A Framework to establish an assistance system by using reality technology in maintenance

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Maintenance is an increasingly complex and knowledge-intensive field. One approach to deal with complexity and use knowledge effectively is to apply assistance systems based on reality technology. These digital systems offer the possibility of virtually enhancing the real world with information. The benefits of assistance systems based on reality technology for maintenance are known, but there are uncertainties about which system can be employed for which purpose and how they can be utilised in maintenance. In this context, this research study proposes a framework that supports the identification, selection and implementation of assistance systems based on reality technology in maintenance. For the development of the decision support framework, assistance systems based on reality technology are investigated for application characteristics and implementation requirements in maintenance through a systematic literature review and interviews with experts in the field of maintenance. The examination of the application characteristics includes which type of assistance system based on reality technology – augmented reality, mixed reality and virtual reality – to employ in the line of execution, training or planning of maintenance. The study of the implementation requirements covers the extent to which requirements regarding employees, technology and safety are decisive for the implementation of assistance systems based on reality technology in maintenance. The objective of the decision support framework is to provide the ideal technological and economic solution. The technological evaluation consists of identifying the hardware and software that are most suitable for the requirements and environment of the maintenance The objective of the decision support framework is to provide the ideal technological and economic solution. The technological evaluation consists of identifying the hardware and software that are most suitable for the requirements and environment of the maintenance application. The economic assessment includes a comparison of the costs and benefits resulting from the implementation of the assistance system based on reality technology for maintenance. The usability of the decision support framework is validated through a case study in which a solution based on reality technology is investigated for the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities of a milling machine.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Instandhouding is ‘n toenemende kompleks en kennis-intensiewe veld. Een benadering om met die kompleksiteit te handel en die kennis effektief toe te pas, is om realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsels te gebruik. Hierdie digitale stelsels maak dit moontlik om die werklike wêreld virtueel uit te brei met inligting. Die voordele van realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsels vir instandhouding is bekend, maar daar is onsekerhede oor watter stelsels, vir watter toepassing gebruik kan word en hoe dit in instandhouding benut kan word. Binne hierdie konteks, word ‘n raamwerk deur hierdie navorsing voorgestel wat die identifisering, seleksie en implementasie van realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsels in instandhouding kan ondersteun.Vir die ontwikkeling van die besluitsteunraamwerk, word realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsels bestudeer vir die toepassingskarakteristieke en implementeringsvereistes in instandhouding deur middel van ‘n sistematiese literatuurstudie en ondehoude met kundiges in die instandhoudingsveld. Die ondersoek van die toepassingskarakteristieke sluit in die tipe realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsel – aanvullende realiteit, gemengde realiteit en virtuele realiteit – om aan te wend vir uitvoering, opleiding of beplanning van instandhouding. Die studie van implementeringsvereistes dek die omvang van vereistes rakende werknemers, tegnologie en veiligheid en tot watter mate dit beslissend is vir die implementasie van realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsels in instandhouding. Die doelwit van die besluitsteunraamwerk is om die ideale tegnologiese en ekonomiese oplossing voor te skryf. Die tegnologiese evaluasie bestaan uit die identifisering van die hardeware en sagteware wat die geskikste is vir die vereistes en omgewing van die instandhoudingstoepassing. Die ekonomiese assessering sluit ‘n vergelyking van koste en voordele in wat volg uit die implementasie van die realiteitstegnologie hulpstelsel vir instandhouding. Die bruikbaarheid van die besluitsteunraamwerk word gevalideer deur ‘n gevallestudie waarin ‘n oplossing, gebaseer op realiteitstegnologie, ondersoek is vir die geskeduleerde en ongeskeduleerde instandhoudingsaktiwiteite van ‘n freesmasjien.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Smart maintenance, Reality technology, Augmented reality, Decision support systems, Virtual Reality, Assistance system, UCTD, Digital techniques (Electronics)