The perceptions of preceptors regarding assessment of clinical associate students at Walter Sisulu University

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Introduction: Preceptors are vital stakeholders in the training of clinical associate students at district hospital training sites in the Walter Sisulu University Bachelor of Medical Clinical practice (BMCP) programme. They conduct teaching and learning, and assessment activities. Whereas preceptors have facilitated learning and assessment for clinical associate students for ten years, their perceptions of the assessment process had not been explored and factored into clinical associate training. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of preceptors regarding assessing clinical associate students at district hospital training sites. Methods: This was a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach. Nine preceptors were purposively selected and interviewed from three district hospitals. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Four themes emerged from data analysis with several subthemes and categories. The themes were: assessment issues, student issues, preceptor issues and university issues. The subthemes under assessment issues were conduct of assessment, tools of assessment, validity of assessment and ease of assessment. The theme of student issues had the subthemes of poorly performing students, student demands, and conflicts with students. The theme of preceptor issues included the subthemes of preceptor skills for assessment, affect related to assessment, and preceptor motivation. The theme of university issues had one subtheme which was university support for assessment. Discussion: Preceptors were found to be actively engaged with students at the district hospitals, are highly motivated, and obtained satisfaction from the assessment that they do. There was no training of the preceptors in preparation for their role. They therefore employed various individual techniques to train and assess students which resulted in a heterogeneous picture across the sampled sites. The lack of training coupled with reluctance to fail poor performing students and the possibility of subjectivity bring the reliability of assessment by preceptors into question. Conclusion: The district hospital training sites are seen to be appropriate for training and assessing clinical associates. There is a need for training and continued support of preceptors so as to assure reliability and uniformity of the assessment process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Inleiding: Preseptore is belangrike belanghebbendes in die opleiding van klinies geassosieerde studente by die distrik opleidingskampusse in die Baccalaureas Kliniese praktiese program by die Universiteit Walter Sisilu. Hulle doen leer en onderrig, sowel as assesseringsaktiwiteite. Die preseptore het die leer en assessering fasiliteer vir die klinies geassosieerde studente al vir die afgelope 10 jaar gefasiliteer, maar hulle ondervinding en persepsies van die assesseringsproses is nog nie ondersoek nie. Doel: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies en ondervinding van die preseptore rakende die assessering van die klinies geassosieerde studente by distrik hospitaal opleidingskampusse te ondersoek. Metodes: Dit was ‘n kwalitatiewe studie met ‘n fenomenologiese benadering. Nege preseptore van drie distrikhospitale is doelgerig gekies om mee onderhoude te voer Die onderhoude is gerekordeer en getranskribeer, waarna ‘n tematiese analise gedoen is. Resultate: Vier temas het ontstaan uit die data-analise met verskeie subtemas en kategorieë. Hierdie temas was: assesseringsprobleme, studenteprobleme, probleme met preseptore en universiteitsprobleme. Die subtemas onder assesseringsprobleme was die uitvoer van assessering, bronne van assessering, die geldigheid van assessering, sowel as die gemak van assessering. Studenteprobleme het die volgende subtemas gehad: studente wat swak vaar, eise van studente, en konflik met studente. Preseptorprobleme het subtemas ingesluit wat verband hou met die vaardighede vir assessering, die invloed rakende assessering, en motivering van preseptore. Universiteitsprobleme het slegs een subtema gehad, naamlik die ondersteuning van assessering van die universiteit. Bespreking: Dit is gevind dat preseptore aktief betrokke was by studente by distrik hospitale, dat hulle hoogs gemotiveerd is, en dat hulle tevrede is met die assessering wat hulle doen. Daar was geen opleiding van die preseptore gewees om hulle voor te berei vir die rol wat hulle moet vervul nie. Hulle het dus verskeie individuele tegnieke gebruik om studente op te lei en te assesseer; wat gevolglik gelei het tot ‘n heterogene beeld regoor die verkose kampusse. Die gebrek aan opleiding tesame met die onwilligheid om studente wat swak presteer te druip en die moontlikheid van subjektiwiteit trek die geldigheid van assessering deur preseptore in twyfel. Gevolgtrekking: Die distrik hospitaal opleiding areas word gesien as toepaslik vir die opleiding en assessering van klinies geassosieerde studente. Daar is egter ‘n behoefte vir opleiding en deurlopende ondersteuning van preseptore om sodoende die validiteit en uniformiteit van die assesseringsproses te verseker.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Medical teaching personnel -- Walter Sisulu University for Technology & Science -- Attitudes, Medical students -- Evaluation -- Walter Sisulu University for Technology & Science, UCTD