanding of how the pathological environment influences this process is crucial for the ultimate success of stem cell therapies. The current review presents both the progress and limitations of stem cells as regenerative mediators in the context of musculoskeletal disorders.
CITATION: Niesler, C. U. et al. 2019. Cellular regenerative therapy for acquired noncongenital musculoskeletal disorders. South African Medical Journal, 109(8b):58-63. doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i8b.13860
The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za/index.php/samj/index
Cellular regenerative therapy, Regeneration (Biology), Musculoskeletal system -- Abnormalities, Musculoskeletal system -- Abnormalities -- Treatment
Niesler, C. U. et al. 2019. Cellular regenerative therapy for acquired noncongenital musculoskeletal disorders. South African Medical Journal, 109(8b):58-63. doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i8b.13860