Process improvements and techno-economic analyses for the production of short-chain fructose-containing oligosaccharides from sucrose and Jerusalem artichoke tubers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recent years have seen significant growth in the global market for short-chain fructooligo saccharides (scFOS) and inulooligo saccharides (IOS) due to the rising health awareness and demand for calorie controlled foods. The global demand for prebiotics has been estimated at over 200000 tonnes per year, of which scFOS and IOS constitute a significant fraction. Commercial production of scFOS relies on the enzymatic polymerization of sucrose using β-fructofuranosidase, while the production of IOS relies on the controlled hydrolysis of inulin. South Africa has the potential to contribute its quota to the prebiotic market through the production of scFOS by channelling part of the sugar designated for exportation into the production of this high value product to meet the scFOS local market demand as well as contribute to the international market. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers have inulin contents similar to that of chicory, coupled with a significant amount of protein. The ability of Jerusalem artichoke (JA) to resist pests and diseases, frost and drought coupled with its ability to grow on most soils with little fertilizer requirements, relieves it of geographical limitations and reduces cultivation expenses. With these unique properties, Jerusalem artichoke has some advantage over chicory. The co-production of IOS and protein, followed by animal feed, ethanol or biogas production from the extraction residues in a biorefinery concept, may improve the economic feasibility of IOS production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. At present, the main source of inulin exploited for the production of IOS is the roots of chicory. However, the interesting properties of Jerusalem artichoke make it a suitable alternative source of inulin.The present study sought to improve and compare the economic feasibilities of sucrose and JA tuber as feedstocks for scFOS and IOS production respectively. This involved the minimization of scFOS production cost by exploring and optimizing the different sucrose to scFOS production scenarios (free and immobilized enzyme systems). In objectives 1-3 a novel β-fructofuranosidase responsible for scFOS production from sucrose was immobilized by adsorptionon to Amberlite IRA 900 and Dowex marathon MSAanion exchange resins and by entrapment in calcium alginate beads, in the quest to maximise the utilization of the high value enzyme.The data was implemented in objective 4 by simulating three scFOS production scenarios in Aspen Plus® v8.8 to ascertain the economic feasibility of the free and immobilized enzyme systems of scFOS production by estimating the minimum selling price (MSP) of scFOS. The scFOS production with the free enzyme system resulted in the most profitable scenario with an MSP of 2.61 $/kg compared to the set market price of 5 $/kg. The optimization of IOS production from various inulin-rich substrates obtainable from JA tubers was carried out in objective 5, with consideration of protein extraction options. The data was applied in objective 6 for the simulation of five multiproduct JA tuber biorefineries in Aspen Plus® v8.8 for IOS, protein, animal feed and bioenergyco-production, as a way of improving the economic feasibility of IOS production from JA tuber. The JA tuber biorefinery for IOS, and animal feed co-production (scenario B) was the most profitable with an MSP of 3.91 $/kg.Comparison of the best-case scenarios of scFOS and IOS productions revealed the free enzyme system of scFOS production from sucrose as the ultimately economically feasible scenario as it required lesser capital investment (15.45 M$ vs 37.82 M$) and operating expenditure (3.40 M$ vs 5.18 M$) with less technical complication than the best case of the JA tuber biorefinery scenarios. The solubility constraints associated with IOS production from the inulin in the JA tuber resulted in increased equipment sizes and utility consumption. Ultimately, the implementation of scFOS and IOS production biorefineries in South Africa would contribute to the South African economy through job creation and revenue generation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die laaste jare is noemenswaardige groei in die globale mark vir kortketting fruktooligosakkariede (scFOS) en inulooligosakkariedes (IOS) as gevolg van die stygende