An analysis of the policy governing broadcasting news in contemporary South Africa, using Hanberger’s model

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the South African constitutional democracy, the state is responsible for ensuring that people have access to information, in order to make informed decisions and participate in democratic life. This responsibility is enshrined in the Constitution through the right to access information and the freedom of the media. The state enables constitutional imperatives via legislation. The broadcasting news policy is implemented via a Chapter 9 organisation, namely the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). The operation of this organisation is also provided for in the Constitution.This study is a policy analysis of the policy governing electronic news in contemporary South Africa, with a specific focus on free-to-air national television. Using Hanberger’s model as a framework to steer the research, this study examines whether the current policy is achieving its aims. Normative theory provides the theoretical point of departure, as the study questions whether the policy is effectively contributing to an informed population in the country, in order to further democracy. Using a qualitative research approach, the research methodology included a content analysis of free-to-air television news bulletins on SABC3 and ETV, analysis of documents related to the policy, and interviews with stakeholders.The study found that the South African public is being under-serviced with television news that lacks both depth and a diversity of viewpoints, that television newsrooms are under-resourced, and that owing to gaps in the policy, television stations produce the bare minimum of news. Additionally, the study revealed that the implementing organisation ICASA is inadequately fulfilling its function in various ways and has lost sight of its purpose. Other findings were that the country lacks an essential, legal definition of news, that the policy is managed in a superficial manner, and that there is a clear need for the policy to be revised and updated to accommodate the many shifts which have occurred in the socio-economic landscape and in the media environment since the policy’s inception 25 years ago.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die Suid-Afrikaanse grondwetlike demokrasie is dit die Staat se verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat mense toegang het tot inligting. Dit stel hulle in staat om ingeligte besluite te neem en deel te neem aan demokratiese prosesse. Die verantwoordelikheid begin by die grondwetlike imperatiewe wat die reg tot toegang tot inligting en persvryheid verskans, en word moontlik gemaak deur wetgewing wat hierdie regte – wat geïmplementeer word deur ‘n Hoofstuk Nege-instelling - tot uitvoer help bring. Hierdie studie is ‘n analise van die beleid op die regulering van elektroniese nuus in hedendaagse Suid-Afrika, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op gratis (“free-to-air”) nasionale televisie nuusuitsendings. Deur gebruik te maak van die Hanberger-model as ‘n raamwerk vir navorsing, ondersoek hierdie studie of die huidige beleid se doelwitte bereik word. Normatiewe teorie verskaf die teoretiese vertrekpunt, terwyl die studie die vraag vra of die beleid effektief bydra tot‘n ingeligte Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing met die oog op die bevordering van demokrasie. Daar word gebruik gemaak van ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering, en die navorsingsmetodologie sluit ‘n inhoudsanalise in van gratis nasionale televisienuus-bulletins op SABC3 en ETV, analise van dokumente wat betrekking het op die beleid, en onderhoude met belanghebbers. Die studie het bevind dat die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing onder-bedien word deur televisienuus, en dat die nuus boonop tekort skiet aan sowel diepte as ‘n verskeidenheid van standpunte, dat televisie nuuskantore onderbeman is en dat TV-kanale weens gapings in die beleid die absolute minimum hoeveelheid nuus lewer. Die navorsing toon ook dat ICASA, die instelling wat die beleid moet implementeer, op verskeie maniere nie sy funksies ten volle vervul nie en sy doelwit uit die oog verloor het. Ander kwessies wat uit die studie voortspruit, sluit in dat die land ʼn noodsaaklike, wetlike definisie van nuus benodig, dat die beleid op ʼn kunsmatige manier bestuur word en dat daar ʼn duidelike behoefte is aan ʼn hersiene, opgedateerde beleid om die talle veranderinge in die sosiale landskap en die media-omgewing wat sedert die ontstaan van die beleid 25 jaar gelede plaasgevind het, te akkommodeer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Independent Communication Authority of South Africa, Television broadcasting of news -- South Africa, Public broadcasting -- South Africa, ICASA, Hanberger's model, Television broadcasting policy -- South Africa, Broadband communication systems -- South Africa, UCTD