Development and verification of a centrifugal compressor test bench for Micro Gas Turbines (MGTs)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent times the demand for Micro Gas Turbines (MGTs) with power levels below 10 kW has increased. Despite MGTs being a potential replacement of internal combustion (IC) engines, they are prone to aerodynamic and machine design problems. To address the design problems there has been a considerable amount of research dedicated to the development of centrifugal compressors stages for MGT applications. This project sets out to develop and verify a centrifugal compressor test bench in order to characterize new designs of centrifugal compressors. A fully automated test bench was designed and commissioned which used a complete turbocharger unit to drive the compressor. The turbocharger turbine was driven by supplying compressed air at ambient temperature. The test bench was equipped with the necessary instrumentation which were required to obtain performance test measurements. The experimental data was then processed to evaluate the total to static (t-s) pressure ratio, and total to total (t-t) temperature ratio and the efficiency of the compressor. Numerous successful tests were conducted at speeds of 60 000, 80 000, and 100 000 rpm and shown to be repeatable. A 1D flow analysis was performed with the help of the Flownex® Simulation Environment (SE) in order to simulate the centrifugal compressor test bench. The results from the simulations correlated well with the experimental results, with a difference of between 0 to 6 % for the mass flow rates and 0 to 6.5 % for the turbine inlet pressure. This model will assist in designing further modifications that may be implemented on the test bench. Such a modification may include the installation of a heating system in order to increase the energy content of the air that is used to drive the turbine.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvraag na mikrogasturbines (MGTs) met drywingsvlakke onder 10 kW, vir beide burgerlike en militêre toepassings, het onlangs toegeneem. MGTs het die potensiaal om binnebrandenjins te vervang, maar is geneig tot aërodinamiese en masjienontwerps probleme. Om die ontwerps probleme aan te spreek, is daar ‘n aansienlike hoeveelheid navorsing gewy aan die ontwikkeling van sentrifugaal kompressor stadiums vir MGT toepassings. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om ’n sentrifugaal kompressor toetsbank te ontwikkel en verifieër vir die karakterisering van nuwe sentrifugaal kompressors. ’n Volledige outomatiese toetsbank was ontwerp en in gebruik geneem. Die toetsbank maak gebruik van ’n volledige turboaanjaer eenheid om die kompressor aan te dryf. Die turboaanjaer word gedryf deur saamgeperste lug wat verskaf word teen omgewingstemperatuur. Die toetsbank is toegerus met die nodige instrumentasie wat vereis word om die prestasietoetsmetings uit te voer. Die eksperimentele data is verwerk om die totale tot statiese (t-s) drukverhouding, totale tot totale (t-t) temperatuurverhouding en die benuttingsgraad van die kompressor te verkry. Talle suksesvolle en herhaalbare toetse was uitgevoer teen omwentelingsnelhede van 60 000, 80 000 en 100 000 opm. n 1D Vloeianalise, wat gebruik maak van die Flownex® Simulasie-omgewing (SE), is uitgevoer om die sentrifugaal kompressor toetsbank te simuleer. Die resultate van die simulasies het goed ooreen gestem met die eksperimentele resultate. Die verskil in massavloeitempo en die turbine-inlaatdruk was 0 tot 6 % en 0 tot 6.5 %, onderskeidelik. Die model kan dus gebruik word om toekomstige verbeterings vir die toetsbank te ontwerp en te implementer. Een so ʼn moontlikheid kan die installasie van ’n verhitting stelsel wees wat die energieinhoud van die lug wat die turbine aan dryf verhoog.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Centrifugal compressors -- Design and construction, Micro gas turbines, Compressors -- Testing, Computational fluid dynamics, Turbomachines, UCTD