Criss-cross : on weaving as a time-based process

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates weaving as a method concerned with the process of making rather than a process centred around the outcome (as is customary). My work is situated in a fast-paced and technologically-driven culture and I position the process of weaving as a political act of taking time. This act may subvert unrealistic industrial ideals of production and comment on traditional notions of weaving as women’s work. Furthermore, I deliberate on the role of the weaving loom as a possible extension of the weaver’s body and critically establish my own body as a machine-body.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek weefwerk as ‘n taak wat gefokus is op die maak-proses eerder as ‘n proses wat draai om die uitkomste (soos in die algemene gebruik). In konteks van die gejaagde tegnologies-gedrewe bestaan van ons kultuur identifiseer ek my weefwerk as ‘n politiese daad wat daarop fokus om tyd te vat. Hierdie daad kan moontlik onrealistiese industriële produksie ideale ondermyn en kommentaar lewer oor die tradisionele idee van weefwerk as ‘n vrou se werk. Ek skryf oor die rol van die weefraam en sien dit as ‘n moontlike deel van die wewer se liggaam. Verder peins ek oor my eie liggaam as a masjien-liggaam.
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
time, time-based, technology, art, paper, labour, work, machine, machine-body, product, industry, Weaving as art, The weaving process, Weaving -- Time aspects, UCTD