Effcient electromagnetic simulation of wires

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A novel Method of Moments (MoM) formulation is developed to accurately and efficiently simulate cylindrical conductors. Conventionally, wire currents are approximated as line currents using node-associated rooftop basis functions, for sufficiently electrically thin wires. The new method incorporates azimuthally varying axial and φ-directed currents to extend the range of applicable problems to include thick wires with significant, electrically large radii. The method utilises so-called Macro Basis Functions (MBFs), which scales the amount of unknowns, N , on the same order as a conventional thin-wire solver. This method can be incorporated into existing MoM codes by only changing the basis function definition of the wires. The new method is verified against established methods, and results are presented that demonstrate the method's viability over a wide range of applications, including scattering, radiating and coupling problems.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Nuwe Moment Metode (MoM) formulering word ontwikkel om silindriese geleiers ak- kuraat en doeltreffend te simuleer. Tipies word die stroom op dun-drade benader as 'n lynstroom, met stuksgewys lineêre basisfunksies geassosieer met die nodusse. Die nuwe metode neem aksiale en φ-gerigte strome wat beide oor die asimut kan wissel, in ag. Hierdie vergroot die bereik van 'n tipiese dun-draad metode, om probleme met elektries dik drade in te sluit. Die metode maak gebruik van sogenaamde Makro Basisfunksies (MBFs) om hierdie gedrag te realiseer, wat ook die hoeveelheid onbekendes op dieselfde wyse skaal as 'n dun-draad metode. Hierdie metode kan ingesluit word in bestaande MoM kodes deur slegs die basisfunksie definisie op die drade te verander. Die nuwe metode word geverifieer teen gevestigde metodes, en resultate word aangebied wat die lewensvatbaarheid van die metode oor 'n wye verskeidenheid van toepassings demonstreer, insluitend verstrooings-, stralings-, en koppelingsprobleme.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Electromagnetics -- Electric wiring, UCTD, Moments method (Statistics), Electric conductors, Simulation