Profiling Botswana consumers of furniture, appliances and electronics : demographics, lifestyle, values, shopping motivation, product-attitudes and information sources

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Retail is an indispensable part of modern human life, with the acquisition of furniture, appliances and electronics (FAE) integrally linked to the improvement of the standard of living of most consumers. FAE retail in Southern Africa has been under pressure in recent years, with the collapse of the biggest chain and store closures in other chains. Under these circumstances, having a better understanding of and insights into consumer behaviour could constitute a competitive advantage for a furniture retail chain operating in this market. Improved segmentation and profiling of consumers could result in better product positioning and marketing and promotions tailored to consumer needs. Despite the importance of FAE, published research on this category specifically is rare and seemingly non-existent in Botswana, which, despite its small population, is an attractive target market and deserving of more research. The main objectives of this study were to determine to what extent FAE consumers in Botswana could be clustered and/or segmented according to demographics, lifestyle (activities, interests, and opinions), values, shopping motivation, product attitude and information sources; and to profile the different clusters of FAE consumers. The study was exploratory, quantitative, and descriptive. A non-random convenience sample was drawn from consumers who had made an FAE purchase in one of the nationwide stores within a large Botswana retail chain during the data collection period. The store intercept method was used for data collection, using a survey instrument consisting of three sections, namely section A, a general section (type of product, price paid, payment options and product attitude); section B that dealt with lifestyle, values and shopping motivation, and section C that contained questions on demographics. A sample of 343 respondents realised (n = 343). Data analysis included descriptive statistics, reliability analyses, principal component analyses, a clustering analysis aiming to identify FAE segments or clusters, and concluded with ANOVA analyses to determine the differences between the identified clusters. Consumer motivation is commonly classified based on the distinction between utilitarian (functional, task focused) and hedonic (experiential, pleasurable, sensory) consumption needs. The main findings indicated that the respondents could be clustered by differences in shopping motivation and were predominantly functionally motivated. Four clusters were identified, namely Moderate Shoppers (37%); Pragmatic Shoppers (26%); Shopping Avoiders (20%) and Involved Shoppers (16%). The Involved Shoppers, being more hedonically motivated than the other clusters, had a higher preference for a hedonic prize, and were more prone to impulse buying. The clusters also differed on the time spent from making the decision to buy to the actual purchase, with the Moderate Shoppers, the youngest in age, taking the longest time. The findings and recommendations provide guidance to Botswana FAE retail management about where to focus their efforts to improve the shopping experience of their consumers, and how to target marketing practices to fulfil the diverse needs of their consumers. The limitations of the study are noted and future research possibilities are highlighted.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die kleinhandel het ’n onontbeerlike deel van ‘n moderne leefwyse geword en die aankoop van meubels, toestelle en elektroniese toerusting (MTE) word geassosieer met ’n verhoogde lewenstandaard vir die meeste verbruikers. In Suider-Afrika het handel in MTE’s in die onlangse verlede druk ervaar met die ineenstorting van die grootste kettinggroep en die sluit van verskeie ander meubelwinkels. Teen hierdie agtergrond kan groter insigte in verbruikersgedrag ’n mededingingsvoordeel in die mark vir ’n meubelkettinggroep inhou. Verbeterde segmentering en beskrywing van verbruikers kan aanleiding gee tot beter produkposisionering en bemarking en promosies wat pasgemaak is vir die behoeftes van verbruikers. Hoewel die aankoop van MTE’s belangrik is, is navorsing wat tot nog toe oor hierdie onderwerp gepubliseer is skaars en grootliks onontgin, veral met betrekking tot Botswana. Ten spyte van sy klein bevolking is hierdie land ’n aantreklike teikenmark wat meer navorsing verdien. Die hoofdoelwitte van hierdie studie was om vas te stel tot watter mate MTE-verbruikers in Botswana gegroepeer en /of gesegmenteer kan word volgens demografie, leefstyl (aktiwiteite, belangstellings en menings), waardes, aankoopmotivering, houding teenoor die produk en inligtingsbronne en om die verskillende verbruikersgroeperings te beskryf. Hierdie studie is verkennend, kwantitatief en beskrywend van aard. ’n Nie-ewekansige gerieflikheidsteekproef is by ’n landswye kettingwinkel in Botswana verkry van verbruikers wat MTE-aankope gedoen het tydens die periode van data-insameling. Verbruikers is in winkels versoek om aan die studie deel te neem. Die vraelys het uit drie dele bestaan. Afdeling A het gehandel met algemende kwessies soos tipe produk, prys betaal, betaalkeuses en houding teenoor produk; Afdeling B met leefstyl, waardes en aankoopmotivering en afdeling C, met demografie. Die grootte van die steekproef wat gerealiseer kon word, was 343 (n = 343). Data-analises het onder andere bestaan uit beskrywende statistiek, betroubaarheidstoetsing, hoofkomponentanalises, ’n groeperingsanalise wat ten doel gehad het om MTE-segmente of groeperings te identifiseer en ’n ANOVA-analise om die verskille tussen die groeperings wat geïdentifiseer is, te bepaal. Verbruikersmotivering word normaalweg geklassifiseer na aanleiding van die onderskeid tussen utilitaristiese (funksioneel en taakgerigte) of hedonistiese (ervaring-, plesier- en sensoriesgerigte) verbruikersbehoeftes. Die hoofbevindings het aangedui dat die respondente gegroepeer kan word volgens verskille in aankoopmotivering en dat verbruikers hoofsaaklik funksioneel gemotiveerd is. Vier groeperings is geïdentifiseer, naamlik “Gematigde Kopers” (37%), “Pragmatiese Kopers” (26%), “Vermydingskopers” (20%) en “Betrokke kopers” (16%). Die “Betrokke Kopers” was meer hedonisties gemotiveerd as die ander groeperings, het ’n groter voorkeur gehad vir hedonistiese pryse en was meer geneig tot impulsiewe aankope. Die groeperings het ook verskil met betrekking tot die tyd wat hulle spandeer het vandat hulle besluit het om die aankoop te doen tot die tyd van die aankoop sélf. Die “Gematigde Kopers” was die jongste ouderdomsgroep en het die langste geneem om die aankoop te doen. Die bevindinge en aanbevelings van die studie gee riglyne aan MTE-kleinhandelbestuur in Botswana oor wat hulle kan doen om verbruikers se koopervaring te verbeter en hoe om meer optimaal te bemark om aan verskillende verbruikersbehoeftes te voldoen. Ten slotte word die beperkings van die studie vermeld met spesifieke verwysing na moontlikhede vir toekomstige navorsing.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Consumer behavior -- Botswana, Furniture industry and trade -- Botswana, Consumers -- Research -- Botswana, UCTD