A shift from private to public urban management: a case study of Oranjemund, Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study analyses the managerial shift from private to public authority in the town of Oranjemund, Namibia. It covers the theme of urban management and understanding what it means. It does so by looking at the definition of urban management and two different approaches to management: Tradition Management and New Public Management (NPM). It discusses the differences between the two approaches and the relationship the public and privates sector have regarding services and infrastructure. The paper specifically touches on the shift from a traditional management approach to the NPM approach. The collaborative relationship between the public sector, private sector and civil society that the NPM promotes is highlighted throughout the study. Furthermore, the theme of urban management is applied to the concept of mine towns and what happens to these towns, their infrastructure and citizens after they have reached their full life span. The town transformation process of Oranjemund is elaborated on and broken down. The shift in its managerial approach is discussed and it is clear that the collaborative approach (NPM) is the best way forward when striving towards a post-mining town economy towards a multi-faceted, independent, thriving and sustainable town. Keywords: traditional urban management, new public urban management, mining towns, company towns, town council, private management, public management.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie analiseer die bestuurs-verskuiwing van privaat na publieke gesag in die dorp van Oranjemund, Namibie. Dit dek die tema van stedelike bestuur en hoe om dit te verstaan. Dit doen dit deur om te kyk na die defenisie van stedelike bestuur en twee verskillenede benaderings van die soort bestuur: Tradisionele Bestuur en Nuwe Openbare Bestuur (NOB). Dit bespreek die verskil tussen die twee benaderings en die verhouding wat die publieke en privaate sektor het met betrekking tot dienste en infrastruktuur. Die papier raak spesefiek op die verskuiwing van a traditioneele bestuur benadering na dit van die NOB benadering. Die gesamentlike verhouding tussen die publieke sektor, privaate sektor en die burgerlike gemeenskap wat die NPM benadering bevorder is uitgelig regdeur die studie. Verder, die tema van stedelike bestuur word toegepas aan die konsep van myn dorpe en wat gebeur met hierdie dorp, sy infrastruktuur, en burgers waneer die myn sy volle lewensduur bereik het. Dit brei uit op- en breek af die stads transformasie proses van Oranjemund. Dit kyk na die verandering in bestuur in die proses en bewys dat waneer n’ myn dorp streef na n suksesvolle post-myn ekonomie is die gesamentlike verhouding benadering (NOB) die beste manier om voorentoe te beweeg en as n onafhanklike, vooruistrewende en volhoubare dorp te ontwikkel.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
UCTD, Municipal government -- Namibia -- Oranjemund, Public-private sector cooperation, Company towns -- Management