The concept of distributed leadership practice and its applicability in the management of small and medium enterprises

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The thesis explored the leadership landscape of a Zambian Small and Medium Enterprise –Prompt Spares Limited. The case study investigated the extent of Distributed Leadershippractices in this family-owned organisation that also operates on multiple sites, making it a particular type of Small and Medium Enterprise. The nature of the Small and Medium Enterprise was reviewed with focus on leadership aspects being stipulated as relational processes that take place inside the range of a team. Small and Medium Enterprises are perceived to be more effective if their entrepreneurial undertakings are done by small teams as opposed to by individuals. The self-organization of Small and Medium Enterprises provides an alternate organizational structure to which, Distributed Leadership as an emergent form of leadership can be applied. Leadership is a term used to describe individuals with a dominating effect on their followers. Distributed Leadership theory offers an alternative kind of leadership where the realm of leadership is not in an individuals’ sphere but shared amongst different individuals in an organization. It is a form of leadership characterized by collective efforts and contributions from every individual in the organization provided it is towards meeting organizational goals. The main objective of the case study was to explore the manifestation of Distributed Leadership practice in Small and Medium Enterprises with a particular organisation as its case in reference. The case study was conducted with a qualitative research frame through which data was collected using purposive sampling to select participants for inclusion in the study. Interviews with the owners and focus groups conducted among managers, as well researcher’s observations were reported as narrative. The interviews and observations indicate that this particular organisation does display some traits of Distributed Leadership, except when it comes to financial control. However, even though the organisation is relatively small and the owner-managers are related, the leadership landscape is of a hybrid configuration with both distributed and vertical forms of leadership. This conforms to other research about leadership in other Small and Medium Enterprises. The study concludes with a summary of the case study and recommendations for prospects of future research on Distributed Leadership in Small and Medium Enterprises.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die tesis ondersoek die leierskapslandskap van 'n Zambiese klein en medium onderneming, naamlik Prompt Spares Beperk. Die gevallestudie het die omvang van verspreide leierskapspraktyke ondersoek in hierdie spesifieke klein en medium onderneming, want dit is in familie-besit en opereer ook op meer as een perseel. Die aard van die klein en medium onderneming is van nader beskou met die fokus op die leierskap-aspekte gesien as verhoudings prosesse in die bestek van spanwerk. Klein en medium ondernemings word beskou as meer effektief as hulle entrepreneuriese aktiwiteite in klein spanne onderneem word eerder as deur individue. Die self-organisasie van klein en medium ondernemings bied 'n alternatiewe organisasie struktuur waar verspreide leierskap kan ontvou. Leierskap is 'n term wat individue se oorheersende uitwerking op volgelinge beskryf. Verspreide leierskapsteorie bied 'n alternatiewe soort leierskapskonsepsie waar die kader van leierskap nie beperk is tot individue nie, maar gedeel word tussen verskeie persone. Dit is 'n vorm van leierskap wat gekenmerk word deur kollektiewe pogings met bydraes van elke lid van die organisasie gemik om die doelwitte van die organisasie te bereik. Die hoofdoel van die gevallestudie was om die manifestasie van verspreide leierskapspraktyke in 'n bepaalde klein en medium onderneming te beskryf. Die gevallestudie is uitgevoer met 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsraamwerk waarmee data ingesamel is met behulp van doelgerigte steekproef om deelnemers te kies. Die onderhoude met eienaars, fokusgroep deelname deur bestuurders, en observasies is in narratiewe vorm gerapporteer. Die onderhoude, fokusgroepe en observasies dui aan dat die spesifieke onderneming wel eienskappe van verspreide leierskap vertoon, behalwe in die area van finansiële bestuur. Al is die organisasie relatief klein en die eienaar-bestuurders verwant, is die leierskapslandskap eerder hibried van aard met beide verspreide en vertikale vorme van leierskap. Dit stem ooreen met ander navorsing oor leierskap in klein en medium ondernemings. Die tesis sluit af met 'n opsomming van die gevallestudie en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing wat verspreie leierskap in klein en medium ondernemings betref.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Small business -- Zambia, Distributed leadership -- Zambia, Leadership -- Practice -- Case studies -- Zambia, Family-owned business enterprises – Zambia, UCTD