Prefrontal cortical activation during single- and dual-task transitional movements in chronic stroke survivors

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ackground: Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity in South Africa, and globally. Stroke survivors are often left with motor and cognitive impairments, affecting functional independence, and ability to perform daily activities. Many day-to-day tasks require people to transition between positions (such as sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, and turning) while engaging in a concurrent cognitive or motor task (i.e. dual-tasking; DT). Dual-tasks are challenging for chronic stroke survivors, however, the neural basis underlying dual-task performance during sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, and turning tasks in this population has not been explored. Research aims: To investigate the effects of prefrontal cortical (PFC) activation during single- task (ST), dual-task motor-motor (DTMM) and dual-task cognitive-motor (DTCM) conditions in chronic stroke survivors while performing select transitional movements (i.e. turning, sit-to- stand and stand-to-sit). The secondary aims of the study were to assess DT interference (DTi) during DTCM and DTMM transitional movements; as well as to describe any differences in PFC activation between the four PFC sites (i.e. dorsolateral (DLPF), ventrolateral (VLPF), frontopolar (FPPF) and orbitofrontal (OFPF)), while comparing affected and unaffected sides in chronic stroke survivors. Methods: This cross-sectional within-participant experimental study design included 17 chronic stroke survivors (≥ 6 months onset of stroke) (11 men: 6 women; age 65.6 ± 11.8 years) who acted as their own control. Participants performed the 360ᵒ turn test, and the five times sit-to-stand test (5TSTS) in randomized order under ST, DTCM and DTMM conditions. Cerebral hemodynamics (i.e. oxygenated haemoglobin (∆HbO₂), deoxygenated haemoglobin (∆HbR), and haemoglobin difference (HbDiff)) of the PFC was collected with Near-infrared spectral tomography (NIRSIT). Spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters measured for the 5TSTS test: total duration, and lean angle, and for 360ᵒ turn test: duration, velocity, and angle of turn. Results: For the 5TSTS, adding a cognitive task resulted in 68.1% slower duration (p ≤ 0.01; g = 0.51M), whereas adding a motor task resulted in 19.7% slower 5TSTS duration (19.7%; p = <0.01; g =0.09N). The difference in DTi between CM and MM conditions for the sit-to-stand and stand- to-sit durations were significant (p = ≤ 0.01). For in-phase 360° turning, the DTCM and DTMM condition’s lead to reduced turn velocity, slowing down by 10.3% (p ≤ 0.01; g = 0.44M) and 9.5% (p = <0.01; g =0.43M). During the 5TSTS test, DTCM displayed increases in ∆HbO₂, in the OFPF, when compared to VLPF (129.2%; p = 0.04; d = 0.35M), decreases in ∆HbR in the VLPF when compared to OFPF of the affected side (88.9%; p = 0.02; d = 0.72M). Increases in ∆HbDiff within the DLPF from ST to DTCM (695.2%; p = 0.03; d = 0.69M) were evident. Adding a motor task resulted in decreases in ∆HbR of the affected side, within the DLPF compared to the OFPF (156%; p = 0.03; d = 1.05L) and between VLPF and OFPF, where VLPF showed significantly reduced ∆HbR (156%; p = 0.03; d = 0.57M). Turning displayed a similar pattern, ∆HbO₂ increased in the OFPF between DTMM and DTCM conditions (266.7%; p = 0.02; g = 0.55M), and ∆HbR decreased in the FPPF compared to the OFPF (103.3%; p = 0.04; g = 0.68M). Conclusion: Stroke survivors displayed increased PFC activation during dual-task transitional movements. The DTCM condition resulted in more PFC activation, compared to the DTMM. Furthermore, CM dual-tasking resulted in deteriorated motor performance indicated by slower 5TSTS durations and reduced velocity for 360ᵒ in-phase turning. This suggests that stroke survivors display reduced attentional capacity and reduced postural control which is further disrupted by CM tasks. This has implications for the assessment and rehabilitation approaches of chronic stroke survivors, where DTCM can be used in conjunction with motor tasks, to enhance task complexity in a safe environment in the presence of health professionals. Furthermore, the behavioural data and neural correlates related to dual-tasking could assist in the instigation of postural control deficits during 5TSTS and 360ᵒturn, which is useful for quantifying one’s independent mobility, at home.