A case study analysis of human resource management systems in selected higher education institutions in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Human Resource Management (HRM) systems are a critical component of every organisation and encompass models, practices, orientations and other key elements, which impact on the efficiency and relevance of the services and other related outputs provided to users. The associated successes and failures of HRM systems ultimately have a significant organisational impact. This exploratory work sought to ascertain the impact of Human Resource (HR) models, HR competencies, and transformative leadership, on employee performance, satisfaction and perception. Further, an analysis of the competencies required of HR practitioners were identified. This study and its findings are intended to assist HR departments in their consideration of the need for transformational leadership and improvement of HR models and competencies, relevant to the requirements of the higher education (HE) sector. HRM systems in higher education in South Africa are facing challenges. To meet the dynamic needs of contemporary organisations, a critical review of current practices and models are required. The principal aim of this study was to examine the HRM systems used in higher education institutions in South Africa. In addition, transformative leadership models and competencies within the HE sector in South Africa were explored. The focus of this study is on how these aspects advance the social justice agenda of the country and that of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). A case study approach by way of a comparative study of HRM systems in two universities in the Eastern Cape of South Africa was undertaken. A mixed method approach was utilised in this study. The first phase involved in-depth qualitative data collection. This was followed by a quantitative data collection process. The results of the study indicate the need for a relevant, localised HRM Model which meets the needs of South African universities and other sectors in South Africa. The current HRM curricula used for the training of HR practitioners needs are to be reviewed to ensure relevant content is covered in preparing graduates for the workplace. Further, institutional executive general management and HRM capability require attention and a renewed focus on HRM development and capacity building are required. The capability of the executive management of universities was found to be a key factor in the advancement of transformational change. In addition, the need for localised HRM research with specific emphasis on HR practice and effectiveness as well as the location of HRM within the South African legislative milieu emerged as a critical factor. Finally, the institutional positioning of HR needs to be addressed in terms of structural alignment and decision-making capability. The recommendations propose that the South African Regulatory Value Aligned (SARVA) HRM Model be used in the South African context; as it considers the extraneous variables and factors that can meaningfully lead to effective HR practices. It is envisaged that the model will act as the nexus between the organisation, its strategy, outcomes, values in alignment with the provisions of the ILO, the country’s legislative framework and stakeholder requirements. The development of the SARVA HRM Model which can be used across different sectors and industries both in South Africa and within the Southern African Development Community region, is a key contribution emanating from the study. The model may be utilised in a global context as it proposes the prescripts of the ILO and the legislative framework on a country-basis as well as institutional values, which together with identified HRM functions, provide a cohesive modality for HR practices within organisations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Menslike Hulpbron Bestuur (MHB) stelsels is ‘n kern komponent van elke organisasie en omsluit modelle, praktyke, uitgangspunte en ander hoofaspekte, wat ‘n invloed het op die effektiwiteit en relevansie van dienslewering en uitsette wat aan verbruikers gelewer word. Die gepaardgaande suksesfaktore asook onvermoë van MHB stelsels het uiteindelik ‘n masiewe impak op die organisasie. Die eksperimentele werk wat onderneem is, het ten doel om die impak van Menslike Hulpbron (MH) modelle, MH vaardighede en transformerende leierskap op die prestasies, tevredenheid en persepsies van personeel vas te stel. Ondermeer, is ‘n ontleding gedoen om die bekwaamhede van MH praktisyns te identifseer. Die studie en bevindings het verder ten doel om MH departemente van hulp te wees met die oorweging van transformerende leierskap en die verbetering van MH modelle en vaardighede, relatief tot die vereistes in die hoër onderwys (HO) sektor. Suid-Afrika ervaar uitdagings met betrekking tot MHB stelsels in hoër onderwys. Om die onmiddelike behoeftes van bestaande organisasies aan te spreek, word ‘n hersiening van huidige praktyke en modelle vereis. Die primêre doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die MHB stelsels wat in hoër onderwys instansies in Suid-Afrika gebruik word. Bykomend, is transformerende leierskap modelle en vaardighede binne die HO sektor in Suid Afrika ondersoek. Die fokus van die studie is om te bepaal hoe hierdie aspekte die sosiale geregtigheid agenda van die land en “the International Labour Organisation (ILO)” kan bevorder. ‘n Gevalle studie benadering by wyse van ‘n vergelykende studie van MHB stelsels is onderneem by twee universiteite in die Oos-Kaap van Suid-Afrika. ‘n Gemengde metodiese benadering is gevolg in die studie. Die eerste fase het ‘n benadering van in-diepte kwalitatiewe data versameling behels. Dit is opgevolg deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe data versameling proses. Die resultate van die studie het aangedui dat daar ‘n behoefte is vir ‘n relevante, plaaslike MHB Model wat die behoeftes kan aanspreek van Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite en ander sektore in Suid-Afrika. Die huidige curriculum wat toegepas word vir die opleiding van MH praktisyns het hersiening nodig om te verseker dat die inhoud relevant is om gradueerdes voor te berei vir die werkplek. Bykomend, uitvoerende bestuurder in die algemeen en MHB kapasiteit vereis aandag en ‘n hernuwe fokus op MHB ontwikkeling en uitbreiding van kapasiteit. Die kapasiteit van uitvoerende bestuur van universiteite is die sleutel aspek vir die bevordering van verandering en transformasie. Ondermeer, die studie het ‘n behoefte opgelewer vir MHB navorsing met spesifieke fokus op MH praktyk en effektiwiteit, asook die posisionering van MHB binne die milieu van Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing. Dit is geïdentifiseer as ‘n kardinale aspek. Ten slotte, die posisionering van MH moet aangespreek word in terme van strukturele integrasie en om kapasiteit te skep vir besluitneming. Die aanbevelings versoek dat die regulerings instansie, “the South African Regulatory Value Aligned (SARVA)” die MHB Model aanwend in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks; waar dit oorweging kan gee aan veranderlike faktore wat kan lei tot effektiewe MH praktyke. Die verwagting is dat die model sal dien as ‘n skakel tussen die organisasie, die strategie, uitkomste, waardes in terme van integrasie met die vereistes van die ILO, the land se wetgewende raamwerk asook die behoeftes van individuele rolspelers. ‘n Oorsprong van hierdie studie is die ontwikkeling van die “SARVA” MHB Model. Dit lewer ‘n sleutel bydrae, wat gebruik kan word oor verskillende sektore en industrieë in Suid-Afrika en binne die Suider-Afrika Ontwikkelings Gemeenskap streek. Die model kan aangewend word in ‘n globale konteks vanweë die feit dat dit voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die ILO en wetgewende raamwerk op ‘n nationale basis. Die organisatoriese waardes tesame met geïdentifiseerde MHB funksies verskaf ‘n platform vir geïntegreerde MH praktyke in organisasies.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Personnel management -- South Africa -- Case studies, Universities and colleges -- South Africa, Performance -- Management -- South Africa, Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa, Transformative leadership, Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa -- Case studies, UCTD