The blockchain-energy nexus

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: South Africa needs to transition away from a fossil fuel-intensive energy system if it is to reduce its carbon emissions. There is both a need for the development of renewable energy technologies, and for systems to manage electricity flows in municipal distribution networks which increasingly comprise buildings with private generation such as roof-mounted solar panels. Blockchain has the potential to address both needs. How blockchain applications can form part of the dominant South African energy regime are largely unknown, as are the implications of doing so. Research has shown that blockchain can be used to crowd-finance renewable energy projects and to manage electricity trading between small-scale producers and consumers of electricity. This study aims to understand how an existing Sun Exchange solar project finance blockchain application has been developed and integrated into the South African energy system and what its impacts are. It further aims to determine the viability and prospects of blockchain-based electricity trading in South Africa. Contributing to the research on the applicability of blockchain in the South African energy system, the research asks: How is the project finance innovation developing and integrating into the South African energy system, and is there potential for it to form part of a new dominant regime? Is also asks: Is there potential for blockchain-based electricity trading in South Africa, how can it be developed, and how might it affect the energy system? To answer the research questions a review of the literature on energy transitions, the South African energy system, blockchain technology, and theories of multi-level perspective and strategic niche management which explore sociotechnical regime transitions, was conducted. A participative case study was used to research the Sun Exchange organisation and its blockchain-based solar project finance innovation. Interviews were conducted to research the viability and prospects of blockchain-based electricity trading in South Africa. The case study revealed that Sun Exchange uses many developmental best practices proposed by the strategic niche management theory for its project finance innovation. It also identified that it would be beneficial for the organisation to constantly question underlying assumptions regarding which type of blockchain it uses due to the evolving nature of the technology. The case study further revealed it is unlikely that the project finance innovation will form part of the dominant energy regime in South Africa if the barrier which currently limits Sun Exchange projects to a maximum size of 10 Megawatts (MW), is not overcome. The interviews revealed that there is potential for the development of a blockchain-based electricity trade application and that the most viable way for it to be incorporated into the energy system would be if it were implemented by municipalities that own their distribution networks for managing electricity trading. Such an application seems to have many positive implications, particularly for municipalities, consumers, and developers of renewable energy technologies, and for reducing the country’s carbon emissions. Barriers to the integration of the application were identified as primarily relating to legislation. It is recommended that a public-private partnership be initiated for the development of the application and that further research be conducted to establish exactly which organisations could contribute to this collaboration and how it could be financed, developed, and integrated into the dominant energy regime.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika moet van 'n fossielbrandstofintensiewe energiestelsel oorgaan om die koolstofvrystellings te verminder. Daar is beide 'n behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van tegnologiee vir hernubare energie, sowel as vir stelsels om elektrisiteitsvloei te bestuur in munisipale verspreidingsnetwerke wat toenemend geboue met private opwekking soos sonkragpanele op die dak behels. Blokkeketting (Blockchain) het die potensiaal om in albei behoeftes te voorsien. Hoe Blokkeketting -toepassings deel kan vorm van die dominante Suid-Afrikaanse energie-netwerk is grootliks onbekend, en ook die implikasies daarvan. Navorsing het getoon dat Blokkeketting gebruik kan word om projekte vir hernubare energie te finansier en om handel te dryf tussen kleinskaalse produsente en elektrisiteitsverbruikers. Hierdie studie het ten doel om te verstaan hoe 'n bestaande Sun Exchange-sonkrag-projekfinansiering Blokkeketting-toepassing ontwikkel en geintegreer kan word in die Suid-Afrikaanse energiestelsel en wat die gevolge daarvan sal wees. Dit het verder ten doel om die lewensvatbaarheid en vooruitsigte van Blokkeketting-gebaseerde elektrisiteitshandel in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Die navorsing dra by tot die navorsing oor die toepaslikheid van Blokkeketting in die Suid-Afrikaanse energiestelsel en vra die vraag: Hoe kan die projekfinansiering in die Suid-Afrikaanse energiestelsel ontwikkel en innovasie en integrasie bevorder word, en is die potensiaal daar om deel te vorm van 'n nuwe dominante netwerk? Voorts word ook die volgende bekyk: Is daar potensiaal vir Blokkeketting-gebaseerde elektrisiteitshandel in Suid-Afrika, hoe kan dit ontwikkel word, en hoe kan dit die energiestelsel beinvloed? Om die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord, is 'n oorsig van die literatuur oor energieoorgange, die Suid-Afrikaanse energiestelsel, Blokkeketting-tegnologie, en teoriee oor meervlakkige perspektiewe en strategiese nisbestuur wat sosio-tegniese regime-oorgange ondersoek, gedoen. 'n Deelnemende gevallestudie is gebruik om die Sun Exchange-organisasie en sy innovasie op die sonkragprojekfinansiering op Blokkeketting te ondersoek. Onderhoude is gevoer om die lewensvatbaarheid en vooruitsigte van Blokkeketting-gebaseerde elektrisiteitshandel in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Die gevallestudie het aan die lig gebring dat Sun Exchange baie ontwikkelingspraktyke gebruik wat deur die strategiese nisbestuursteorie voorgestel word vir sy innovasie in projekfinansiering. Dit het ook geidentifiseer dat dit voordelig sou wees vir die organisasie om die onderliggende aannames voortdurend te bevraagteken rakende die soort Blokkeketting wat hy gebruik as gevolg van die veranderende aard van die tegnologie. Die gevallestudie het verder getoon dat dit onwaarskynlik is dat die projekfinansieringsinnovasie deel sal vorm van die oorheersende energienetwerk in Suid-Afrika indien die hindernis wat tans Sun Exchange-projekte tot 'n maksimum grootte van 10 Megawatt (MW) beperk, nie oorbrug word nie. Die onderhoude het aan die lig gebring dat die potensiaal bestaan vir die ontwikkeling van 'n Blokkeketting-gebaseerde elektrisiteitshandelsaansoek, en dat die lewensvatbaarste manier om dit in die energiestelsel in te sluit, sou wees as dit geimplementeer word deur munisipaliteite wat hul verspreidingsnetwerke besit om elektrisiteitshandel te bestuur. So 'n toepassing blyk baie positiewe implikasies te he, veral vir munisipaliteite, verbruikers en ontwikkelaars van hernubare energietegnologiee, en om die land se koolstofvrystellings te verminder. Hindernisse vir die integrasie van die aansoek is geidentifiseer en het hoofsaaklik betrekking op die huidige wetgewing. Dit word aanbeveel dat 'n publiek-private vennootskap van stapel gestuur word vir die ontwikkeling van die aansoek en dat verdere navorsing onderneem word om vas te stel presies watter organisasies kan bydra tot hierdie samewerking en hoe dit gefinansier, ontwikkel en geintegreer kan word in die dominante energienetwerk.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Electricity -- Distribution -- South Africa, Electric power distribution -- South Africa, Energy industries -- South Africa, Renewable energy sources -- Economic aspects -- South Africa, UCTD