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Beroerte is een van die hoofoorsake van siektes in Suid-Afrika en wêreldwyd. Beroerte-oorlewendes word dikwels met motoriese en kognitiewe gestremdhede agtergelaat, wat funksionele onafhanklikheid en die vermoe om daaglikse aktiwiteite uit te voer beïnvloed. Baie van hierdie daaglikse take vereis dat mense moet oorgaan tussen posisies (soos sit-na- staan, staan-na-te sit en draai) terwyl hulle besig is met kognitiewe of motoriese take (d.w.s. dubbeltaakwerk). Dubbele take is 'n uitdaging vir oorlewendes van kroniese beroerte, maar die neurale basis onderliggend aan dubbele taakverrigting tydens sit-na-staan, staan-na-sit en draai-take in hierdie populasie is nie ondersoek nie. Doelstellings: om die effek van prefrontale kortikale (PFC) aktivering tydens enkeltaak (ST), dubbeltaak-motor-motor (DTMM) en dubbeltaak kognitiewe-motoriese (DTCM) toestande van kroniese beroerte-oorlewendes te ondersoek tydens die uitvoering van oorgangsbewegings (d.w.s. draai, sit-na-staan en staan-na-sit). Die sekondere doelstellings van die studie was om dubbeltaakinterferensie (DTi) tydens DTCM- en DTMM- oorgangsbewegings te beoordeel; asook om enige verskille in PFC-aktivering tussen die vier PFC-webwerwe (d.w.s. dorsolateraal (DLPF), ventrolateraal (VLPF), frontopoler (FPPF) en orbitofrontaal (OFPF)) te beskryf, terwyl geaffekteerde en ongeaffekteerde kante in oorlewendes van kroniese beroerte vergelyk word. Metodes: Hierdie eksperimentele binne-deelnemer studie-ontwerp het 17 oorlewendes van kroniese beroerte bevat (≥ 6 maande aanvang van beroerte) (11 mans: 6 vroue; ouderdom 65,6 ± 11,8 jaar) wat as hul eie kontrole opgetree het. Deelnemers het die 360ᵒ-draai-toets gedoen en die vyf keer sit-na-staan-toets (5TSTS) in ewekansige volgorde onder ST-, DTCM- en DTMM-toestande. Serebrale hemodinamika (d.w.s. suurstofhoudende hemoglobien (∆HbO₂), ontoksigineerde hemoglobien (∆HbR) en hemoglobienverskil (HbDiff)) van die PFC is versamel met Near-infrared spectral tomography (NIRSIT). Spatiotemporale en kinematiese parameters vir die 5TSTS-toets: totale duur en leunhoek, en vir 360° draai-toets: duur, snelheid en draaihoek grade. Resultate: Vir die 5TSTS het die toevoeging van 'n kognitiewe taak tot 68,1% stadiger duur gelei (p ≤ 0,01; g = 0,51 M), terwyl die toevoeging van 'n motoriese taak gelei het tot 19,7% stadiger 5TSTS-duur (19,7%; p = <0,01; g = 0,09 N). Die verskil in DTi tussen CM en MM toestande vir die sit-na-staan en staan-na-sit duur was beduidend (p = ≤ 0.01). Vir in-fase 360 ° draai het die DTCM- en DTMM-toestand tot 'n afname in die draaisnelheid gelei, wat vertraag was met 10,3% (p ≤ 0,01; g = 0,44 M) en 9,5% (p = <0,01; g = 0,43 M), onderskeidelik. Gedurende die 5TSTS-toets vertoon DTCM toenames in ∆HbO₂ in die OFPF, in vergelyking met VLPF (129, 2%; p = 0,04; d = 0,35 M), asook ‘n afname in ∆HbR in die VLPF in vergelyking met OFPF van die geaffekteerde kant (88,9%; p = 0,02; d = 0,72 M). Toenames in ∆HbDiff binne die DLPF van ST na DTCM (695,2%; p = 0,03; d = 0,69M) was duidelik. Die toevoeging van 'n motoriese taak het gelei tot afname in ∆HbR van die geaffekteerde kant, binne die DLPF in vergelyking met die OFPF (156%; p = 0,03; d = 1,05 L) en tussen VLPF en OFPF, waar VLPF 'n beduidende verminderde HbR (156%; p = 0.03; d = 0.57 M) getoon het. Draai het 'n soortgelyke patroon getoon; ∆HbO₂ het in die OFPF toegeneem tussen DTMM en DTCM-toestande (266,7%; p = 0,02; g = 0,55 M), en ∆HbR het in die FPPF afgeneem in vergelyking met die OFPF (103,3%; p = 0,04; g = 0,68 M). Gevolgtrekking: Beroerte-oorlewendes vertoon verhoogde PFC-aktivering tydens oorgangsbewegings met ‘n dubbele taak. Die DTCM-toestand het gelei tot meer PFCaktivering, in vergelyking met die DTMM. Verder het CM-dubbeltaakwerk gelei tot verswakte motorverrigting, aangedui deur stadiger 5TSTS-duur en verminderde snelheid vir 360° in- fasedraai. Dit dui daarop dat oorlewendes van beroerte 'n verminderde aandagvermoe en 'n verminderde postuurbeheer het wat verder deur CM-take onderbreek word. Dit het gevolge vir die assesserings- en rehabilitasiebenaderings van oorlewendes van kroniese beroerte, waar DTCM saam met motoriese take gebruik kan word om die kompleksiteit van take in 'n veilige omgewing en in die teenwoordigheid van gesondheidswerkers te verbeter. Verder kan die gedragsdata en neurale korrelate wat verband hou met dubbele taakwerk help met die aansporing van posturale beheertekorte tydens 5TSTS en 360ᵒ-draai, wat nuttig is om hul onafhanklike mobiliteit tuis te kwantifiseer.
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Chronic stroke survivors, Stroke patients -- Performance, Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients -- Rehabilitation, Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients -- Motor ability -- Psychological aspects, Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients -- Rehabilitation, UCTD