Deliberative agent model of a taxi rank

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Minibus-taxi loading facilities known "taxi ranks" in South Africa are designed according to guidelines prescribed by the South African Department of Transport. Currently, it is only possible to observe whether designs are successful once they have been constructed. This research project aims to develop a tool that can provide answers to "what-if?" questions posed about taxi rank designs so that the risks associated with unsuccessful designs can be reduced. Taxi rank designers can then use the tool in addition to the guidelines. It is pro- posed that the development of a detailed simulation model will allow taxi rank designers to test the effects of their ideas without the risks associated with building a taxi rank. A simulation model incorporating deliberative agents and three-dimensional geometry was developed. The model, referred to as ACTS, was used to create a digital twin of the Bergzicht taxi rank located in Stellenbosch. ACTS produces results within an acceptable margin of error and it is proposed that it is used as part of the taxi rank design process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika, word sogenoemde ’taxi ranks’ ontwerp volgens riglyne wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Vervoer voorgeskryf is. Tans is dit slegs moontlik om te sien of ontwerpe suksesvol is sodra dit gebou is. Hierdie navorsingsprojek het ten doel om ’n hulpmiddel te ontwikkel wat antwoorde kan gee op ’wat-as?’ vrae rakende ontwerpe vir taxi ranks. So ’n hulpmiddel kan die risiko’s verbonde aan onsuksesvolle ontwerpe verminder. Taxi rank ontwerpers kan dan die hulpmiddel benewens die riglyne gebruik. Daar word voorgestel dat die ontwikkeling van ’n gedetailleerde simulasiemodel taxi-rank ontwerpers in staat sal stel om die gevolge van hul idees te toets sonder die risiko’s verbonde aan die oprig van ’n taxi rank. ’n Simulasiemodel wat beraadslagende sagteware agente en driedimensionele geometriese modelle bevat, is ontwikkel. Die model, wat ACTS genoem word, is gebruik om ’n digitale tweeling van die Bergzicht taxi rank in Stellenbosch te skep. ACTS lewer resultate binne ’n aanvaarbare foutmarge en daar word voorgestel dat dit gebruik word as deel van die ontwerp proses van taxi ranks.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
UCTD, Minibuses, Taxi ranks -- Architectural designs, Informatics