The earthquake of 29 September 1969 in Tulbagh, South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work is an social-cultural study that gives an account of the 29 September earthquake that struck Tulbagh in the spring of 1969. This is an interdisciplinary research that takes a socioeconomic approach that awards an emic perspective of individual experiences of the natural disaster. Current historiography has been limited to the scientific determinants of the earthquake, neglecting the impact it had on the surrounding communities. It is these shortcomings that are addressed; not only are events on the immediate impact analysed, but also the way in which they have been remembered.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk is ʼn sosio-kulturele studie oor die aarbewing by Tulbagh in die lente van 1969. Dit is interdissiplinêr van aard insoverre dit gaan om ʼn volronde beskouing van individuele ervarings tydens ʼn natuurramp. Die huidige historiografie is beperk tot die wetenskaplike determinante van die aardbewing terwyl die invloed daarvan op die omliggende gemeenskappe grootliks agterweë gelaat is. Dit is hierdie leemte wat aangespreek word; nie slegs word die gebeure en onmiddellike uitwerking ontleed nie, maar ook hoe dit later in herinnering geroep sou word.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Earthquakes -- South Africa -- Tulbagh, Natural disasters -- South Africa -- History, Tulbagh (South Africa) -- Earthquake -- 1969, UCTD