’n Sosiolinguistiese analise van koffiewinkels as virtuele voedsellandskappe

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Michael Goodman (2016:257) suggests that food is more than food, because many aspects surrounding the creation, intake and environment around food, is being studied these days. Food is more than just something to be ingested in order to survive. Within this paradigm of food studies (food as more than food), food landscapes as a theoretical concept emerged. Foodscapes is a socially constructed view of the field of food (Johnston & Goodman, 2015:2). Within this specific study, food landscapes were studied, but more specifically virtual food landscapes. The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic hashada global impact on society and that includes research. This research discussed in this thesis was therefore conducted on virtual platforms. The websites and Instagram profiles of three coffee shops were investigated. Only the first page (or landing page) of the various websites was used for data analysis. This study is qualitative in nature. Screenshots of the websites and Instagram profiles have been taken, as there is a possibility that they may change. Observations were made by me as a researcher, but there were also interviews conducted with people employed in various roles at the coffee shops. These interviews took place electronically due to strict regulations which prohibited physical contact for the collection of data. The images and linguistic elements were analysed using the framework of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) propose various ways of studying visual images and their relationship to linguistics which are relevant to the current study. Examples of analysis include how the websites are laid out with regards to which elements appear at the top and bottom of the page, what colour schemes are used as well as the tones of those colours. Some of the elements that were studied on Instagram were with regards to the colour and modality of the photos.The findings show that a common theme in the data, evident from the analysis is that all three coffee shops use their web presence to construct a sense of luxury. In addition, there is a lack of multilingualism with only English used on these two digital platforms. The findings from my research thus connect to arguments made by Stroud and Mpendukana (2009) that luxury is often constructed through the absence of local African languages.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word deur Michael Goodman (2016:257) gesuggereer dat kos meer as kos is, aangesien baie aspekte rondom die skepping, inname en omgewing rondom kos deesdae ondersoek word. Kos is meer as net iets wat ingeneem moet word om te oorleef. Binne hierdie paridgma van voedselstudies (kos as meer as net kos)isdie teoretiese konsep,voedsellandskappe ontwikkel.Voedsellandskappe is ’n sosiaal-gekonstrueerde siening van die veld van voedsel (Johnston & Goodman, 2015:2). Binne hierdie studie is voedsellandskappe bestudeer, maar meer spesifiek virtuele voedsellandskappe. Die Covid-19-pandemie van 2020 het ’n wêreldwye effek op die samelewing en dit sluit navorsing in.Die navorsingin hierdie tesisis dus op virtuele platforms uitgevoer. Daar is drie koffiewinkels se webtuistesen Instagramprofieleondersoek. Net die eerste bladsy (oftewel landing page) van die verskillende webtuistes is vir data-analise gebruik.Hierdie studie is ’n kwalitatiewe studie. Skermgrepe is geneem, aangesien daar ’n moontlikheid is dat dit kan verander. Observasies is deur my as navorser gedoen, maar daar is ook met mensewat in verskillende kapasiteite by die koffiewinkelswerk, onderhoude gevoer. Hierdieonderhoude het elektronies plaasgevind as gevolg van streng regulasieswat fisiesekontak vir navorsing verhoed het. Die foto’s, beelde en linguistiese elemente is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van Kress en Van Leeuwen (2006) se raamwerk vir multimodale analise. Verskeie maniere van die bestudering van visuele beelde en hul verhouding met linguistiek word in Kress en Van Leeuwen (2006) voorgestel wat van toepassing is op hierdiehuidigestudie. Voorbeelde van ontleding sluit in hoe die webtuistes uitgelê ismet betrekking totwat bo en onder op die bladsy verskyn, watter kleurskemas gebruik word asook die toonskakerings van daardie kleure.Die kleur en modaliteit is onder andere by die Instagramprofiele bestudeer.Die bevindinge dui daarop dat al drie die koffiewinkels hul web-teenwoordigheid gebruik om ’n gevoel van luuksheid te konstrueer.Daar is ook nie gebruik gemaak van meertaligheid op die webtuistesen Instagramprofiele nie. Diebevindinge van mynavorsing sluit dus aan by Stroud en Mpendukana (2009) se argumente oor hoe luuksheid dikwels gekonstrueer word deur die afwesigheid van inheemse Afrikatale.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Virtual food landscapes, Food studies, Analysis of coffee shop web sites, UCTD