Translating or transforming : receiving Matthew in Africa

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Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology
The Bible has to be rewritten in order to remain relevant also in Africa.  This has implications for the translation and the transformation of its message.  Translations can be categorized form literal to unduly free.  The cultural and sociological factors of the source and the receptor language play an important role in translation.  In this respect reduction and distortion are real dangers.  In dealing with isomorphic equivalence in translations, even section heading can pose problems.  Examples of the problems involved in the translation of figurative and idiomatic language also receive attention.  Another aspect dealt with is the formality or informality of language, as well as issues related to direct and indirect speech.
CITATION: Combrink, H. J. B. 1996. Translating or transforming : receiving Matthew in Africa. Scriptura, 58:273-284, doi:10.7833/58-0-1571.
The original publication is available at
Bible -- Translating, Bible -- Africa, Bible. Matthew -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Combrink, H. J. B. 1996. Translating or transforming : receiving Matthew in Africa. Scriptura, 58:273-284, doi:10.7833/58-0-1571