The spatial and temporal effect on the phytochemicals of Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia (L.f.) Benth

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia is extremely polymorphic and has a worldwide distribution. It is an important traditional medicinal plant in South Africa, that has been used for centuries for its medicinal benefits. The knowledge regarding the metabolites responsible for the plant’s medicinal value is still limited. D. viscosa var. angustifolia has been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant potential. D. viscosa var. angustifolia flavonoids related to kaempferol and derivatives are thought to be some of the main compounds that contribute to the antioxidant activity of the species. Due to the natural medicinal value of the plant, there is potential to commercialize the extracts as an alternative treatment to modern medicine. Numerous communities are also still reliant on wild harvested medicinal plants as a more affordable option. It has been reported by the traditional healers in the Western Cape claim that certain areas and seasons yield greater medicinal potential. Due to the suggestion of a geographical and seasonal effect on D. viscosa var. angustifolia medicinal value and evidence in literature of geographical and seasonal effect on metabolite production, the idea of this study was to identify variation in significant compound production between season and geographical areas. D. viscosa var. angustifolia populations occur in very diverse environments and its well known that plants adapt their metabolite production to biotic and abiotic factors. The aim of this study was thus to determine if there was annual, seasonal and geographical variation in the chemical profile between different populations and whether certain environmental conditions lead to greater medicinal potential. D. viscosa var. angustifolia samples that were collected from Cederberg, De Hoop and Stellenbosch in the years, 2015, 2017 and 2019; and, chemical profiles were compared with each other. Samples gathered from the Cederberg, De Rust, De Hoop and Stellenbosch in winter, spring and summer were assessed and compared to determine if there was significant chemical variation between the populations and their respective seasons. The chemical profile of populations sampled in Kenya was also compared to South Africa populations, to further study the effect of geographical variation. Furthermore, the effect of the soil’s chemical profile on the chemical profile of D. viscosa var. angustifolia was also studied and the potential of stored samples to retain their antioxidant potential. All the sample extract data were obtained via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) before the application of a non- targeted and semi-targeted metabolomics approaches to determine chemotypic differences amongst test phytoextracts. From the South Africa populations 10 individuals were sampled per locality, season and year. For the Kenya populations, 3 individuals were sampled with 3 replicates. In total 35 chemicals were tentatively identified by comparing literature of spectral data and online metabolomics with the obtained intensity, retention time, chromatogram peak and their respective MSE ion fragmentation data of D. viscosa var. angustifolia. Based on the principal component analysis (PCA) for the year comparison, the 2019 population clusters all grouped together, while the 2015 and 2017 populations indicated some overlap. For the seasonal comparison, the De Rust population formed isolated clusters for each season, with no overlap between the other populations. The multifactorial analysis also indicated that the soil chemical profile did not have a significant effect on the metabolite profile of D. viscosa var. angustifolia (p = 0.93). From the partial-least- squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) each Kenya population formed its own unique cluster and only the Stellenbosch population formed a sperate cluster with no overlap occurring between the other South African populations. Therefore, most populations formed their own unique clusters and the respective heatmaps elucidate on which compounds contributed to the unique cluster formations. Some of the medicinal compounds compared in each chapter were pinocembrin, rhamnocitrin and santin. The production of pinocembrin remained constant between the years occurring at