Evaluation of environmental impact assessments in coastal management : a case of the Erongo region in Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The world is currently faced with many environmental issues like land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss as well as the overutilisation of natural resources as a result of unsustainable human activities. To address these challenges, many countries have enacted environmental laws and developed management tools to aid in minimising environmental damage. These tools range from sustainability assessments and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) to environmental impact assessments (EIAs), amongst many others. EIA has been adopted by many countries to assist institutions responsible for environmental governance to identify potential environmental threats resulting from human activities at a project level. The Namibian Constitution as overall legislation that supersedes all the other laws in the country, stipulates that the state shall ensure the welfare of its people by maintaining ecosystems and sustainable use of natural resources. Other laws relating to environmental management that must adhere to the constitution have also been enacted. Some of these laws have specifically referred to EIA to provide details and guidance for conducting such assessments. This study evaluates how EIAs comply with Namibian laws and guidelines, and whether they are effective as an environmental management tool in coastal management as per the case studies of developmental projects from the Erongo Region, a coastal region in Namibia. The study was also aimed at determining whether EIAs contribute to the achievement of national development goals and sustainable development. The study utilised both qualitative and quantitative designs. The research objectives were achieved with a desktop study to review EIA reports, and a survey that collected information from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Sixteen (16) EIA reports of some projects that have been conducted in the Erongo Region between 2010 and 2019 were reviewed. A questionnaire was also prepared and distributed to all employees within the Directorate of Environmental Affairs who directly deal with processing EIAs. The study found that the EIA as an environmental management tool in coastal management complies with Namibian environmental laws and regulations. The study also revealed that the EIA process is effective to a certain extent, although there are weaknesses regarding aspects such as administration, access to EIA-related information and monitoring that need to be strengthened to ensure complete effectiveness.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : wêreld word op die oomblik met vele omgewingsprobleme soos agteruitgang van grond, ontbossing, verlies aan biodiversiteit, asook die oorbenutting van natuurlike hulpbronne gekonfronteer as gevolg van onvolhoubare menslike aktiwiteite. Om hierdie uitdagings die hoof te bied, het talle lande omgewingswette ingestel en bestuursinstrumente ontwikkel om die skade aan die omgewing te verminder. Hierdie instrumente wissel onder meer van volhoubaarheidsbeoordelings en strategiese omgewingsevaluasies (SEA) tot omgewingsimpakassesserings (EIAs). EIAs is deur talle lande aanvaar om instellings, wat vir omgewingsbestuur verantwoordelik is, by te staan om potensiële omgewingsbedreigings as gevolg van menslike aktiwiteite op projekvlak uit te ken. Die Namibiese Grondwet – as algehele wetgewing wat alle ander wette in die land vervang – bepaal dat die staat die welstand van sy mense sal verseker deur die instandhouding van ekostelsels en die gebruik van natuurlike hulpbronne op 'n volhoubare basis. Ander wette oor omgewingsbestuur, wat uiteraard aan die Grondwet moet voldoen, is ook uitgevaardig. Sommige van hierdie wette het spesifiek na EIAs verwys om sodoende besonderhede en leiding te bied vir die uitvoer van sulke assesserings. Hierdie studie evalueer hoe EIAs aan die Namibiese wette en riglyne voldoen, en of dit as 'n omgewingsbestuursinstrument in kusbestuur doeltreffend is volgens die gevallestudies van ontwikkelingsprojekte uit die Erongo-streek, een van Namibië se 14 streke. Die studie was ook daarop gemik om te bepaal of EIAs tot die bereiking van nasionale ontwikkelingsdoelstellings en volhoubare ontwikkeling bydra. Met dié studie is van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe ontwerpe gebruik gemaak. Die navorsingsdoelstellings is met 'n lessenaarstudie bereik om EIA-verslae te hersien, asook deur middel van 'n opname wat inligting van die Ministerie van Omgewing en Toerisme versamel het. Sestien (16) EIA-verslae van sommige projekte, wat tussen 2010 en 2019 in die Erongostreek uitgevoer is, is hersien. 'n Vraelys is ook opgestel en versprei aan alle werknemers binne die Direktoraat Omgewingsake wat direk met die verwerking van EIAs te make het. Die studie het bevind dat die EIA as 'n omgewingsbestuursinstrument in kusbestuur aan die Namibiese wetgewing en regulasies voldoen. Die studie het ook aan die lig gebring dat die EIA-proses tot sekere mate doeltreffend is, hoewel daar swakpunte is ten opsigte van aspekte soos administrasie, toegang tot EIA-verwante inligting en monitering wat verstewig moet word om volledige doeltreffendheid te verseker.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Environmental management -- Erongo (Namibia), Sustainable development -- Environmental aspects -- Erongo (Namibia), Environmental impact analysis -- Effectiveness -- Erongo (Namibia), Coastal zone management -- Erongo (Namibia), UCTD