Governance challenges in distance education : a case study at the Centre for Open And Lifelong Learning (Coll) the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Distance education increasingly acquires popularity as a platform for education delivery as it conduits the education divergence globally. The nature of the learning process poses challenges, unique and different from traditional on-campus learning. The researcher acknowledges the various challenges encountered by distance higher education (HE) centres. More of these challenges emanate from governance-related concerns. As such, the study attempted to investigate governance challenges in distance HE in Namibia, with the Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL) of the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) as the case study. The study adopted the exploratory research design to explore governance challenges at the Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning. Questionnaires and interviews were employed to collect quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. The respondents comprised distance education students, student support staff, regional coordinators, and NUST management. Purposive sampling was employed to select the sample to ensure that only knowledgeable individuals were targeted for data collection. The research findings revealed a myriad of challenges encountered by COLL distance students, student support staff, and NUST management. Most identified shortcomings were related to human resources-, infrastructural-, and administrative challenges. Despite the identified challenges at COLL, systems, policies, and strategies remain, aimed at improving quality education delivery to distance students. The study suggests norms and interventions to establish a normative framework and accompanying strategies to address the challenges encountered by COLL.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Afstandsonderrig kry toenemende gewildheid as die platform vir onderriglewering, aangesien dit die opvoedingsgaping oorbrug wat wêreldwyd bestaan. Die aard van die leerproses hou egter uitdagings in wat eiesoortig is en verskil van tradisionele kampusonderrig. Die navorser erken dat hoër afstandsonderrigsentrums verskeie uitdagings in die gesig staar. Die meerderheid van hierdie uitdagings is die gevolg van bestuursverwante kwessies. As sulks poog hierdie studie om ondersoek in te stel na die bestuursuitdagings in hoër afstandsonderrig in Namibië, met die Sentrum vir Ope- en Lewenslange Leer (SOLL) van die Namibiese Universiteit van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (NUWT) as die gevallestudie. Hierdie studie het van die verkennende navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak om bestuursuitdagings te by SOLL te ondersoek. Vraelyste en onderhoude is gebruik om onderskeidelik kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data te versamel. Die respondente het bestaan uit afstandsonderrigleerders, studente-ondersteuningspersoneel, streekskoördineerders, en NUWT-bestuur. Daar is van doelgerigte steekproefneming gebruik gemaak om die steekproef te kies om te verseker dat slegs kundige individue geteiken is vir data-insameling. Die navorsingsbevindinge het ‘n groot aantal uitdagings onthul wat SOLL-afstandsleerders, studente-ondersteuningspersoneel, en NUWT-bestuur in die gesig staar. Die meeste van die tekortkominge wat geïdentifiseer is, hou verband met uitdagings vir menslike hulpbronne, infrastruktuur en administrasie. Ten spyte van die geïdentifiseerde uitdagings by die SOLL, bestaan daar steeds stelsels, beleide en strategieë wat daarop gemik is om die gehalte van onderriglewering vir afstandsleerders te verbeter. Die studie het laastens norme en intervensies voorgestel vir die opstel van ‘n normatiewe raamwerk en gepaardgaande strategieë om die uitdagings aan te spreek wat SOLL tans in die gesig staar.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Distance education -- Namibia University of Science and Technology -- Administration, Namibia University of Science and Technology. Centre for Open And Lifelong Learning -- Administration, UCTD