Determining the changes in the sustainable livelihoods of informal settlements in the city of Cape Town metropolitan from 2001 and 2011

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The essence of human dignity is constitutionally stipulated as having rights to adequate housing, service delivery and an opportunity to participate in the country’s economy, to mention but a few generational rights as per the constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The fulfilment of the Bill of Rights, Chapter 2 of the Constitution and or lack of, determines the standard of livelihoods for South Africans. The rural-urban migration and urbanisation as well as natural growth, have challenged the notion of adequate housing through perpetual development of informal settlements in an unsustainable manner in informal settlements of Cape Town Metropolitan. The dwellers are exposed to different vulnerabilities which include but are not limited to: lack of security of tenure; lack of access to potable water, energy source for cooking, inadequate sanitation, abandoned waste and food insecurity that is linked to the socio-economic urban poly-crises. The government in collaboration with other stakeholders, NGO’s, PPP, CBO’s, and general community members must acknowledge the complex existence of informal settlements and come up with context defined transdisciplinary solutions that will promote sustainable development and urban resilience. The intention of this study is to determine the spatial distributional changes in sustainable livelihood patterns of informal settlements in Cape Town from 2001 to 2011. Census 2001 and 2011 was utilised to calculate the Analysis of Variances (ANOVA) for service delivery indices of water, energy sources for cooking, sanitation (toilet), refuse removal and economic conditions of income and employment from 2001 to 2011-in order to determine if statistically significant changes have occurred in the sustainable livelihood of informal settlements in Cape Town. Thereafter, the thematic maps were created to display the spatial representation of population density and average percentage for the variables of water, energy sources for cooking, sanitation (toilet), refuse removal and economic conditions of income and employment from 2001 to 2011- to determine where have the sustainable livelihoods occurred and why. The results show that the spatial distribution of population densities in most areas recorded in data analysis show that there is an increase in sustainable livelihood of informal settlements in Cape Town between 2001 and 2011. Some areas have shown significant increase while others have not improved since 2001, such as the Southern part of Bellville with a reflection of 21% to 40% of poor services. Southern Bellville displayed poor sustainable livelihood for both 2001 and 2011 due to poor management, and infrastructural limitations. While other parts such as the eastern- south of Khayelitsha show more than 80% excellent services which contributes positively to sustainable livelihood. The results also indicate that there has been an overall increase in terms of service delivery with an indication of p=<0.01 in informal settlements of Cape Town from 2001 to 2011, with an exception of refuse removal index that shows no significant changes with an indication of p=0.56 larger than 0.5. With all indices combined, excluding refuse removal, they show that there was an increase in sustainable livelihood patterns of informal settlements in Cape Town from 2001 to 2011. Therefore, the study rejects the notion that change has not occurred in informal settlements of Cape Town Metropolitan from 2001 to 2011.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kruks van menswaardigheid word grondwetlik gestipuleer as die reg tot voldoende behuising, dienslewering en die geleentheid om deel te neem aan die land se ekonomie, net om ‘n paar menseregte te noem soos voorgeskryf deur die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika. Die toepassing van die Handves van Menseregte, Hoofstuk 2 van die Grondwet en of gebrek daaraan, bepaal die standaard van lewensbestaan vir Suid Afrikaners. Die landelik-stedelike migrasie en verstedeliking sowel as nuutlike groei, het die neiging van voldoende behuising bemoeilik deur die ewige ontwikkeling van informele nedersettings in ‘n onvolhoubare manier in die informele nedersetting van Cape Town Metropolitan. Die inwoners word blootgestel aan verskeie kwesbaarhede wat, onder andere, die gebrek aan sekuriteit van verblyfreg; gerbek aan toegang tot vervoerbare water, energiebronne vir kook, onvoldoende sanitasie, afval en gebrek aan voedsel insluit wat verbind is aan die sosioekonomiese stedelike poli-krisis. Die regering in samewerking met ander aandeelhouers, NGO’s, PPP, CBO’s, en die algemene gemeenskap moet die komplekse bestaan van informele nedersettings erken en dink aan ‘n konteks-gebasseerde uitwegte wat die volhoubare ontwikkeling en die stedelike veerkragtigheid sal bevorder. Die doel van die studie is om die ruimtelike verspreidings-veranderinge in volhoubare lewensbestaan patrone van die informele nedersettings in Kaapstad van 2001 tot 2011 te bepaal. Sensus 2001 en 2011 is gebruik om die “Analysis of Variances” (ANOVA) vir diensleweing van water, energiebronne vir kook, sanitasie, afval verwydering en ekonomiese omstandighede van inkomste en indiensneming van 2001 tot 2011 om sodoende te bepaal of daar beduidende statistiese veranderinge plaasgevind het. Daarna, is die tematiese kaarte gemaak om die verspreidings verteenwoordiging van die bevolkingsdigtheid en die gemiddelde persentasie vir die veranderlikes van water, enrgiebronne, sanitasie, afval verwydering en ekonomiese omstandighede van inkomste en indiensneming van 2001 tot 2011 pm te bepaal waar die volhoubare lewensbestaan plaasgevind het en hoekom. Die resultate toon dat die ruimtelike verspreiding van die bevolkingsdigtheid in die meeste areas in die data-analise toon 'n toename in volhoubare lewensbestaan van informele nedersettings in Kaapstad tussen 2001 en 2011. Sommige areas het 'n beduidende toename getoon terwyl ander geen verbetering ondergaan het vanaf 2001 nie soos die Suidelike deel van Belville met 'n weerspieeling van 21 tot 40% van slegte dienslewering. Suidelike Belville het swak volhoubare lewensbestaan getoon vir beide 2001 en 2011 as gevolg van swak bestuur en gebrek aan infastruktuur. Terwyl ander dele soos die Oostelike-Suide van Khayelitsha meer as 80% uitstekende dienslewering getoon het wat 'n positiewe bydrae lewer tot volhoubare lewensbestaan. Die resultate dui aan dat daar ‘n algehele styging was in verband met dienslewring met ‘n indikasie van p=<0.01in informele nedersettings in Kaapstad vanaf 2001 tot 2011, met die uitsondering van afvalverwydering indeks wat geen beduidende veranderinge toon nie met ‘n indikasie van p=0.56 groter as 0.5. Met al die gekombineerd, uitsluitend die afvalverwydering, is daar ‘n beduidende toename in volhoubare lewensbestaan pattrone in informele nedersettings in Kaapstad vanaf 2001 tot 2011. Dus verwerp die studie die idee dat geen verandering plaasgevind het in informele nedersettings vanaf 2001 tot 2011 in die informele nedersettings van Kaapstad Metropolitan.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Cities and towns -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area, Squatter settlements -- Economic conditions -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area, UCTD, Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Municipal services -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Land use, Urban -- South Africa -- Cape Town