Development of a smart maintenance system for UV lamps

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The supply of customer-specific products is leading to the increasing technical complexity of machines and plants in the manufacturing process. In order to ensure the availability of the machines and plants, maintenance is considered as an essential key. The application of cyberphysical systems enables the complexity to be mastered by improving the availability of information, predictive maintenance strategies and the provision of information. The present research project deals with the development of a cost-effective and retrofittable smart maintenance system for the application of ultraviolet lamps. UV lamps are used in a variety of applications such as curing of materials and water disinfection, where UV lamps are still used instead of UV LED due to their higher effectiveness. The smart maintenance system enables continuous condition monitoring of the UV lamp through the integration of sensors. The data obtained are compared with data from existing lifetime models of UV lamps to provide information about the remaining useful lifetime of the UV lamp. This ensures needs-based maintenance measures and more efficient use of UV lamps. Furthermore, it is important to have accurate information on the remaining useful lifetime of a UV lamp, as the unplanned breakdown of a UV lamp can have far-reaching consequences. The requirements for the smart maintenance system are determined from a comprehensive literature review about smart maintenance, cyber-physical systems and UV applications. Derived from the literature review, a functional model is defined. The model describes the functional dependencies between the sensors and actuator, the condition monitoring system as well as the IoT platform. Based on the requirements and the functional model, the hardware and software are selected. Finally, the system is developed and retrofitted to a simulated curing process of a 3D printer to validate its functional capability. The developed smart maintenance system leads to improved information availability of the condition of UV lamps, predictive maintenance measures and context-related provision of information.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verskaffing van klant spesifieke produkte lei tot die toenemende tegniese kompleksiteit van masjiene en aanlegte in die vervaardigingsproses. Om die beskikbaarheid van masjiene en aanlegte te verseker, word onderhoud as 'n noodsaaklike sleutel beskou. Deur die toepassing van kuberfisiese stelsels word die kompleksiteit bemeester deur die beskikbaarheid van inligting, voorspellende instandhouding strategieë en die verskaffing van inligting verbeter. Die huidige navorsingsprojek handel oor die ontwikkeling van 'n koste-effektiewe en aanpasbare slim instandhouding stelsel vir die toepassing van ultravioletlampe (UV). UV-lampe word in verskillende toepassings gebruik, soos om materiale te verhard en die ontsmetting van water, waar UV-lampe steeds gebruik word in plaas van UV-LED vanweë hul hoër effektiwiteit. Die slim instandhouding stelsel maak dit moontlik om die UV-lamp deur die integrasie van sensors deurlopend te monitor. Die data wat verkry is, word vergelyk met die data van die bestaande lewenslange modelle van UV-lampe om inligting te verskaf oor die oorblywende nuttige leeftyd van die UV-lamp. Dit verseker behoefte-gebaseerde onderhoud maatreëls en meer doeltreffende gebruik van UV-lampe. Verder is dit belangrik om akkurate inligting te hê oor die oorblywende bruikbare leeftyd van 'n UV-lamp, aangesien die onbeplande ineenstorting van 'n UV-lamp verreikende gevolge kan hê. Die vereistes vir die slim instandhouding stelsel word bepaal uit 'n uitgebreide literatuuroorsig oor slim instandhouding, kuber-fisiese stelsels en UV-toepassings. 'N Funksionele model is afgelei van die literatuurstudie. Die model beskryf die funksionele afhanklik hede tussen die sensors en die motors, die toestand moniteringstelsel sowel as die IoT-platform. Op grond van die vereistes en die funksionele model word die hardeware en sagteware gekies. Laastens word die stelsel ontwikkel en toegerus op 'n gesimuleerde verhardings proses van 'n “3D-printer” om die funksionele vermoë daarvan te bevestig. Die ontwikkelde slim instandhouding stelsel lei tot verbeterde beskikbaarheid van inligting oor die toestand van UV-lampe, voorspellende instandhoudings maatreëls en konteks verwante verskaffing van inligting.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Smart maintenance, Intelligent control systems, Ultraviolet lamps -- Maintenance and repair, Cyber-physical systems, UCTD