gesondheidsbewustheid en aanvraag vir kalorie-gekontroleerde kosse. Die globale aanvraag vir prebiotika is beraam om meer as 200000 ton per jaar te wees, waarvan scFOS en IOS ’n merkwaardige gedeelte uitmaak. Kommersiële produksie van scFOS maak staat op die ensimatiese polimerisasie van sukrose deur β-fruktofuranosidase te gebruik, terwyl die produksie van IOS staat maak op die gekontroleerde hidrolise van inulien. Die potensiaal bestaan vir Suid-Afrika om sy kwota by te dra tot die prebiotikamark deur die produksie van scFOS, deur deel van die suiker aangedui vir uitvoer in die produksie van hierdie hoë waarde produk te kanaliseer om aan die scFOS plaaslike markaanvraag te voldoen, sowel as om by te dra tot die internasionale mark. Aardartisjok (Helianthus tuberosus L.) -knolle het inulieninhoud soortgelyk aan die van sigorei, gekoppel aan ’n beduidende hoeveelheid proteïen. Die vermoë van aardartisjok (JA) om peste en siektes, ryp en droogtes te weerstaan, gekoppel aan sy vermoë om op meeste grondsoorte met min kunsmis te groei, verlig dit van geografiese beperkinge en verminder kultiveringsuitgawes. Met hierdie unieke eienskappe het aardartisjok sommige voordele oor sigorei. Die koproduksie van IOS en proteïen, gevolg deur diervoer, etanol of biogasproduksie vanuit die ekstrahering residu in ’n bioraffineerderykonsep, kan die ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van IOS-produksie uit aardartisjokknolle verbeter. Tans is die hoofbron van inulien geëksploiteer vir die produksie van IOS die wortels van sigorei. Die interessante eienskappe van aardartisjok maak dit egter ’n gepaste alternatiewe bron van inulien.Die huidige studie het beoog om die ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van sukrose en JA-knolle as voermateriaal vir scFOS-en IOS-produksie, onderskeidelik, te verbeter en vergelyk. Dit het die minimalisering van scFOS-produksiekoste behels deur die verskillende sukrose na scFOS-produksie scenario’s (vry en geimmobiliseerde ensiemstelsels) te ondersoek en optimeer. In doelwitte 1–3 is ’n nuwe β-fruktofuranosidase, verantwoordelik vir scFOS-produksie van sukrose, geimmobiliseer deur adsorpsie op Amberlite IRA 900 en Dowex maraton MSA anioonruilingsharse en deur verstrikking in kalsiumalginaatkrale, in die soektog om die benutting van die hoë waarde ensiem te maksimeer. Die data is geïmplimenteer in doelwit 4 deur drie scFOS-produksie scenario’s in Aspen Plus®v8.8 te simuleer om die ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van die vry en geimmobiliseerde ensiemstelses van scFOS-produksie te bepaal deur die minimum verkoopsprys (MSP) van scFOS te beraam. Die scFOS-produksie met die vry ensiemstelsel het die mees winsgewende scenario tot gevolg gehad met ’n MSP van 2.61 $/kg in vergelyking met die vaste markprys van 5 $/kg. Die optimering van IOS-produksie van verskeie inulienryke substrate verkrygbaar uit JA-knolle is in doelwit 5 uitgevoer, met inagneming van proteïenekstraheeropsies. Die data is toegepas in doelwit 6 vir die simulasie van vyf multiproduk JA-knol-bioraffineerderye in Aspen Plus®v8.8 vir IOS, proteïen, diervoer en bioenergie koproduksie, as ’n manier om die ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van IOS-produksie uit JA-knolle te verbeter. Die JA-knolbioraffineerdery vir IOS, en diervoer koproduksie (scenario B) was die winsgewendste met ’n MSP van 3.91 $/kg. Vergelyking van die beste geval scenario’s van scFOS-en IOS-produksies het gewys dat die vry ensiemstelsel van scFOS-produksie uit sukrose die eindelike ekonomiese uitvoerbare scenario is, omdat dit minder kapitaalbelegging (15.45 M$ vs. 37.82 M$) en bedryfsuitgawes (3.40 M$ vs. 5.18 M$) benodig, met minder tegniese komplikasies as die beste geval van die JA-knolbioraffineerdery-scenario’s. Die oplosbaarheidbeperkinge geassosieer met IOS-produksie uit die inulien in die JA-knol het in verhoogde toerusting groottes en utiliteitgebruik gelei. Eindelik sal die implimentering van scSOF en IOS-produksie bioraffineerderye in Suid-Afrika bydra tot die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie deur werkskepping en inkomste generasie.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
UCTD, Calcium alginate, Amberlite IRA 900, Saccharides -- Production -- Cost effectiveness, Jerusalem artichoke -- Processing -- Economic aspects, Oligosaccharides -- Biotechnology, Sucrose -- Processing -- Economic aspects, Sugars -- Production -- Cost effectiveness, Prebiotics -- Procution -- Cost effectiveness, Inulin-containing plants -- Processing