The role of the brain-heart axis in cardiovascular disease: a focus on glial involvement

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite numerous investigations into the etiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), CVDs remain a major health concern. Growing evidence indicates that the link between the brain and heart underlies a number of CVDs, therefore insights regarding the connection(s) between the brain and heart (brain-heart axis) may reveal unique ways to help combat the escalating global burden of CVDs. This thesis will therefore critically evaluate the state of non-communicable disease (focusing on CVDs) and thereafter consider the brain-heart axis. From a physiological perspective there are several branches connecting the brain and the heart: (1) autonomic innervation of the heart, (2) bi-directional humoral communication, (3) oxygen supply, and (4) vascular connections. Glial cells are emerging as a novel link in terms of brain-heart health and pathology. The role of glial cells in two specific brain-heart disorders will be discussed, namely chronic stress and ischemia, to provide a more in-depth understanding on exactly how glial dysfunction can play a role in pathology. Lastly, we also investigate potential biomarkers to detect brain-heart pathology, namely S100 calcium-binding protein B, glial-derived neurotrophic factor, cardiac troponin T and silent myocardial ischemia.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongeag verskeie ondersoeke aangaande die etiologie van kardiovaskulêre siektes (KVS’e), bly hierdie siektes ’n groot kommer. Daar is al hoe meer bewyse dat die skakel tussen die brein en die hart onderliggend is aan verskeie KVS’e. Gevolglik kan insigte aangaande die konneksies tussen die brein en die hart (die brein-hart-simfonie) unieke maniere openbaar waarom die toenemende las van KVS’e die hoof gebied kan word. Die betrokke verhandeling sal daarom die huidige stand van nie-oordraagbare siektes krities evalueer (met ’n fokus op KVS’e) en daarna die brein-hart-simfonie behandel. Vanuit ’n fisiologiese perspektief, bestaan daar verskeie verbintenisse tussen die brein en hart: (1) outonome voorsiening van die hart (2) tweerigting humorale kommunikasie (3) suurstofvoorsiening en (4) vaskulêre verbindings. Gliaselle is besig om te ontluik as ’n nuwe skakel in brein-hart gesondheid en patologie. Die rol van gliaselle in twee spesifieke brein-hart versteurings sal bespreek word, naamlik chroniese stres en ischemie, ten einde ´n beter begrip te vorm oor hoe glia-wanfuksie bydra tot patologie. Laastens ondersoek ons ook potensiële biomerkers om brein-hart patologie te identifiseer. Hierdie biomerkers sluit S100 kalsium binding-proteïen B (S100B), glia-afgeleide neurotrofiese faktor, kardiale troponien T en stille miokardiale ischemie in.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Psychological stress, Cardiovascular diseases -- Pathology, Brain-heart axis, Cardiovascular system -- Diseases -- Risk factors, Rodent model, Noncommunicable Diseases, Glial cells, Brain -- Diseases -- Animal models, Heart -- Diseases -- Pathogenesis, UCTD