Development of social capital through the cycling and academic support programme

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch, South Africa, home to Stellenbosch University and the Kayamandi township is one of the most socially and economically diverse areas in the country. The cycling and academic support programme is working towards narrowing this gap by providing sporting and educational opportunities for youth in Kayamandi. The current study explored the development of social capital through this programme by conducting semi-structured interviews with programme leaders and programme participants. Responses from the leaders and participants were analysed and discussed separately in two articles that form part of this study. For the first article, five programme leaders, two male and three female between the ages of 27 and 72 years (mean age: 40.6 years), were interviewed. All interviews were conducted at the programme clubhouse and lasted less than one hour each. Superordinate themes identified through thematic analysis include: 1) education (world experiences, tutors, school); 2) networks (social skills, personal relationships, professional relationships); and 3) health (social, affective, and physical domains). The second article, which focuses on perceptions held by participants of the programme, comprised of interviews with 10 participants, seven males and three females, between the ages of 15 and 24 years (mean age: 18.3 years). These interviews were conducted either in English or if requested in IsiXhosa, the mother tongue of most of the participants, with the help of a translator. Four superordinate themes were identified through thematic analysis: 1) educational support (tutoring, further education, resources); 2) networks (personal relationships, leadership); 3) attitude (decision making, behaviour, world experiences); and 4) exit plan (goals, community, life skills). These results allow for a better understanding of social capital development through the programme and the impact it is having on the programme leaders and participants. For those living in this marginalized community, the network of relationships formed at, their network of social capital, has had a significant impact on their lives. This applies to both the programme leaders and participants. These results could potentially enhance future development of social capital within this programme and programmes like it.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika, tuiste van Stellenbosch Universiteit en die Kayamandi nedersetting, is een van die mees sosiale en ekonomiese diverse areas in die land. Die fietsry en akademiese ondersteuningsprogram poog om hierdie gaping te vernou deur sport- en opvoedkundige geleenthede aan die jeug van Kayamandi te bied. Die huidige studie het die ontwikkeling van sosiale kapitaal deur die program ondersoek deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met programleiers en –deelnemers te voer. Die inligting wat vanaf hierdie deelnemers bekom is, word in twee afsonderlike navorsingsartikels, wat deel vorm van hierdie studie, bespreek. Vyf programleiers, waarvan twee manlik en drie vroulik, tussen die ouderdomme van 27 en 72 jaar (gemiddelde ouderdom: 40.6 jaar), se inligting word in die eerste artikel gerapporteer. Alle onderhoude is by die program se klubhuis afgelê en het telkens minder as een uur geduur. Die volgende super-orde temas is geïdentifiseer: 1) onderwys (wêreld ervarings, tutors, skool); 2) netwerke (sosiale vaardighede, persoonlike verhoudinge, professionele verhoudinge); en 3) gesondheid (sosiale, emosionele, en fisieke domeine). Die tweede artikel fokus op die persepsies van programdeelnemers en sluit onderhoude met 10 deelnemers in, sewe manlik en drie vroulik, tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 24 jaar (gemiddelde ouderdom: 18.3 jaar). Onderhoude is in Engels of indien versoek in Xhosa, die moedertaal van meeste deelnemers, met behulp van ‘n tolk gevoer. Vier oorkoepelende temas is deur tematiese analise geïdentifiseer: 1) opvoedkundige ondersteuning (tutors, verdere onderwys, hulpbronne); 2) netwerke (persoonlike netwerke, leierskap); 3) gesindheid (besluitnemening, gedrag, wêreld ervarings); en 4) uittreeplan (doelwitte, gemeenskap, lewensvaardighede). Hierdie resultate verdiep kennis aangaande die ontwikkeling van sosiale kapitaal deur die betrokke program en die impak daarvan op die programleiers en deelnemers. Vir diegene wat in hierdie gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap woon dra die program betekenisvol tot hul lewens by deurdat nuwe verhoudingsnetwerke of sosiale kapitaal netwerke gevorm word. Die resultate kan moontlik toekomstig tot beter ontwikkeling van sosiale kapitaal deur die betrokke program, asook ander soortgelyke programme, bydra.
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Development through sport, Kayamandi -- Stellenbosch -- cycling, Social capital