Shaping identity and educating male choristers: exploring the music teacher's influence on male singers' self-perception during the voice change.

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ENGLISH SUMMARY : In a country known for its cultural heritage and high standard of choir singing at school and university level, it is unsettling to realize that the number of South African high school boys participating in choral, or any other form of musical activities, is declining. The investigation towards understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon led to the identification of two central themes requiring further research. Firstly, male identity shaping during adolescence is explored, including a study on different masculinities, as well as the role of the possible selves framework, as described by Markus and Nurius (1986). Furthermore, the different roles of the music teachers and choir conductors are discussed in order to understand the influence they have on boys during adolescence. Little research has been done locally to address the reasons behind boys’ apparent lack of participation in music activities at high school level. Hence, to gain a South African perspective, questionnaires were given out to more than 250 high school boys in three different provinces in the country. The participants had to answer text-based questions on their experience dealing with voice change, their views on their respective school choirs, as well as their impressions of certain stereotypical assumptions, such as the opinion that singing is a feminine activity. Additionally, they had to complete a drawing of themselves before and after voice change. This last section utilizes a methodology that has (to my knowledge) not yet been done in this context in South Africa. In observing the drawings, I aimed to combine both the verbal and non-verbal commentary on voice change in order to gain a holistic perception of the participants’ views and opinions on this matter. By comparing the existing literature to the findings emerging from this study, I was thus able to make certain recommendations for practical application in South African schools in order to assist teachers in keeping high school boys in choral programmes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : In ‘n land wat bekend is vir sy kulturele erfenis en hoë standaard van koorsang op skool- en universiteitsvlak, is dit onrusbarend om te besef dat die hoeveelheid Suid-Afrikaanse hoërskoolseuns wat aan koorsang of enige vorm van musikale aktiwiteite deelneem, besig is om af te neem. Die ondersoek na die oorsake van hierdie verskynsel het gelei tot die identifisering van twee sentrale temas, wat verder nagevors is. Eerstens word manlike identiteitsvorming gedurende adolessensie, insluitend ‘n studie oor die verskeie vorme van manlikheid (masculinity) en die possible selves raamwerk van Markus en Nurius (1986), ondersoek. Tweedens word die verskeie rolle van musiekonderwysers en koordirigente bespreek, om sodoende die invloed wat hulle op adolessente seuns uitoefen te verstaan. Die hoeveelheid navorsing wat reeds plaaslik gedoen is om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, is baie min. Om ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief te kry, is daar vraelyste aan meer as 250 hoërskoolseuns in drie provinsies uitgegee. Die deelnemers moes teksgebaseerde vrae beantwoord aangaande hulle ervaring gedurende stemverandering, hulle standpunt oor hul onderskeie skoolkore, sowel as indrukke oor sekere stereotipiese aannames, byvoorbeeld die opinie dat sang slegs ‘n vroulike aktiwiteit is. Hulle moes ook ‘n skets van hulleself, voor en na die stemverandering, voltooi. Laasgenoemde deel maak gebruik van `n metodologie wat (sover my kennis strek) nog nie in hierdie konteks in Suid-Afrika gebruik is nie. Die doel met die waarneming van die sketse is om beide die verbale én nie-verbale kommentaar aangaande stemverandering te kombineer, om sodoende ‘n holistiese persepsie van die deelnemers se uitgangspunte en opinies te verkry. Deur die bestaande literatuur met die bevindinge van hierdie studie te vergelyk, kan ek sekere voorstelle maak vir praktiese toepassing in Suid-Afrikaanse skole, om sodoende die onderwysers by te staan in hulle pogings om hoërskoolseuns se deelname aan koorprogramme te verseker.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Self-perception in adolescence., Choral music., Masculinity in music.