The effect of physiological changes on the EEG.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigates the interaction between Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and the following physiological parameters: heart rate, respiratory rate, finger temperature, galvanic skin response (GSR) and pupil diameter, due to emotion provoking stimuli. The project specifically focusses on investigating the correlation between physiological changes and changes in EEG-data due to emotional provoking images. The two primary research questions for this study are: Does exposure to the visual stimuli provoke an emotional state that can be perceived in the processed results? And: Does a statistical correlation exist between the physiological results and the EEG-data obtained? The results show that the stimuli were only effective in provoking a measurable difference between the baseline and test-values for the EEG-data, not the physiological factors. The ANOVA-tests’ results show that the specific participant always have a significant impact on the results, indicating a strong inter-participant variability. The results of the respiratory rate and skin temperature also indicated that the interaction between stimuli and participant had some influence on the resulting measurements. To conclude, it is indeed possible to perceive a difference in EEG-measurements due to the emotional stimuli, but it wasn’t possible to discern between different emotions based on the physiological and EEG-measurements. In the indication of change, the EEG-data proved to be the most effective, as this is the only parameter where statistically significant differences (α < 0.05) could be established.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die interaksie tussen elektroenfalogram (EEG) seine en die volgende fisiologiese parameters: hartklop, respiratoriese tempo, vinger temperatuur, galvaniese vel reaksie (GSR) en pupil deursnee as gevolg van emosionele uitdagende stimuli. Die projek fokus spesifiek op die verhouding tussen fisiologiese veranderinge en veranderinge in EEG-data as gevolg van die emosioneel-uitdagende fotos. Die twee primêre navorsingsvrae vir hierdie studie is: Veroorsaak die blootstelling aan visuele stimuli 'n emosionele toestand wat in die verwerkte resultate waargeneem kan word? En: bestaan daar 'n statistiese korrelasie tussen die fisiologiese resultate en die EEG-data wat verkry word? Die resultate toon dat die stimuli slegs 'n meetbare verskil tussen die basislyn en toetswaardes vir die EEG-data, nie die fisiologiese faktore nie, ontlok het. Die ANOVA-toetse se resultate toon dat die spesifieke deelnemer altyd 'n beduidende impak op die resultate het, wat 'n sterk wisselvalligheid tussen deelnemers aandui. Die resultate van die respiratoriese tempo en veltemperatuur het ook aangedui dat die interaksie tussen stimuli en deelnemer 'n mate van invloed op die gevolglike metings gehad het. Ten slotte is dit inderdaad moontlik om 'n verskil in EEG-metings waar te neem as gevolg van die emosionele stimuli, maar dit was nie moontlik om tussen verskillende emosies te onderskei, gebaseer op die fisiologiese en EEG-metings nie. In terme van aanduiding van verandering, was die EEG-data die doeltreffendste, aangesien dit is die enigste parameter waar statisties beduidende verskille (α <0.05) bevestig kon word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Physiological changes, UCTD, Electroencephalographers, Galvanic skin response, Respiratory function tests