A warehouse process performance evaluation, testing alignment with supply chain performance aspirations : an exploratory study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The ever-present need for Supply Chain efficiencies coupled with cost reduction initiatives within a globalised marketplace require businesses to think differently about how they meet every-changing customer demand. This concept has driven this extensive research, to develop an The third and final phase of this research were integrated, and tested the outcomes of the first two phases on a specific case company. Focusing on Warehouse process performance results related to the identified Supply Chain process attribute. Solutions were then identified to combat performance-related problems, to contribute to overall business performance improvement and realign Warehouse operations with overarching Supply Chain performance aspirations, derived from the underlying business strategy. This exploratory case study research led to very successful results, identifying the benefit of metric prioritisation through the integration of Business Strategy, Supply Chain strategic intent and processes, Warehousing operational metrics and the derived level of performance. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that alignment between Business and Supply Chain strategic aspirations and Warehousing operational performance is possible and can develop positive results related to the company’s identified strategic intent. This combination of existing methodologies could help the case study company to identify what they should be measuring, what the current level of performance is across different Warehouse processes and assist in Root Cause Analysis to understand which problems need to be addressed first. Thereafter, specific solutions can be developed and implemented to improve performance, related to the company’s overall Supply Chain performance aspirations.understanding of all supporting processes and activities that contribute to a business’s Supply Chain on a strategic, tactical and operational level. The goals and critical focus are enhanced productivity, increased bottom-line profits and customer service, through performance management. As a result, the measurement and management of these processes are paramount to their success or failure. This research focuses on the strategic intent of a specific Supply Chain structure, integrating selective strategies and processes, while using Warehousing operational process metrics to isolate possible performance issues, for which specific industry solutions were generated. The problem derived from existing theories and knowledge surrounding Supply Chain processes and Warehousing performance management, is that there is limited evidence of alignment between these two concepts, despite the reliance Supply Chain Management places on Warehousing activities. Therefore, aligning these two concepts from a Supply Chain level down to a Warehouse operational process level, outlines the purpose of this thesis. In order to research, review and isolate possible links between these two concepts, this thesis required a phased research design to systematically derive possible links between Business strategy, Supply Chain strategy and process performance with specific focus on Warehouse processes. The first phase of this research presented the findings of eight empirical case study examples that have been conducted as research assignments through student projects at Stellenbosch University. These empirical studies are based on a longitudinal research design that represents the culmination of three years of research projects within the Logistics Department. The second research phase required an extensive and in-depth literature review of Business strategy, Supply Chain strategy and process frameworks, and Warehousing process frameworks, respectively. The literature review process is structured as a cross-sectional research design which makes use of existing theories and methods to draw conclusions and links between the relevant concepts. The links found in this review process, culminated in a Supply Chain strategy process and Warehouse performance alignment matrix.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die voortdurende behoefte vir voorsieningsketting-doelmatigheid, gepaardgaande met kosteverminderingsinisiatiewe binne die wêreldwye mark, vereis van besighede om anders oor gedurig-veranderende kliënte-vereistes te dink. Hierdie konsep het die navorsing gedryf; om ’n begrip te ontwikkel vir al die ondersteuningsprosesse en aktiwiteite wat bydra tot ’n besigheid se voorsieningsketting op ’n strategiese-, taktiese- en operasionele vlak. Die doelwitte en kritieke fokus is beter produktiwiteit, verhoogde netto wins en kliëntediens deur prestasiebestuur. Gevolglik is die meting en die bestuur van hierdie prosesse noodsaaklik vir sukses of mislukking daarvan. Hierdie navorsing fokus op die strategiese doel van ’n spesifieke voorsieningskettingstruktuur, die integrasie van selektiewe strategieë en prosesse, terwyl pakhuisbedryfsprosesmeting gebruik word om moontlike prestasie probleme te isoleer, en waarvoor spesifieke bedryfsoplossings gegenereer is. Die nagaan van bestaande teorieë en kennis rakende voorsieningskettingprosesse en pakshuisbestuur, het getoon dat daar beperkte bewys van belyning tussen die twee konsepte bestaan, ten spyte van die rugsteun wat voorsieningskettingbestuur op opbergingsaktiwiteite plaas. Deur die twee konsepte van ’n voorsieningskettingsvlak af tot by ’n pakhuis operasionele vlak te belyn, is die raamwerk van hierdie studie. Ten einde moontlike skakels tussen die twee konsepte na te vors, na te gaan en te isoleer, het hierdie tesis ’n gefasseerde navorsingsontwerp gevolg wat sistematies die moontlike skakels tussen besigheidstrategie, voorsieningskettingstrategie en prosesprestasie met spesifieke fokus op pakhuisprosesse te kon aflei. Die eerste fase van die navorsing het die bevindinge van agt empiriese gevallestudies wat as navorsingswerkstukke deur studenteprojekte by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch uitgevoer is, voorgelê. Hierdie empiriese studies is gebaseer op ’n longitudinale navorsingsontwerp wat die kulminasie is van hierdie tesis oor ’n drie jaar tydperk by die Departement van Logistiek. Die tweede navorsingsfase het ’n in-diepte en uitgebreide literatuuroorsig van onderskeidelik besigheids- en voorsieningskettingstrategie, asook proses- en pakstoorprosesraamwerke, vereis. Die literatuuroorsigproses is as ’n kruissnit-navorsingsontwerp gestruktureer, wat gebruik gemaak het van bestaande teorieë en metodes om gevolgtrekkings en konneksies tussen relevante konsepte te kon maak. Die skakels wat in hierdie oorsig gevind is, het gekulmineer in ’n voorsieningsketting-strategieproses asook ’n pakhuisbelyningsmatriks. Die derde en laaste fase van hierdie navorsing is geïntegreer en het die eerste twee fases van ’n spesifieke maatskappy as gevallestudie getoets. Die fokus is geplaas op die pakhuis se prestasieuitkomste wat verwant is aan die geïdentifiseerde voorsieningskettingproses attribute (eienskappe). Oplossings is gevolglik geïdentifiseer om prestasie verwante probleme te hanteer en sodoende by te dra tot algehele verbeterde besigheidsprestasie, asook die herbelyning van pakstoorbedryf met oorkoepelende voorsieningsketting aspirasies wat afgelei is van die onderliggende besigheidstrategie. Hierdie verkennende gevallestudie het suksesvolle resultate getoon as gevolg van die identifisering van metingsprioritisering deur die integrasie van besigheidstrategie, voorsieningsketting-strategiese aspirasies en prosesse, pakhuis operasionele meting en die afgeleide vlak van prestasie. Die resultate wat in hierdie tesis na vore kom, toon dat belyning tussen besigheids- en voorsieningsketting strategie aspirasies en pakhuis operasionele prestasie moontlik is, en positiewe resultate verwant aan die maatskappy se strategiese doel kan bydra. Die kombinasie van bestaande metodologieë kan die (gevallestudie) maatskappy bystaan om te identifiseer wat gemeet moet word, wat die huidige vlak van prestasie oor verskillende pakhuisprosesse is, asook help met ’n kernoorsaakanalise om begrip te verkry oor watter probleme eerste hanteer moet word. Daarna kan spesifieke oplossings ontwikkel en geïmplementeer word om prestasie, wat aan die maatskappy se algehele voorsieningsketting aspirasies verwant is, te verbeter.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Business logistics -- Strategic aspects, Warehouses -- Performance -- Measurement, Warehouses -- Management -- Practice, Balanced scorecard (Management), UCTD