a relative intensity value of 252.43, with significant decline only found from the year 2015 to 2017 in the Cederberg population (p < 0.01). The Cederberg 2019 population produced significantly more pinocembrin than the other South Africa populations (p < 0.01). The production of pinocembrin, occurring at a relative intensity value of 211.56, did not differ significantly between seasons. It was apparent in the Kenya and South Africa comparison that the production of pinocembrin was significantly more in Nanyuki, Narok and the Cederberg populations (p < 0.01). Between seasons and across years the production of rhamnocitrin did not differ significantly, however, it was found that Narok and Nairobi produced significantly more rhamnocitrin (p < 0.01) than the other populations. The production of santin also did not vary across years or between seasons, but the Nanyuki and Narok plants had significantly more santin (p < 0.01) than the other populations. Overall, it was evident that the metabolite production of several compounds differs between years, seasons and geographical region. This signifies that D. viscosa var. angustifolia is robust in maintaining some of its medicinal properties between seasons and across years, and highlights that geographical region has a substantial effect on its medicinal efficacy. This indicates that the genetic constituents should be prioritized for the commercialization or cultivation of D. viscosa var. angustifolia and that climate conditions and seasonal variation will not severely affect its potential as a phytomedicine. Promoting the cultivation of D. viscosa var. angustifolia would thus preserve wild populations and promote further genetic diversity, which can lead to greater sustainable exploitation of this species for future generations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia is uiterse polimorf spesie met 'n wêreldwye verspreiding. Dit is 'n belangrike tradisionele medisinale plant in Suid-Afrika wat al vir eeue gebruik word vir sy medisinale voordele. Die kennis rakende die metaboliete wat verantwoordelik is vir die plant se medisinale waarde is steeds beperk. Studies het bevind dat D. viscosa var. angustifolia het antibakteriese, antiswam en antioksidante potensiaal. Daar is vasgestel dat flavonoïede wat verband hou met kaempferol van D. viscosa var. angustifolia van die hoof metaboliete is, wat die antioksidante aktiwiteit bied vir die spesie. As gevolg van die natuurlike medisinale waarde van die plant, is daar potensiaal om die plant se ekstrak te kommersialiseer en as 'n alternatiewe behandeling vir moderne medisyne te gebruik. Talle gemeenskappe is steeds afhanklik van wilde medisinale plante as 'n meer bekostigbare opsie. Die bossiedokters in die Wes- Kaap het berig dat sekere gebiede en seisoene groter medisinale potensiaal het. As gevolg van die gerig van 'n geografiese en seisoenale effek op D. viscosa var. angustifolia se medisinale waarde en die bewyse in literatuur van geografiese en seisoenale effek op metaboliet produksie, is die idee om variasie tussen beduidende metaboliete en produksie daarvan, tussen seisoen en geografiese gebiede te identifiseer. D. viscosa var. angustifolia populasies kom voor in baie uiteenlopende omgewings en dit is welbekend dat plante hul metaboliet produksie aanpas by biotiese en abiotiese faktore, wat die potensiaal skep vir chemiese profiel variasie tussen populasies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of daar jaarlikse, seisoenale en geografiese variasie in die chemiese profiel van D. viscosa var. angustifolia was van verskillende populasies en of daar meriete is aan, dat sekere omstandighede na groter medisinale potensiaal kan lei. D. viscosa var. angustifolia monsters was versamel vanaf die Cederberg, De Hoop en Stellenbosch in die jare, 2015, 2017 en 2019, en die chemiese profiele was met mekaar vergelyk. Monsters wat in die winter, lente en somer vanaf die Cederberg, De Rust, De Hoop en Stellenbosch versamel was, was bestudeer en met mekaar vergelyk om vas te stel of daar 'n beduidende chemiese variasie tussen die populasies en hul seisoene was. Die chemiese profiel van monsters wat in Kenia versamel was, was ook met die Suid-Afrika populasies vergelyk, om die effek van geografiese variasie op metaboliet produksie verder te bestudeer. Verder was die effek van die grond se chemiese profiel op die metaboliet chemiese profiel van D. viscosa var. angustifolia ook bestudeer. Die potensiaal van gestoorde monsters om hul antioksidante potensiaal te behou was ook bestudeer met monsters versamel in Stellenbosch van die jaar 2010, 2013 en 2014. Al die monster ekstrak data is verkry deur middel van ʼn vloeistofchromatografie-massaspektrometrie instrument en 'n semi-geteikende en nie- geteikende metabolomiese benadering was gebruik om te toets vir verskille tussn die metaboliete van die ekstraks. Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch University Uit die Suid-Afrikaanse populasies was tien individue per lokaliteit, seisoen en jaar versamel, uit die Kenia populasies was 3 individue versamel met 3 herhalings. In totaal is 35 chemikalieë voorlopig geïdentifiseer met behulp van spektrale data uit literatuur en deur vergelykings te tref met aanlyn metabolomika-data. Die intensiteit, retensietyd, en onderskeie MSE-ioonfragmentasie-data van D. viscosa var. angustifolia was gebruik om die vergelykings te tref. Op grond van die hoof komponentanalise vir die verskeie jaar vergelyking, het die 2019-populasiesgroepe almal saam gegroepeer, waar die 2015 en 2017 populasie 'n mate van oorvleueling aangedui het. Vir die seisoenale vergelyking was daar gevind dat die De Rust populasie geïsoleerde groepe gevorm het vir elke seisoen met geen oorvleueling tussen die ander populasies nie. Volgens die multifaktoriële analises was dit ook bevind dat die grond se chemiese profiel nie 'n beduidende effek op die metaboliet profiel van D. visocsa var. angustifolia gehad het nie (p = 0,93). Die gedeeltelike-minste-vierkante-diskriminerende analise het beklemtoon dat elke Kenia populaasie sy eie unieke groep gevorm het en slegs dat die Stellenbosch populasie 'n verskillende groep gevorm het met geen oorvleuling tussen ander Suid-Afrikaanse populasies nie. Dus, het die meeste populasies hul eie unieke groepe gevorm het en die onderskeie hitte kappe het uitlig wat se verbindings bygedra het tot die unieke groep formasies. Van die medisinale chemikalieë wat in elke hoofstuk gevind was, was pinocembrin-metaboliet, rhamnocitrin en santien. Die produksie van pinocembrin tussen die jare het konstant gebly met ʼn intensiteitkonsentrasie van 252.43, waar slegs 'n beduidende afname vanaf die jaar 2015 tot 2017 in die Cederberg populasie (p <0.01) plaas gevind het en die Cederberg 2019 populasie het aansienlik meer pinocembrin geproduseer as die ander Suid-Afrikaanse populasies (p <0.01). Die produksie van pinocembrin met ʼn intensiteitkonsentrasie van 211.56, het tussen die seisoene nie beduidende verskil nie. Daar is gevind in die Kenia en Suid-Afrika vergelyking dat die produksie van pinocembrinbeduidend meer was in Nanyuki, Narok en die Cederberg populasies (p < 0.01). Met die verloop van die seisoene en oor die jare het die produksie van rhamnocitrin nie beduidend verskil nie, maar daar is gevind dat Narok en Nairobi beduidend meer rhamnocitrin (p <0.01) geproduseer het as die ander populasies. Die produksie van santien het oor die jare en met die verloop van seisoene nie gewissel nie, maar daar is gevind dat Nanyuki en Narok aansienlik meer santien (p <0,01) geproduseer het as die ander populasies. Oor die algemeen was dit bevind, dat die produksie van vele metaboliete verskil het tussen jare, seisoene en geografiese streke. Dit dui daarop dat D. viscosa var. angustifolia is goed in die behoud van sommige van sy medisinale eienskappe tussen seisoene en oor jare, en beklemtoon dat die geografiese streek 'n wesenlike uitwerking op die medisinale effektiwiteit van die plant kan hê. Dit beklemtoon dat die genetiese samestelling van D. viscosa var. angustifolia in ag geneem moet word vir die kommersialisering of kweek van D. viscosa var. angustifolia. Dit dui ook aan dat klimaatstoestande en seisoenale variasie, nie die medisinale waarde van die plant beduidend sal beïnvloed nie. Bevordering van die kweek van D. viscosa var. angustifolia sal help met die bewaring van wilde populasies en die geleentheid vir verdere genetiese diversiteit om te ontstaan bevorder, wat tot groter medisinale waarde vir toekomstige geslagte kan lei.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Dodonaea Viscosa var. angustifolia -- Medicinal use, Ethnobotany, Medicinal plants -- Therapeutic use, Environmental conditions, Phytochemicals, Secondary metabolites, Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia -- Geographical distribution -- Climatic factors, UCTD