Poverty and minimum income aspirations in South Africa between 2009 and 2015

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the relationship between poverty and income aspirations in South Africa between 2009 and 2015. The study shows that as the income of households increases their need for higher income also increase. The aspirations gap of poor households were higher than those of not poor households. This indicates their need for higher income and also lack of financial resources when compared to the not poor households. The study shows that income aspirations are significantly and positively correlated with the extent of inequality. However, in a country with decreasing incidence of household poverty and inequality levels between 2009 and 2015 the influence of inequality on income aspirations decreased. As a result of declining incidence of household poverty and inequality levels, the importance of reference group income in determining income aspirations increased significantly.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die verhouding tussen armoede en inkomste-aspirasies in Suid-Afrika tussen 2009 en 2015. Die studie toon dat namate huishoudings se inkomste toeneem, hul behoefte aan hoër inkomste ook toeneem. Die aspirasiegaping van arm huishoudings was groter as dié van nie-arm huishoudings. Dit dui op hul behoefte aan hoër inkomste en ook 'n gebrek aan finansiële hulpbronne in vergelyking met die nie-arm huishoudings. Die studie toon dat inkomste-aspirasies beduidend en positief gekoppel is aan die omvang van ongelykheid. In 'n land wat 'n afname toon in huishoudelike armoede en ongelykheidsvlakke tussen 2009 en 2015 het die invloed van ongelykheid op inkomste-aspirasies egter verminder. As gevolg van die afname in huishoudelike armoede en ongelykheidsvlakke, het die belangrikheid van die verwysingsgroep se inkomste by die bepaling van inkomste-aspirasies aansienlik toegeneem.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020