A conceptual framework for the certification of laser powder bed fusion process quality management systems for aerospace applications

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to develop a conceptual framework for the certification of laser powder bed fusion quality management systems for aerospace applications. This research is structured around industry standards and best practices. The developed framework consists of a process map that identifies the required processes and activities for the realisation of parts. Industry standards and best practices are referenced to form standard operating procedures. The framework was presented to subject matter experts within the industry and academia, whose feedback was positive.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie stel ʼn konseptuele raamwerk voor vir die sertifisering van laserpoeierbed laagvervaardigingsproses kwaliteitsbestuurstelselsvir lug-en ruimtevaarttoepassings. Hierdie navorsing is gestruktureer rondom bedryfstandaarde en beste praktyke. Die ontwikkelde raamwerk bestaan uit ʼn proseskaart wat die vereiste prosesse en aktiwiteite vir die realisering van onderdele identifiseer. Daar word verwys na bedryfstandaarde en beste praktyke in die vorm van standaardprosedures. Die raamwerk was aangebied aanindustrie-en akademie vakkundiges, en die terugvoer was positief.
CITATION: Gibbons, D. W. & Van Der Merwe, A. F. 2021. A conceptual framework for the certification of laser powder bed fusion process quality management systems for aerospace applications. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 32(1):144-156, doi:10.7166/32-1-2342.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Aerospace engineering, Laser powder bed fusion, Total quality management
Gibbons, D. W. & Van Der Merwe, A. F. 2021. A conceptual framework for the certification of laser powder bed fusion process quality management systems for aerospace applications. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 32(1):144-156, doi:10.7166/32-1-2342