Harmonic resonance assessment of renewable energy power plants on the power system using resonant mode analysis

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Power quality problems and assessment methodologies associated with renewable energy power plants and resonant conditions are investigated.Resonant conditions are introduced by capacitive elements found in typical renewable energy power plant installations,namely the cabling capacitance and the inverter filter capacitors which resonates with inductive elements throughout the power system.A 40MW concentrated photovoltaic power plant serves as a case study. A simplified model of the power plant is developed and compared against a detailed DIg SILENT Power Factory model to validate the results. The Power Factory Python application programming interface is used to construct the Power Factory model’s admittance matrix for analysis.Propagation analyses are performed on the developed simplified models as well as the Power Factory model. Resonant mode analysis is applied to the Power Factory model to calculate the participation factors of various elements connected to specific bus bars. The participation factors indicate which system elements have dominant contributions to the creation of resonant conditions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Krag kwaliteit probleme en assesserings metodieke wat geassosieer word met hernubare energie kragstasies en resonante kondisies word ondersoek. Resonante kondisies word veroorsaak deur kapasitiewe elemente in 'n tipiese hernubare energie kragstasie installasie, naamlik die kabel kapasitansie en die wisselrigter se filter kapasitore wat met induktiewe elemente in die krag netwerk resoneer. 'n 40 MW gekonsentreerde fotovoltaïese kragstasie dien as gevallestudie. 'n Vereenvoudigde model van die kragstasie is ontwikkel en met 'n gedetailleerde DIgSILENT PowerFactory model vergelyk om die resultate te verifieer. Die PowerFactory Python toepassings programmering koppelvlak is gebruik om die PowerFactory model se admitansie matriks saam te stel om geanaliseer te word. Propageeringsanalise word uitgevoer op die ontwikkelde vereenvoudigde modelle sowel as die PowerFactory model. Resonante modus analise is toegepas op die PowerFactory model om die bydraende faktore van verskeie elemente wat aan 'n spesifieke geleistam gekonnekteer is te bereken. Die bydraende faktore dui aan watter sisteem elemente dominante bydrae het tot die skepping van resonante kondisies.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Resonant mode analysis, UCTD, Harmonic resonance assessment, Renewable Energy, Power System, Power Plants, Electric resonators