Determinants of infant and young child feeding practices of children 0-23 months among agro-pastoralist communities in east Pokot in Baringo County, Kenya

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Introduction: Adequate nutrition is critical to child development and survival and can be achieved by appropriate Infant Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices. It is recommended that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life with the introduction of appropriate and safe complementary foods at six months, and continuation of breastfeeding for up to two years of age and beyond in order to achieve optimal growth, normal development and comprehensive health. Regrettably, this period from birth to two years of age is often marked by growth faltering, nutrient deficiencies and infections due to inappropriate IYCF practices. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of IYCF practices of children 0-23 months among agro-pastoralist communities in East Pokot Sub-county in Baringo County, Kenya. Methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional, analytical design. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 302 mothers of infants 0-23 months old using researcher-administered, structured questionnaires. Information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of households and IYCF practices were collected. Since the ages of the participating children ranged from 0-23 months and the indicators differed in months measured, the total (N and n) for each indicator-age category differed. Results: About half (52%; n=157) of mothers-initiated breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Exclusive breastfeeding up to six months was practiced by 38.5% (n=55) and continued breastfeeding up to two years by 7.9% (n=3) of the mothers. Forty two and a half percent (42.5%; n=127) of children were given pre-lacteal feeds and 31% (n=49) were bottle fed. Almost two-thirds (60%; n=24) of the children aged six to eight months had received complementary foods at the time of study, 59.2% (n=122) attained minimum meal frequency while dietary diversity was reached by 53.3% (n=49). Twenty three percent (22.8%; n=47) of children 6-23 months of age attained the minimum acceptable diet. There was a significant relationship between demographic (mother’s age, educational level and marital status) and socio-economic characteristics (source of family income, occupation of the mother and income allocated to food) and whether the child was ever breastfed (ρ=0.000); while no significant relationship was found between timely introduction of CF and demographic and socio-economic characteristics (ρ > 0.05). Conclusion: IYCF practices and its determinants were investigated in this study. Breastfeeding practices were found to be sub-optimal. More than half of the study population practiced appropriate complementary feeding practices. Socio-cultural determinants negatively influenced breastfeeding practices e.g. by introducing herbal concoction to infants before six months of age. Poor IYCF practices could also be attributed to demographic determinants like low level of maternal education and marital status as well as poor access to healthcare and poor physical infrastructure of the area. Targeted maternal, infant and young child health promotion programmes will be key in promoting optimal IYCF practices in East Pokot Sub-county.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Inleiding: Voldoende voeding is krities vir kinderontwikkeling en oorlewing en kan bereik word deur toepaslike Baba en Jong Kind Voeding (BJKV) praktyke. Dit word aanbeveel dat babas eksklusief geborsvoed moet word vir die eerste ses maande van lewe met die insluiting van toepaslike en veilige komplimentêre voedsel op ses maande, met volgehoue borsvoeding tot twee jaar en langer om optimale groei, normale ontwikkeling en omvattende gesondheid te bereik. Ongelukkig word die periode vanaf geboorte tot twee jaar dikwels gekenmerk deur ontoereikende groei, voedingstof-tekorte en infeksies as gevolg van ontoepaslike BJKV praktyke. Doel: Die doel van die studie was om die oorsake van BJKV praktyke van kinders 0-23 maande in gemeenskappe wat landbou beoefen met lewende hawe in ‘n dorre area, Oos-Pokot in Barongo distrik, Kenia te ondersoek. Metodes: Die studie het ‘n deursnit, analitiese ontwerp gevolg. In-persoon onderhoude was gevoer met 302 moeders met babas 0-23 maande oud met behulp van navorser-geadministreerde, gestruktureerde vraelyste. Inligting oor demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese karaktereienskappe van huishoudings en BJKV praktyke was ingesamel. Aangesien die ouderdomme van die deelnemende kinders gestrek het van 0-23 maande en die indikatore verskil het vir die maande gemeet, het die totale (N en n) vir elke ouderdom-indikator kategorie verskil. Resultate: Meer as helfte (52%; n=157) van moeders het borsvoeding geïnisieer binne een uur na geboorte. Ekslusiewe borsvoeding tot ses maande was beoefen deur 38.8% (n=55) en volgehoue borsvoeding deur 7.9% (n=3) van die moeders. Twee en veertig en ‘n half persent (42.5%; n=127) van kinders het pre-laktasie voedings ontvang en 31% (n=49) was gebottelvoed. Bykans twee-derdes (60%; n=24) van die kinders ses tot agt maande oud het komplimentêre voedsel (KV) tydends die studie-periode ontvang, 59.2% (n=122) het die minimum maaltyd frekwensie bereik en 53.3% (n=49) het dieetdiversiteit bereik. Drie en twintig persent (22.8%; n=47) van kinders 6-23 maande oud het ‘n minimum aanvaarbare dieet ontvang. Daar was ‘n beduidende verwantskap tussen demografiese - (moeder se ouderdom, opvoedingsvlak en huwelikstatus) en sosio-ekonomiese karaktereienskappe (bron van familie inkomste; moeder se beroep en inkomste geallokeer aan voedsel) en of die kind ooit geborsvoed was (ρ=0.000); met geen beduidende verwantskap tussen die tydige insluiting van KV en demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese karaktereienskappe nie (ρ > 0.05). Gevolgtrekking: Die studie het BJKV praktyke en die invloede daarop ondersoek. Dit was bevind dat borsvoedingpraktyke sub-optimaal was. Meer as helfte van die studiepopulasie het toepaslike komplimentêre voedingpraktyke gevolg. Sosio-kulturele invloede het borsvoeding negatief beïnvloed, bv. die insluiting van kruie-konkoksies aan babas voor ses maande ouderdom. Swak BJKV praktyke kan ook aan demografiese oorsake gekoppel word, soos lae opvoedingsvlakke van moeders en huwelikstatus asook swak toegang tot gesondheidsorg en swak fisiese infrastruktuur van die area. Geteikende moder, baba en jong kind gesondheidsbevorderende programme sal ‘n sleutel rol speel in die bevordering van optimal BJKV praktyke in Oos Pokot Sub-distrik.
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Toddlers -- Nutrition -- East Pokot (Kenya), Infants -- Nutrition -- East Pokot (Kenya), UCTD