The analysis of multi-clustering in heavy nuclei

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The binary cluster model is the simplest mathematical model which is used to describe a system of strongly interacting, and highly correlated nuclear matter. This study will serve as a means to better understand the phenomenon of nuclear clustering beyond a 208P b-alpha cluster core system. Theoretically predicted observables, such as the cluster decay half-life, positive parity cluster states, and the reduced electric dipole transition (B(E2)) are compared to the available experimentally observed quantities. The results show that the tested systems for various cluster-core configurations, of both a fixed parent nuclei and fixed stable core favoured the phenomenological description of their interaction. A numerical optimization procedure is applied to the core- cluster potential of the binary cluster formalism and is then used as an analytical tool in order to predict the possibility of higher modes of cluster decay in 216Rn.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die binêre bondelmodel is die eenvoudigste wiskundige model wat gebruik word om 'n stelsel van sterk interaksie te beskryf, en sterk gekorreleerde kernmateriaal. Hierdie studie sal dien as 'n weg tot 'n beter verstaan van die verskynsel van kern groepering bo en behalwe 'n 208P b -alphagroepering kernstelsel. Teoreties voorspelbare waarneembares, soos die bondelvervalhalfleeftyd, positiewe bondelpariteitstoestande, en die verminderde elektriese dipooloorgang (B (E2)) word vergelyk met die beskikbare eksperimentele hoeveelhede. Die resultate toon dat toetsstelsels vir verskillende bondel-kernkongurasies, van beide die vaste ouer kern- en vaste stabiele kern skema, beter beskryf word deur die fenomenologiese beskrywing van hul wisselwerking.Numeriese optimering word toegepas op die kern-bondelpotensiaal van die binere bondel-formalisme, waarna dit as 'n analitiese instrument gebruik word vir die voorspelling van moontlike hoër modusse van bondelverval in 216Rn.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Multi-clustering, Heavy nuclei, Binary cluster model, Cluster theory (Nuclear physics), UCTD, Clustering in heavy nuclei, Nuclear decay