Assessment of the perception and understanding of the performance management system at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Using state assets in an effective, efficient and economical way in order to provide quality services to the community is key in the public sector. In order to manage performance in the public sector, a framework to monitor, review and assess performance was introduced so as to achieve the core mandate of the public sector. As such, Performance Management Systems are regarded as an integrated system and a continuous process to measure the performance of the institution and that of its personnel. The purpose of this study was to assess perceptions of the employees and to gain an understanding of the effectiveness of the performance management system (PMS) at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in office of The Presidency in relation to employee performance. The focus was to establish whether the processes were effective in encouraging individual performance. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used for this study. Findings deduced from the study revealed that though the PMS is well understood and implemented in the department, there are, however, major concerns and dissatisfaction with regard to the ability and competency of managers to play the role of mentoring and coaching in the implementation of PMS in the department, as these contribute in developing sub-optimal performance and achievement towards organisational performance. It was further revealed that rewarding performance with bonuses and notch increases is not sufficient to reward the employees and encourage performance; more non-financial rewards would encourage performance as well. Despite the fact that the findings show that the majority of employees in the department are content with the implementation of the PMS, the recommendations that are made, are intended to ensure that the department will be able to sustain and maintain the current performance trajectory. They are also meant to address some of the gaps in PMS implementation that were highlighted by participants. It is recommended that line managers become more empowered in effectively implementing the PMS and that the PMS policy and the system be used more effectively in implementing a reward system.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die gebruik van staatsbates op 'n effektiewe, doeltreffende en ekonomiese manier om gehalte-dienste aan die gemeenskap te lewer, is deurslaggewend in die openbare sektor. Ten einde prestasie in die openbare sektor te bestuur, is 'n raamwerk ingestel om prestasie te monitor, te hersien en te beoordeel om die kernmandaat van die openbare sektor te bereik. As sodanig word prestasiebestuurstelsels beskou as 'n geïntegreerde stelsel en 'n deurlopende proses om die prestasie van die instelling en sy personeel te meet. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies van die werknemers te beoordeel en ‘n begrip te kry oor die effektiwiteit van die prestasiebestuurstelsel by die Departement Beplanning, Monitering en Evaluering in die kantoor van die Presidensie met betrekking tot die prestasie van die werknemers. Die fokus was om vas te stel of die prosesse doeltreffend is om individuele prestasie aan te moedig. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is vir hierdie studie gebruik. Dit blyk uit die bevindings van die studie dat alhoewel die PMS goed verstaan en toegepas word in die departement, daar egter groot kommer en ontevredenheid bestaan met betrekking tot die vermoë en bestuursbevoegdheid van bestuurders om die rol van mentorskap en afrigting te vervul in die implementering van PMS in die departement, aangesien dit 'n bydrae lewer tot die ontwikkeling van suboptimale prestasie en om die organisasie as sodanig te help presteer. Dit het verder aan die lig gekom dat die beloning van prestasie met bonusse en verhogings nie voldoende vergoeding is om die werknemers aan te spoor en prestasie aan te moedig nie; meer nie-finansiële voordele sal prestasie verder aanmoedig. Ondanks die feit dat die bevindings toon dat die meerderheid werknemers in die departement tevrede is met die implementering van die PMS, is die aanbevelings bedoel is om te verseker dat die departement die huidige prestasietrajek kan handhaaf en in stand hou. Dit is ook daarop gemik om sommige van die leemtes in die implementering van die PMS wat deur deelnemers uitgelig is, aan te spreek. Dit word aanbeveel dat lynbestuurders meer bemagtig word om die PMS effektief te implementeer, en dat die PMS-beleid en die stelsel meer effektief gebruik word in die implementering van die beloningstelsel.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Performance -- Management -- South Africa, Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa, Civil service -- Evaluation -- South Africa, South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa, South Africa -- Civil servants -- Attitudes, UCTD