Perdryterapie vir laerskoolleerders met fisiese gestremdhede: Sienings van professionele en beroepspersone

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Children with a physical disability in their middle childhood phase are very vulnerable as they are dependent on others to fulfil their basic needs. Equine-assisted therapy provides these children the opportunity to promote their balance, posture and self-esteem and to function more independently and thus reaching their full potential. The type of physical disability that the child has as well as the child’s physical, cognitive and psycho-social developmental stage must be taken into consideration when a care plan is compiled for the child. Little research is done regarding the physical and emotional benefits of equine-assisted therapy for primary school children with a physical disability and the role of the social worker in utilising equine-assisted therapy. This study tries to close this gap in research. Different role players, namely the occupational therapist, speech therapist, horse riding instructor, teacher and physiotherapist are involved in equine-assisted therapy. The goal of this study is to obtain the views of professional and occupational people who are involved in equine-assisted therapy with primary school learners who are physically disabled. A qualitative research approach was followed and descriptive and exploratory research designs were used because little literature is available about the role of the social worker and other professional and occupational people who utilise equine-assisted therapy for primary school learners who are physically disabled. The research question is: How do professional and occupational people utilise equine-assisted therapy for middle childhood children with a physical disability? A purposive sample of participants consisting of fifteen professional and occupational people who are involved with equine-assisted therapy, was used. A semi-structured interview schedule was used for individual interviews with participants to gather data. The most prominent findings and conclusions of the study are firstly that the social worker should form part of a multi-disciplinary team when a care plan to utilise equine-assisted therapy is compiled for a chid in the middle childhood phase that has a physical disability. Secondly professional and occupational people who are involved in equine-assisted therapy should have the necessary qualifications when working with a child that has a physical disability. Thirdly equine-assisted therapy has various benefits for the child with a physical disability to promote their level of functioning independently. Lastly the child’s self-esteem increases to such a degree that the children can express their needs and their relationship with the people closest to them improves. The most prominent recommendation is that there is a need to raise awareness regarding the social worker’s role in utilising equine-assisted therapy as a therapeutic mechanism. Lastly recommendations for future research were made. This includes that more research must be done that focus on the benefits and use of equine-assisted therapy as a therapeutic mechanism for children of all ages, as well as how social workers can be involved in the process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Laerskool kinders met `n fisiese gestremdheid in hulle middeljarefase is baie weerloos aangesien hulle afhanklik is van ander om hul basiese behoeftes te bevredig. Perdryterapie bied aan hierdie kinders die geleentheid om hul balans, postuur en selfbeeld te verbeter en om meer onafhanklik te funksioneer om sodoende hulle volle potensiaal te bereik. Die tipe fisiese gestremdheid wat die kind het asook sy fisiese, kognitiewe en psigo-sosiale ontwikkelingstadium moet in ag geneem word wanneer daar ʼn sorgplan opgestel word vir die kind. Min navorsing rakende die fisiese en emosionele voordele van perdryterapie en die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die benutting van perdryterapie, is alreeds by fisies gestremde laerskoolleerders gedoen. Die studie poog om die gaping in navorsing te oorbrug. Verskillende rolspelers, naamlik die arbeidsterapeut, spraakterapeut, perdry-instrukteur, onderwyser en fisioterapeut is betrokke by perdryterapie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om begrip te bevorder vir die bydrae van perdryterapie as ʼn terapeutiese meganisme vir laerskoolleerders met fisiese gestremdhede. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg en ʼn verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is benut aangesien min literatuur beskikbaar is oor die rol van die maatskaplike werker en ander professionele en beroepspersone wat perdryterapie vir laerskoolleerders met `n fisiese gestremdheid benut. Die navorsingsvraag is: Hoe benut professionele en beroepspersone perdryterapie vir die middeljare kinders met `n fisiese gestremdheid? ʼn Doelbewuste steekproef wat bestaan uit vyftien professionele en beroepspersone wat betrokke is by perdryterapie, is gebruik. ʼn Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule is gebruik tydens individuele onderhoude met deelnemers om data in te samel. Die vernaamste bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings van die studie is eerstens dat die maatskaplike werker deel moet vorm van ʼn multi-dissplinêre span wanneer ʼn sorgplan om perdryterapie te benut vir die laerskoolkind met `n fisiese gestremdheid opgestel word. Tweedens moet professionele en beroepspersone wat betrokke is by perdryterapie oor die nodige kwalifikasies beskik wanneer hulle werk met ʼn leerder wat `n fisiese gestremdheid het. Derdens hou perdryterapie verskeie voordele in vir die kind met `n fisiese gestremdheid en verbeter sy vermoë om onafhanklik te kan funksioneer. Laastens verbeter kinders se selfvertroue tot so ʼn mate dat hulle hul behoeftes kan verwoord en sodoende hulle verhouding verbeter met die mense naaste aan hulle. Die vernaamste aanbeveling is dat daar ʼn behoefte bestaan aan bewusmaking van die rol van maatskaplike werkers in die benutting van perdry as terapeutiese meganisme. Laastens is voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak. Dit sluit onder meer in dat meer navorsing gedoen word wat fokus op die voordele en benutting van perdry as terapeutiese meganisme vir kinders van alle ouderdomsgroepe, asook hoe maatskaplike werkers betrokke kan raak by perdryterapie.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Horseman -- Therapeutic use, Hippo therapy -- Children with disabilities -- Education, Hippotherapy -- Children with disabilities -- Education, Occupational therapists, UCTD