Zum Potential subversiver Songs der DDR und deren Einsatzmoglichkeiten im Rahmen einer, Didaktik der Literarizitat im DaF-Unterricht an sudafrikanischen Hochschulen

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As a result of globalization, Big Media and digitalization, requirements for foreign language learners have changed substantially. The consequences of mass migration on multi-cultural communication are characterized as complex and ambiguous. This has spawned discussion in research, pushing forward the aquisition of symbolic competence in order to prepare learners for the globalized world of tomorrow. Furthermore, as ongoing political and social changes in post-apartheid South Africa continue, goals to expand foreign language acquisition form points of debate. As a subject for students from a privileged background during the Apartheid era, German as a foreign language is forced to justify itself making it inevitable to generate new approaches. Moreover, the ‚didactic of literaricity’ aims to develop students‘ understanding of the complexities to assigning meaning while enhancing symbolic competence. The following thesis argues that due to the quality of their ambiguity, subversive GDR songs are particularly suitable at raising students’ awareness of the polyvalent nature characterized throughout language. Consequently, and in view of their specific literaricity („Literarizität“), an analysis of four germanophone songs was undertaken. The title list includes Glastraum (1983) and Wand an Wand (1987) by City, Albatros (1979) by Karat and Lied von der zu früh aufgestandenen Wahrheit (1989) by Gerhard Schöne. Stemming from said analysis, two lectures were designed to suggest how subversive GDR songs may be used to develop an understanding for grammatical, lexical and tonal ambiguity within tertiary German classes in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van globalisering, medialisering en digitalisering, het die vereistes vir vreemde taalleerders wesenlik verander. Aangesien waardes, individue en taal migreer, word kommunikatiewe situasies gekenmerk deur kompleksiteit en dubbelsinnigheid. Dit het tot besprekinge in navorsing gelei en die aanleer van simboliese bevoegdheid na vore gebring om leerders voor te berei op die globaliseerde wêreld van môre. Ook in die loop van die voortdurende politieke en sosiale veranderinge in Suid-Afrika na apartheid word oor doelwitte agter die aanleer van vreemde tale gedebatteer. As bevoorregte vak tydens Apartheid word Duits as vreemde taal gedwing om homself te regverdig, wat dit onvermydelik maak om nuwe benaderings te genereer. Verder is die literatuurdidaktiek daarop gemik om studente se begrip van komplekse maniere om betekenis te skep en simboliese vaardighede te verbeter, te ontwikkel. Die volgende skripsie argumenteer dat ondermynende DDR-liedere vanweë hul veelvuldige betekenispotensiaal veral geskik is om studente bewus te maak van die veelwaardige geaardheid van taal. Daarom word vier Duits-liedere met die oog op hul spesifieke literariteit ontleed, onder andere City se Glastraum (1983) en Wand an Wand (1987), Karat's Albatros (1979) en Gerhard Schöne se Lied von der zu früh aufgestandenen Wahrheit (1989). Op grond van hierdie ontleding word twee lesse ontwerp om aan te dui hoe ondermynende DDR-liedere in tersiêre Duitse klasse in Suid-Afrika gebruik kan word, met die doel om begrip vir grammatikale, leksikale en tonale vorms te ontwikkel as 'n manier om betekenis te skep.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
German as a foreign language, Didactic of literaricity, Subversive GDR songs, German language -- Study and teaching, Foreign language acquisition, UCTD