'n Ondersoek na tydvooruitskatting in klankproduksie

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When it comes to an approach towards a sound recording process, there is an underlining psychological pressure to complete everything according to the prescribed time estimation. Due to the fact that a sound recording process is creative in essence, the time estimation of a sound recording process is not always accurate because of uncertainties that appear. However, when it comes to the approach towards a sound recording process the estimation thereof is not so de nitive. This uncertainty has a negative e ect on the quality of a sound recording. On the grounds of this, the aim of this research project was to investigate how sound technicians, producers and artists approach time estimation. In this research study grounded theory was used as a research methodology. The aim was to develop a possible saturated theory that sound technicians, producers and artists could use to better determine the time estimation of sound recordings. Through the use of interviews with experts in the study eld, an extensive literature study and note taking, 15 categories were developed that sound technicians, producers and artists could use to better prepare time estimation in sound recordings. Therefore, a better concept could be formed in the phenomena that is time estimation. Out of the 15 categories, it has been discovered that time estimation needs sufficient and continuous preproduction and preparation to help insure that the recording project could be a success. Nevertheless, an estimation stays an estimation. In conclusion, it was discovered that to make a more accurate time estimation sound recordings need a time estimation concept that sound technicians, producers and artists could use to better determine time estimation in sound recordings.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer dit kom by die benadering van 'n opnameproses is daar 'n onderliggende sielkundige druk om alles volgens die voorgestelde tydvooruitskatting te voltooi. Aangesien 'n opnameproses kreatief van aard is, is die tydvooruitskatting van 'n opnameproses nie altyd akkuraat nie omdat daar 'n vorm van onvoorspelbaarheid intree. Tog wanneer dit tot die benadering van tydvooruitskatting in 'n opnameproses kom is die bepaling daarvan nie so de nitief nie. Hierdie onbepaaldheid veroorsaak dat die kwaliteit van 'n opname ongelukkig negatief beïnvloed word. Op grond hiervan was die doel van hierdie studie om ondersoek in te stel in hoe klanktegnici, vervaardigers en kunstenaars tydvooruitskatting benader. In hierdie navorsingstudie was gegronde teorie gebruik as navorsingsmetodologie. Daar was gepoog om 'n moontlike versadigte teorie te ontwikkel wat klanktegnici, vervaardigers en kunstenaars se tydvooruitskatting in klankopnames beter kan bepaal. Deur gebruik te maak van onderhoude met deskundiges in die studieveld, 'n breedvoerige literatuurstudie en aantekeninge was 15 kategoriee ontwikkel wat klanktegnici, vervaardigers en kunstenaars kan gebruik om 'n beter tydvooruitskatting in klankopnames te ontwikkel. Gevolglik, kon daar 'n beter begrip tot die verskynsel van tydvooruitskatting verkry word. Daar is uit hierdie 15 kategorieë gevind dat tydvooruitskatting doeltreffende en deurlopende voorproduksie en voorbereiding benodig om 'n opnameprojek se sukses te help verseker. Nietemin bly 'n vooruitskatting 'n vooruitskatting. In gevolgtrekking was daar gevind dat beter tydvooruitskatting vir klankopnames 'n daadwerklike tydvooruitskattingskonsep benodig om klanktegnici, vervaardigers en kunstenaars te ondersteun om 'n meer akkurate tydvooruitskatting te maak.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Sound recordings -- Production and direction, Music and technology, Project management -- Methodology, UCTD